Lame Systems Search Results

How To: Hack websites with SQL injection

For Infinity Exists Full Disclosure's first Website Hacking episode, we demonstrate how to exploit a security vulnerability occurring in a website's database to extract password hashes. Sql (Structured Query Language) is a computer language designed for the retrieval and management of data in a system's database. The Attack, known as Sql Injection, manipulates Sql statements before they are sent to the Sql Server, allowing the Attacker to create, change, or retrieve data stored in the database.

How To: Easily Change Your Phone's Font Without Tripping SafetyNet

You can easily deck out your favorite phone with great wallpapers, ringtones, and icons, but what about fonts? Not all Android skins let you change the system font, and even when they do, the options are often limited to a few choices. Certain root apps can open up the system font to customization, but some of these can cause problems now that Google introduced a security measure called SafetyNet.

How To: Import Your Health Records onto Your iPhone

Mobile phones are not only essential for work and communication, they're quickly becoming an integral asset to our health. Your iPhone can store valuable data about fitness, nutrition, heart health, and so much more. And since iOS 11.3, your iPhone can even import a list of allergies, medications, immunizations, hospital visits, and other health information from your doctor or hospital.

HoloLens Dev 102: How to Add Holographic Effects to Your Vuforia ImageTarget

Welcome back to this series on making physical objects come to life on HoloLens with Vuforia. Now that we've set up Vuforia and readied our ImageTarget and camera system, we can see our work come to life. Because in the end, is that not one of the main driving forces when developing—that Frankenstein-like sensation of bringing something to life that was not there before?

How To: Set Your Android to Atomic Time for a Perfectly Synced Clock

For most Android phones, the system clock is set using a protocol called NITZ, which relies on a connection with your carrier to ensure that the time stays in sync. The trouble here is that this feature won't work when you're outside of cellular range, and a lot of times, the carriers themselves have technical difficulties that can result in your phone's clock being minutes or even hours out of sync.

How to Hack Databases: Running CMD Commands from an Online MS SQL Server

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! There are many ways to hack databases, and most of these techniques require SQL injection (SQLi), which is a way of sending SQL commands back to the database from a web form or other input. In this tutorial, we will use SQL injection to get access to the underlying server. So instead of getting access to the database and its data, we will use the database as an intermediary to gain access to the underlying server.

Hack Like a Pro: Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 7 (Windows Sysinternals)

Welcome back, my aspiring hackers! In many of my earlier tutorials, I mentioned the complementary nature of hacking and forensics. Both disciplines, hacking and forensics, benefit from a knowledge of the other. In many cases, both disciplines will use the same tool. In this tutorial, we will use another tool that can be used in either discipline—Sysinternals—a suite of tools developed by Mark Russinovich.

How To: Get Apple's 3D Touch Feature on Android

Apple's latest round of devices—including the MacBook Pro, Apple Watch, and the iPhone 6S—use a new touch input method that can detect when you've applied a bit more force than usual. Dubbed "Force Touch" ("3D Touch" on the new iPhones), this gesture simulates a long-press or right-click, but it usually requires special hardware to detect the amount of pressure you've applied.

Hack Like a Pro: Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 6 (Gaining Access to Tokens)

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! Hacker newbies have an inordinate fixation on password cracking. They believe that cracking the password is the only way to gain access to the target account and its privileges. If what we really want is access to a system or other resources, sometimes we can get it without a password. Good examples of this are replay attacks and MitM attacks. Neither requires us to have passwords to have access to the user's resources.

Hacker Hurdles: DEP & ASLR

This is the first installment in a new series that I am calling "Hacker Hurdles." These are things, methods, techniques that make our job as hackers more challenging and difficult. Don't misunderstand me, these items don't make our task impossible, but rather more challenging and, therefore, more gratifying when we are successful. One of the most important new hurdles for hackers is DEP and ASLR. Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) are designed to pre...

How To: Hack Windows XP into Giving You 5 More Years of Free Support

Windows XP will always have a special place in my heart—it's the operating system I grew up on. It guided me through the glory days of AIM, Napster, and MySpace, but now it's dead. The OS that had been supported by Microsoft for twelve years officially lost its support on April 8th, 2014. Just like that, Microsoft has killed the beast, but for those of you who stubbornly refuse to cooperate, you can resurrect the dead. If you have Windows XP, this little known hack will get you further suppor...