Language Disorders Search Results

How To: Generate 3D terrain in Microsoft Visual C++

In this clip, you'll learn how to create 3D terrain in MS Visual C++. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular general-purpose programming language and IDE or are a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free, official video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look. Generate 3D terrain in Microsoft Visual C++.

How To: Draw text with OpenGL in Microsoft Visual C++

In this clip, you'll learn how to draw text when working in MS Visual C++. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular general-purpose programming language and IDE or are a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free, official video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look. Draw text with OpenGL in Microsoft Visual C++.

How To: Use and work with XML documents in a C# application

In this clip, you'll learn how to use XML within a C# app. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular multi-paradigm programming language or are a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free, official video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look. Use and work with XML documents in a C# application.

How To: Lip-sync in After Effects

In this video tutorial, CreativeCOW leader Aharon Rabinowitz shares some animation techniques for character lip-syncing in Adobe After Effects. This is not just the simple method of using open- and closed-mouths -- rather, Aharon covers the more advanced use of phonemes, which are the different mouth shapes formed by a person when making various sounds in a spoken language. Lip-sync in After Effects.

News: Codewars

I've been frequenting this website I recently found out about called It's pretty neat! In order to sign up, you need to pass a few simple coding tests and then you can start taking on the challenges, which they call kata. Basically, you are given a task and have to write a function that completes the given task and have to test it out on a bunch of test cases they give you. Once you pass the test cases, you can submit it and gain reputation points. It seems like a really good wa...

How To: Start Developing Websites

How To Start To start developing website is a hard way to tell people depending on what they are best at. I'd like to describe a few of 'em. I will call them a few names depending on what effect comes out of 'em. And I will describe what developing languages there are out there and are most widely used. Let's start with that for now.

Hello_World Documentaries: Open Source Art

This video showcases a number of artists and designers who rely on open source programming languages like Open Frameworks, Processing and Pure data to create digital art. If you want to help turn this into 3 documentaries about open source, art, programming and innovation, contribute to their goal of $27k on Indiegogo.

Skateistan: To Live and Skate in Afghanistan

Skateistan is a nongovernmental organization providing lessons in skateboarding, environmental health, information technology, art and language in a coed setting to hundreds of urban kids in Kabul, Afghanistan. Below, a short documentary on the movement, directed by Orlando von Einsiedel.

News: Singing rhymes...

"twinkle twinkle little staar.............." mmhhh.." how u wonddd"... mmhhh.. scratching the head wondering what is the next line...ohh..the sweet voice with broken language is the best song we can hear ever...

News: Spanish-Language Ads Attack Meg Whitman

A translation via msnbc.comMeg Whitman says she's a different kind of Republican...But Pete Wilson is in charge of her campaign.Whitman attacks undocumented workers to win votes, but an undocumented woman worked in her home for nine years.She says she'll create jobs---but wants to eliminate forty-thousand state job, including teachers and nurses.Whitman says one thing in Spanish---and something different in English.The real Meg Whitman has no shame. She's a two-faced woman. Resource:http://ww...

News: Wario Ware DIY

Hey, have you ever wished you could design your own video games? With WarioWare D.I.Y. you can! Great for first-timers who want to see what they can come up with. Apparently it comes with its own image and music editor, and its own graphical scripting language.

How To: Use transformations & timers w/ OpenGL & GLUT for C++

OpenGL (OPEN Graphics Language) is a 3D graphics language developed by SGI. It has become a de facto standard supported in all Unix, Linux, Windows and Macintosh computers. To start out developing your own 3D games and programs, you need to know OpenGL and C++. This video lesson will show you how to use transformations and timers with OpenGL and GLUT for C++, so you can start making your own 3D programs. If you want to create your very first OpenGL project, this is the place to be.

How To: Convert a Visual Basic project to Jabaco Java

In this video tutorial / demonstration you will learn how to convert an existing Visual Basic project to Jabaco Java. You will need both Microsoft Visual Basic and Jabaco, a simple programming language with a Visual Basic like syntax. Jabaco enables you to create powerful software for all Java supported operating systems. Convert a Visual Basic project to Jabaco Java.

News: Let's Contribute That Project!

Hi, At the beginning - I am NOT an Author of that github work, but I found it on the Internet. As you see programmers are encouraged to develop it. It's written in python. You can read a lot of great tutorials here about that language, so lets do something creative. I'm also planning to add my three words, I am ready to cooperate.

News: What Do You Want to See?

I've decided I've not been writing enough and want to get back into writing more often. I have a few ideas for articles based on password cracking and breaking into Windows, and a basic general coding type of articles, but I wanted to know if anyone had anything they wanted to know how to do, a language they wanted to learn the basics of or something like that. Please comment with any ideas.

Scrabble Challenge #17: How Many Words Can You Find in TURKEY?

The big day may be over, but the weekend is still full of Thanksgiving spirit. And so is this week's puzzle. But let's keep it short this time, because we should all be taking this time to play a real game of Scrabble with friends and family. I was thinking of making a puzzle about edible birds in general, but practically every bird is edible, meaning there's a lot of avian-related words. Since the turkey is such a big part of Thanksgiving, let's just stick to that...

Dressing Without Undressing: Tips & Tricks for a Family-friendly Summer Wardrobe

People get excited when summer comes around: it gets warmer, there’s sunshine, and the seasonal affected disorder that persists through those long, dark, grey winters starts to lift. This is pretty exciting, especially in my part of the world, where winter is VERY long and cold. Since we have such a long winter, people don’t have very large summer wardrobes, or much practice dressing for the heat. It’s important, even when it’s really hot outside, to look like a person in clothes, and not a p...