Last Ditch Campaign Search Results

How To: Fully Customize Your Samsung Galaxy S3's Dictionary Using Old Tweets, Statuses, Emails, & Texts

My standard text greeting to friends is something along the lines of "Wazzup biznitch?"—but apparently the auto-correct function on my Samsung Galaxy S3 has a problem with that. Time after time I have to retype it or just add all my made-up words to the word list—and I use a lot of made-up words, because that's what bosses do. But texting isn't the only way I communicate. I also use email, chat, and social media on a daily basis—and I don't always use my phone. So, wouldn't it be awesome if m...

Steampunk R&D Podcast 05: Roundtable Discussion with the Emperor

The Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, aka Justin Stanley, joins us again on Steampunk R&D. This time the subject matter is a little more meandering than last time when I interviewed him about his background as an artist, maker, and performer. If you want, you can check out that podcast first before listening to the latest one below. In this podcast, we talk about current events in the Steampunk world, such as TeslaCon 3 & 4, defining Steampunk, Lantern City, the TSA, and more. We may or may not...

How To: Group and Organize Your Start Screen Tiles in Windows 8

Keeping your computer organized and your desktop clutter-free can be pretty difficult. And with last week's official release of Windows 8, users have another screen they need to get used to organizing—the new Metro-style Start Screen. It uses large rectangular or square tiles in place of the standard icons you've seen on older Windows operating systems. For better organization and grouping, you can group similar items onto a page (similar to many smartphones), you increase or decrease the siz...

How To: Spot a Fake Samsung Galaxy S III Smartphone

If you watched the presidential debate last night, then you might recall Mitt Romney's remark on the fake Apple Store in China "selling counterfeit goods". That store actually sells real Apple products, only it isn't licensed to sell them, so it was a little misleading. Not to say that there aren't real counterfeit iPhones on the market in China. There are and for the most part, people know how to spot them; they mainly buy them because they are cheaper.

How To: Explore the Kennedy Space Center Online with Google Street View

With all the excitement over the Mars rover landing this weekend, you might also want to know that Google has gotten their cameras into the Kennedy Space Center for their largest collection of Street View imagery to date. In total, the explorable facility totals 6,000 panoramic views. The views include the space shuttle launch pad, the towering Vehicle Assembly Building, and a up-close and personal view of a space shuttle's main engine.

News: News Clips - July 4

» Homeland Security Report Lists ‘Liberty Lovers’ As Terrorists. A new study funded by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists. » British police get battlefield weapons.

News: The Current Administration

Film director, producer, actor and writer Sean Stone has thrown his weight behind a resolution introduced in the House last month by North Carolina Republican Walter Jones. Resolution 107 states that should the president use offensive military force without the authorization of Congress that such an act would be "an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor."

News: Build Your Own Van De Graaff Generator

I know, I know, I've already posted one of these. Sorry, but this one's cooler than the last, so I had to put it up. This also has a great in-depth tutorial that shows exactly what to do and why you do it. There are photos for every step of the process, so you can actually make this one without too much head scratching.

News: Ni No Kuni Coming To The US!

There wasn't a lot of huge news for Indie Games Ichiban to come out of TGS last weekend, but this is a whopper: Level-5 and Studio Ghibli's epic RPG Ni No Kuni is officially coming to America next year. No word on the 3DS version, but the PS3 one will be released in 2012 in North America in English, according to a press conference by principal developer Level-5.

How to Get Better at Halo: Reach

Introduction Halo: Reach is Bungie's latest and final addition to the franchise. Microsoft has claimed the title and from now on 343 Industries will be working on the Halo franchise. In my opinion, Bungie's last game is the best out of all of them. These are some tactics and bits of advice that I've picked up.

News: Kinect Hacked To Play Full-Body World of Warcraft

The world has been overflowing with Microsoft Kinect hacks, each more amazing than the last. The latest innovation, created by a group of engineers at USC, promises an exciting future in gaming (and gets gamers off their asses). The program is called FAAST, and allows for full body motion control in different PC applications, such as World of Warcraft, as demonstrated below: Previously, Hacked Kinect Captures 3D Video in Real Time.

News: Welcome To My Nightmare

Cyriak's latest animation features '50s stock footage remixed into a horror show. Our dark and twisted animator keeps churning them out, each creepier than the last. Be warned: "a journey into horribleness, not recommended for the faint-hearted or fragile-minded..." More by Cyriak:

News: Learn 10 Awesome Science Tricks in 4 Minutes

There's something charming about Professor Wiseman's speedy and concise delivery of 10 different magic/science party tricks, delivered in just over 4 minutes. A little something to entertain the family with this holiday season. Enjoy. (P.S. If you missed last year's, here's another 10 from the Professor -this time in 3:22):