Knoxville Search Results

News: The Plugger

this is called the plugger your going to get a cannon like type thing (something like a potato gun) get a projectile-- stick it in the cannon then get bam or steve o or knoxville to stand like 30 or 40 feet away away from the cannon have their butt hang out and fire the projectile at their butt to try to plug it

News: The "Pussy" Motel

Ryan Dunn is handcuffed naked to a small chair or sitting on the floor of a small room. Dunn is completely covered in catfood or some other delicious morsels of food stuffings.Brought into the room with Dunn are a couple hundred of domesticated housecats. The cats will eat & lick all over Dunn's body.While the cats are eating on Dunn, Johnny Knoxville sets off firecrackers one after another in the corner of the room, causing the cats to scramble in hysterical hysteria around the room. TOTAL F...

News: Rocket- Powered Hay Wagon of Death//The Hay Ride of Maybe Doom: R.I.P. JACKASS

A hay wagon with some hay bales on it is rigged with several of same type of rocket Johnny Knoxville rode in JA2. The entire cast is onboard the wagon when the rockets are ignited, sending the wagon flying down a grass field.A second option is everyone ride a haywagon that is pulled by one of 2 completely opposite vehicles: 1. A Chevy Geo Metro, or 2. A fully loaded NASCAR stock race car, possibly driven by a woman, pulling the haywagon all around a grass field.A third option would be to have...

News: Fake Prince Albert

step 1: create a convincingly real prosthetic penis with fake blood inside the head of the penis. step 2: have a jackass cast member (or myself) attempt the most gnarly piercing ever, the Prince Albert, with the cameras rolling.

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