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PSA: If You're Having Auto-Focus Issues on Your Pixel, It's Probably Your Case's Fault

According to multiple users on Reddit, the Pixel and Pixel XL's camera can have some serious auto-focus issues if you're using a certain type of case with Google's new flagships. When the problem occurs, your camera app will refuse to settle on a focus point, making almost everything in the frame blurry. Redditor HeshoMike uploaded a video of the phenomenon, and you can see it in action here:

How To: Message, Take Notes & Tweet Directly from Android's Quick Settings Panel

Creative thoughts are fleeting, so when an idea strikes, you have to jot it down as quickly as possible or risk forgetting it altogether. Let's say you randomly think of a perfect tweet while you're using your phone. You exit whatever app you were using, head to the home screen, dig through your app drawer, open Twitter—and by the time you make it to the "What's happening?" screen, you totally forgot what you were going to say.

How To: Iterate Faster Inside Unity Using Holographic Emulation

In recent weeks, Unity has made a few great leaps forward for HoloLens development. These new features will increase iteration speed inside Unity and quickly increase the output of applications in the mixed reality space. Of these new features, let's take some time to talk about Holographic Emulation and why this will do so much for the development community.

Messages 101: How to Turn iMessage Read Receipts On/Off Per Person

With iOS 9.3.5, as well as all of the versions prior to that, you had two choices when it came to "Read Receipts" for iMessage — either on for everybody or off for everybody. So if you weren't comfortable with one or two of your contacts knowing whether or not you've read their messages, you had to keep the feature disabled and miss out on Read Receipts for people you're a bit closer to.

News: The Complete List of Marshmallow-Compatible Xposed Modules

The Xposed Framework was just recently made available for Android Marshmallow, but everything isn't quite back to status quo just yet. Sure, some Xposed modules function properly, but others are a bit buggy, and several don't even work at all. This is mostly a result of changes to the Android system that Lollipop modules relied upon, and such modules will need to be updated for Marshmallow compatibility.

How To: Make Instant 'Aged' Bourbon Out of the Cheap Stuff

Step aside, vodka—whiskey will soon be the best-selling hard liquor in the United States. The whiskey renaissance has been largely attributed to the current trend for locally- and artisan-produced goods. Local whiskey distilleries are rapidly increasing in number across the nation while bars in every state are including the old-fashioned cocktail on their menus in an attempt to capitalize on the trend (which we can probably thank Mad Men for).

How To: Ingenious Ways to Transform Your Leftover Pizza

I always over-order when I call in for pizza delivery, because I love having leftover pizza. Because there's so much flavor packed into the sauce, cheese, and whatever toppings you've ordered, pizza adds flavor to salads, cocktails, and can even act as the base to a quiche. Press it into a waffle iron to make a pizza panini, cut it into triangles and make the best Bloody Mary ever, or use it as the base for a lively quiche.