L Stainless Steel Search Results

How To: Pick handcuffs

Check out this conning instructional video that demonstrates how to pick handcuffs. These are standard issue, double locking, stainless steal Bower handcuffs used by many small police departments. All you need is a bended bobby pin and a pair of hand cuffs. Observe the tutorial's easy to follow instructions and you can start picking handcuffs like a pro.

News: This Jet-Powered, RC Dragon Can Fly Over 100mph—And It Actually Breathes Fire!

WonderHowTo has seen its fair share of dragon-related projects, from dragon wings, to dragon kites, to less-complicated origami dragons, but we've yet to see anything quite like this. Radio-control plane builder Richard Hamel built this incredible seven-foot-long, fire-breathing dragon using a JetCat P80 turbine and a 50,000 volt stun gun, with a 2.4-gigahertz touchscreen radio controller to fly it.

Inventables: A Store for Superheroes & Hackers

Founded by Zach Kaplan, a "serial entrepreneur" with a B.S. in mechanical engineering, Inventables is a futuristic online hardware store based out of Chicago. The company sells innovative materials at much smaller quantities than typically available—largely to artists, inventors, developers, and researchers. If you've got a brilliant idea and cash to spare, careful, you just may go hog wild. My premature "Dear Santa" wishlist-in-progress:

How To Live Underwater: A Nevada Family's Bubble Fort

Would you rather live far up in the trees? Or deep underwater? A Nevada family of scuba divers have built the ultimate childhood getaway: the Needham family's "Bubble Room" is an underwater fort that sits at the bottom of a lake in the Sierras. The room is an air-filled pocket, made with vinyl and anchored down by an octagonal framework of metal pipe.

How To: Sharpen a knife on a Triple Oil Stone

sumaps2 describes how to sharpen a knife using a triple oil stone. The stone itself consists of three stones: a coarse stone, a medium coarse stone, and a fine stone. First, you must place the stone in a reservoir which has been filled with oil. In this example, transmission fluid is used because of its ability to keep metal from binding to the stone. However, you must be extra careful in washing the knives afterwards. All your knives can be sharpened with the triple oil stone, from your pari...

How To: Find the missing laser pistol for Knight Torres in Fallout: New Vegas

At some point in Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, you'll eventually find yourself in Hidden Valley, the secret location of the Brotherhood of Steel. After exploring their bunker, you may find yourself meeting with Knight Torres, the Quartermaster for the Brotherhood of Steel. She will tell you that she is missing a Laser Pistol from her last shipment and wants you to go look for it. Well, not just any old Laser Pistol will do, apparently— she wants something very specific. In this video, y...

How To: Cook steel cut oats very quickly

First of all you need Steel-Cut Oats, some water and a Tupperware box. Take the oats and then soak them in water. Add sufficient water so that the oats are completely soaked in water. There is no need to refrigerate the oats. You can leave them in your kitchen. Put a lid or covering on the top. If you wish you can also use a bowl instead of a Tupperware box. Now you have to leave the oats overnight so that they become soft and tender. In the morning you can drain out the water and use the oat...

How To: Clean and sharpen garden tools

John White shows how to clean and sharpen your tools by using a file and WD40. He also advises to repair the wooden handles of your tools to prevent injury. Run the file along the back and sides of the shovel. Leave the front part smooth. Make sure you remove any mud to prevent corrosion. Use steel wool to achieve this as well as WD40. Use the file to sharpen the edges of your hoe and again clean with steel wool and WD40. The file is also useful for sharpening trimmers. Clean all the dried pl...

Food Tool Friday: Cut Your Cooking Time with a Pressure Cooker

Kitchen tools are a personal thing. One hard lesson for me to learn is that just because something is popular doesn't mean that it's right for me. Take the slow cooker, for instance. Many rave about it, but I never cottoned to the thing. However, the more research I do, the more I think the pressure cooker might be a game changer for my cooking style.

How To: Start a fire with a flint and steel

Brush up on your survival skills with help from this video. In this outdoor training tutorial, learn how to correctly start a fire using a flint and steel using paper and tissue. In the wild, without paper and tissue, a leaf and dry grass would most likely be used. Get your fire started with no problem with the skills taught in this video.

How To: Sharpen a dull knife

This video shows the proper way to sharpen chef's knives. Chef Leigh Hudson prefers using synthetic Japanese water stones. He shows how to soak three stones; the first a 400-800 grit stone, the second stone is a 1000 grit stone and the third stone is a 3000 grit stone. The 3000 grit stone is the final process and is as smooth as glass. He explains the different angles needed for the various stones and what the knife could look and feel like at each stage of the process. He also demonstrates a...

How To: Make homemade fireworks

This features how to use fire wire to create your own homemade fire works! What you need is fine steel wool, wire, and a lighter. Take your wire and your steel wheel and a tie a slip knot on the wire. Stretch out the steel wool and put it inside the slip knot and tighten. Now, with this, you have created your own fireworks. All you do it light the wool on fire, swing this contraption around and enjoy the beautiful bright and blasting lights. Be sure that the wire is tied tightly around the st...

How To: Create a Light Painting Vortex Using a DIY Reusable Steel Wool Cage

There's no shortage of uses for steel wool, but the majority of them tend to be on the pyromaniacal side, like DIY fireworks. This trick by Mike Mikkelson is no different—it uses a homemade reusable "wool cage" to create a spinning vortex of light, like in the photo below. You can do this with just a piece of steel wool on a cable, but Michael wanted something he could easily reuse no matter how many shots he took, so he built a small cage to house the steel wool out of chicken wire, a small ...

How To: Cut a bolt and save the threads

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to cut a bolt and save the threads. The materials required for this task are: a hacksaw, steel bristle brush, bolt cutters, wrench, oil and a filer. Begin by putting some oil onto the threads of the bolt. Then place the saw on the desired groove and cut across through the thread. Now brush it with the steel bristle brush to remove the debris. Finish by removing the excess metal with the filer and unscrew the bolt(s). This video will benefit those view...

How To: Make a simple bowl of oatmeal

In this video, Arya shows how to make homemade simple oatmeal. You will need steel cut oats, a bowl, hot water, nutmeg, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, frozen berries, honey and a spoon for this! First add a scoop of steel cut oats to a bowl and add cinnamon, cardamom, coriander and nutmeg. Then, add hot water and put it into the microwave for 4:44 at 30% power. Once it's finish, take it out of the microwave (it will be hot). You can now add frozen berries, honey and milk to your oatmeal. Let ...

How To: Start a fire with your cellphone

Ever wanted to know how to make a fire with your cell phone? All you need is a cell phone, a brillo pad, and material for tinder. First take the battery out of your phone and find the positive and negative contacts on the bottom of it. Next tear off a chunk of the brillo pad, roll it up until you have a twisted piece about an inch long. Bend the steel wool over and touch an end to the positive and the other end to the negative contacts on the battery. That causes the steel wool to smolder--no...

How To: Use a viking knife sharpener

Work fast and safely in the kitchen and keeping your knives sharp with a steel sharpener. Is important to repeat this regularly, this way we will make our knives live longer, as well as more precision when we use them. Rub the knife over the steel sharpener few times and then cheek with your thumb how is it going.

How To: Replace Steel Brake Lines

This video is all about removing and replacing steel brake lines and includes tips and techniques for doing so. Learn what tools you need, how to remove brake lines, how to mount brake hoses, the differences in brake line fittings, retaining clips, replacing brake lines, and different types of brake fluids.