Knoxville Search Results

News: Public Diaper Use

Do you ever go to a baseball game, football game or even the movies and always get up to take a poo or a piss. Well now you don't. How about Knoxville dressing up in old man and wearing a diaper to a game and letting it all out. Meaning taking a s**t and seeing how long people get grossed out by the smell. BETTER YET go into a movie theater were there is no ventilation and see how bad it gets. Or the same time walk into a room smelling like you are or in line and see the reaction by the peopl...

News: The Root Beer Hack Circle Caper

Okay, here we go. Here is the deal. Bam, Knoxville, Dunn, Steve-O, Party Boy, Jeff Tremaine, and myself are dressed in old man faces, but wearing tshirts that say "Beer is Good" and wearing diapers. (Substitute speedos for diapers if you want). We are gathered around Jack Nicholson's Walk of Fame star. The "Nicholson" is covered up by a taped "Ass" to make his star to say "Jack Ass". Because it is his star, it is only fair Jack Nicholson is with us too, also sporting the "Beer is Good" tshirt...

News: Danger Ehren kills Jimmy Kimmel

Prank is played on Ehren: Have Johnny knoxville and Danger Ehren on Jimmy Kimmel with the premise that Johnny is going to do some trick with a gun. When Johhny and Ehren are on the set, have a reason for Johnny to give the gun over to Ehren and have Johnny tell Ehren to shoot it at Jimmy with the idea that the gun isn't loaded. The gun will fire a blank and Jimmy will have a blood packet in his chest go off and will pretend to have really been shot and then die. Soon as this happens, Ehren is...

News: Bubba's Night Out

Johnny Knoxville should dress up like a hard-core redneck and go to the hardest gangster rap club in LA and try to blend. It would be hilarious if he tried to pick-up on pretty ladies and deliberately got out on the dance floor for a dance. A disguise of corse will be needed and should consist of usual redneck clothes complete with mullet in tow. At some point he should act so drunk that he somehow takes over the DJ table and and puts on any George Jones song. This prank could possibly includ...

News: The Fireball Fire Rockets

This prank/stunt is to get a couple of big giant rockets and make a big hole on the top so that way people could either stand or sit on top of the rockets while someone takes a match and sets them off and go flying really high up in the air over a lake and landing in it. The people I could see doing this prank/stunt would be Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Preston, Bam Margera, Wee Man, and Dave England.

News: Dethrone the King

In this prank, all of the cast members will be involved because let's be honest, it's funnier when all of the "talent" is getting hurt.The premise is that each one of the cast members will have to complete a stunt in order for the next one to start. There will be eight individual stunts -- one for Preston, Wee-Man, "Danger" Ehren, England, Dunn, Bam, Pontius, and Steve-O. Each cast members will start in an enclosed box. Once their box opens they will be released into a 60x60' area that will b...

News: Bull in a China Shop

So we have all heard the expression like a bull in a china shop. Well after seeing Knoxville's infatuation wth bulls in Jackass 2 I thought hey, why not put a real bull in china shop.I see Knoxville running down a street screaming, wearing a red matador outfit, into a china shop followed by a bull, with Knoxville and the bull running into everything in the shop and breaking lots of stuff.

News: Tourettes Bus

just arrive at a store or public place in a school or tour bus that has the sign on the sides: "ASSociation of People with Tourettes Syndrome (A.P.T.S)" and have Johnny Knoxville as the Suit and Tie Designated Chaperone. As they arrive in the parking lot to the area you wanna prank, have everyone shouting obsenities and making noises in the bus, but first, after you unload, Johnny Knoxville picks up a megaphone and tells everyone to calm down, watch they're temper, and control yourself.

One Night Stand: The Late Late Show With Jackass

Johnny Knoxville is booked as a guest on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Unbeknown to Ferguson, the producers are in cahoots with Jeff Tremaine & Knoxville. A mystery stooge is placed in the audience to be brought up at the beginning of the show as every once in a while Ferguson does this. When the stooge is brought up by Craig via insistence of the show's producers, the interview starts normal but shortly soon thereafter, the 'audience member' disagrees with Ferguson over a remark, t...

News: F#*K Jeff Tremaine!

For those who were creeped out by the Knoxville mannequin, well now i've outdone myself! Just like Jackass has taken their game to a whole new level with 3D, i've taken mine to a new level...the Jeff Tremaine sex doll! Though I can't take full credit for this doozy, because Mr. Julien Nitzberg(genius behind The Wild Whites of West Virginia) came up with the idea. He suggested I make one, and he would hand deliver it to Mr. Knoxville himself(for reasons only to be kept secret).

News: Human Cage

So check this out. Have Johnny Knoxville dressed up in his old man costume with a cage covered by a sheat. The joke is that Wee-Man will be in the cage but nobody will know it. When Johnny Knoxville walks into a store with a bunch of tourists, Wee-man has to start hitting the cage and then the sheet gets knocked off and wee-man finds a way to get out of the cage. As soon as he gets outhave him run all around the store. He should wear a thong to make it funnier. It would be good to go into a f...

News: Yack Piss Water Balloons

the crew gets together with mopeds in a giant muddy pig pen and there armed with yack piss in water balloons starting a starting a yack piss waterballoon fight lol got a ring to it raab himself and novak run into eachother trying to hit eachother in the face with a piss balloon then you cut to bam falling into a mud hole 4 foot deep or so following that knoxville jumps off a moped into the hole with bam to hide from the rest of the crew hitting both bam and knoxville with yack piss water ball...

News: Paintball Blast

The title of this prank doesn't really tell everything about it. So here it is. Imagine Johnny Knoxville walking down the road among dozens of other pedestrains. Have police sirens blaring in the backround. Have a white van speeding hen come to a screeching halt. Have Bam margera, Steve-o, and Wee-Man jump out with paintball guns and start firing them at Johnny Knoxville. While all this is happening, Preston and Chris Pontius should be on the roof of a building bombing him with balloons fille...

News: wanted prank would be to put on henws bam margera or johnny knoxville wanted or murdering his mam and dad and put it all over the news, then have bam or johnn walk into several public places like a shop or mall, have their clothes all bloody and maybe even the murder weapon in their hand and see how people react.

News: Frisky Father

Throw Knoxville in a makeup chair and age him to make him look older, put him in a Catholic priest outfit and send him out on the streets. Have hidden cameras follow him as he goes into porn shops, porn theaters, strip clubs, buys tickets to kids movies, goes to gay bars, reads a Playgirl in public places (bus stops, parks, book stores, coffee shops, etc.) walks around mens rooms and locker rooms, goes to playgrounds, takes pictures and video tapes men at Muscle Beach, etc, etc.

News: Jackass 3D Prank Contest Winner Prank

Pick a winner from the mass amounts of contestants. When their flight gets there, have a limo (a real shitty one) pick them up to charter them to a desired location. On the way the Limo driver gets pulled over (fake cop of course) and the Limo driver goes to jail for warrants. The contestant will be left alone until the wrecker service comes to tow the Limo. The wrecker driver then offers the contestant a ride to the destination but he has to make a quick stop first. The wrecker driver asks t...

News: some BMX S#@&

Get a pool and fill it with shit and then have dave, try to jump over it with a bmx bike, and rig the bmx bike seat by putting a air bag underneath it, and as soon as he gets to the top of the ramp have wee man stick a steel pole inside the front spokes, and have the airbag go off which will make him fly up and as he's flying have knoxville, bam, and dunn shoot him with paintball guns.

News: poo poo tug of war

its like tug of war, except the team who falls in the huge pile of sh*t loses Bam Margera, Christian Moore (ME), Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Wee-Man, Ryan Dunn vs. Preston Lacy, Ehren McGhehey, Dave England, Johnny Knoxville, Rake Yohn, Rabb Himself

News: the swearing granny

johnny knoxville or one of the other jackass's could get dressed up as old granny then walking into places like shops and swear her dead off demanding stuff and just being a jackass to everyone in the store, they won't expect that behaviour off a dear old granny so the reactions should be funny.

News: Catholic School Parade

i know it's a simple prank but i thought it wuld be funny to have Knoxville, Pontius, Dunn, O, England, Weeman, and Preston dress in their gayest or most revealing outfits and parade around in a catholic school with gay techno blasting through boombox and wave around the rainbow logo flag

News: going on a trip

first you have a member of jackass suit up in an old mans out fit. prefferably johnny knoxville. and in a busy area of town where there is a decent amount of steps. have the old man aproach the steps while reading a news paper or magazine and have him trip and fall down the stairs in a safe way but looks harmful to the people watching this horific accident. once at the bottom landing of the staircase groan in pain and agony as for you have broken your hip or some other part of the body. and t...

News: mace minicylce mayhem

X amounts of bear mace , 5 mini mini motorcyles , 1 bam , 1 danger , 1 knoxville , 1 ryan dunn , and the one and only steve-o ... now in an enclosed area or a busy Los Angles street (rodeo dr.) whatevers easier , each member must be sprayed with ther bear mace while trying to slalom through a verity of objects (i.e people , cars , traffic , wee man equipped with a can of mace in each hand , crocidiles etc.) for each time one of he player miss they must start again ... the winner chooses the 4...

News: Screw over the Local Supermarket

There's two senile senior citizens disguised from Steve-O and Johnny Knoxville who claims they have "gotten sick of hospital food", and decided to rob a local supermarket. One guy is wearing his sports shorts, walking with a walking stick, and with parts of his genitals exposing, plobbing everywhere. (Johhny) While the other guy's on a wheel chair, just pitifully rolling to the supermarket with his (fake) detures and the hospital gown(steve-O). As they entered the assumed "Cosco", they then p...

News: Punking Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher said he'll never be Punk'd, but I think we can do it. The show is over, he'll never see it coming. So whats something thats close to Ashton that if something happened to it, he'll freak out? I know, his wife. So, for this one you're gonna have to get Demi Moore invovled with it. So this is the idea I have. Set Ashton up to leave his house for a little while, and when he gets back the whole house is going to be surrounded by cops. Have a bunch of cops and a SWAT team, maybe if e...

News: The Best Prank Ever In My Eyes. yeah dude.

Dear Jackass Guys well i am John Fears and i am 27 years old and i already met some of you guys but it would be nice to meet the whole cast on the epic event. That is why i am trying out for this contest. you are rock and i have been a fan from the start of your quest for being a the best jackass. i am a film student and i want to be in show business myself and be like John Knoxville but it s hard to get in to the film industry. i have been trying since i was 14 and still nothing. you can che...

News: pizza guy

we should someone go get a pizza dressed as osama bin ladin or some tarerest he should walk in and ask for a "large pizza with extra american i mean cheese" the pizza guy should be set up kinda like the taxi cab one.he should pull out a real pistol full of blanks and say"get the F**k out get out ill shoot" and have one of knoville walk in, the guy sould shoot knoxville and start spilling fake blood and then tell whoever got the pizza to get out there and pull down his pants then slip a fire c...

News: search n destroy

first pick your mark...preston would be perfect for this first..get one of your paintball guns n attach a gps to the side of it...type in his location...and BLAMM hahaharepeat wit others such as dunn...knoxville...ect. ect.or create a lil "blind" you can camp in wit paintball gun... while said people come into a perticular buildin everyone frequentsthey be like what the fuck?!? hahaha -RaVeN