Language Disorders Search Results

How To: Use Your Saved Chrome Passwords to Log into Apps on Your Galaxy

If you use Google Chrome on your computer, you've undoubtedly saved a ton of passwords since the browser always prompts you to. But Samsung uses their own password service on their phones by default, so you'll have to change a setting if you want to use your Chrome passwords to log into apps and sites on your Galaxy.

News: GarageBand Changed How My Autistic Son Interacts with the World

My autistic son loves music. One afternoon, when he was nine, I downloaded GarageBand to his iPhone to help with the boredom of a long wait at a doctor's office. Instead of pacing or escalating into a meltdown, he spent the entire hour and a half practicing, learning, and composing. When we finally left that day, the rest of us exhausted and irritated, he shared his first composition with a big smile.

News: New Update to Gboard on iOS Adds Both Fun & Useful Features

When Gboard was released on iOS in May of 2016, it gave iPhone users more control over their mobile keyboard experience. Unlike the stock Apple keyboard, Gboard lets you customize the look of your keyboard and search Google directly from the keyboard itself. Now, Google has added even more functionality, by providing users with Google Maps, YouTube, and doodling support — all without leaving your chat.

News: T-Mobile LTE-U Gives Galaxy S8 Owners a Speed Boost in Select Cities

Last month, AT&T made headlines with its disastrous launch of its 5G Evolution network (spoiler alert: it wasn't actually 5G). T-Mobile responded to the embarrassing news by saying the company would be working on its own 5G network, and would take its time rolling it out. Well, T-Mobile may have just pulled an AT&T — T-Mobile is launching LTE-U in the US, and things seem pretty similar to the 5G Evolution's introduction.

News: Watch a Piece of Paper Get Destroyed with 7 Folds

It's almost impossible to fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times under normal circumstances. Sure, the guys on MythBusters managed to fold a piece of paper eleven times, but they used a sheet of paper the size of a football field and needed the help of a forklift and steamroller to get the job done.

How To: Bypass Facebook's HSTS

Hey everyone, this will be a quick post. Facebook does not use HTTP Strict Transport Security (A header that tells the browser to only use HTTPS when communicating with the server) on subdomains of That means, if someone uses facebook in a different language, the browser will attempt to connect using HTTP first. An attacker can intercept that request and serve a different page, including a fake login one.

How To: Bind Dendroid Apk with Another Apk

I recently posted a Tutorial about setting up Dendroid: I have worked the last 5 days on getting the Dendroid Binder, given with the Dendroid Source, working. This solution only works on Windows systems!

How To: Change Siri's Voice from Female to Male in iOS 7 on Your iPhone

While there were many highlights during Apple's keynote address at WWDC this year, the new advancements to the sassy personal assistant Siri in iOS 7 were amongst the most talked about—and something I was eager to test drive myself. Currently, there are ways to improve Siri in iOS 6, like making her play Spotify music or adding more commands, but those aren't easy tasks.

How To: Easily Transfer All of Your Instagram Photos Over to Flickr

It's been a rough week for Instagram. First they came out with a new terms of service that suggested the right to let companies use people's photos for advertisements without the user's permission. Then everyone started freaking out and debating whether or not to leave the online photo-sharing and social networking service. Now, they've changed the controversial wording saying that the selling of user photos "is not true and it is our mistake that this language is confusing".

How To: DIY Flanagan Neurophone Lets You 'Hear' Sounds Through Your Skin

In 1958, Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone, a device patented in 1962 that allows radio signals to be picked up by the human nervous system. The skin is the organ that receives the signal, converting it into a modulated molecular vibration, which the brain interprets into sound. Basically, it gives one the ability to 'hear' through the skin, making it sound like the audio you're hearing is actually in your head. It's kind of like having headphones in your brain. The only problem was th...