Last Ditch Campaign Search Results

News: HoneyMoon, Birds and the Bees

Spend all day together, laugh together, go on bike rides, go to the zoo, orgo on a romantic Honey Moon, all expenses paid.Set up your private location in a tent, gazebo, or a giant glass cube, anywhere completelysecluded, set up your table, two chairs, maybe some romantic musicpossibly a candle, whichever you desire, hang a fake moon in the middlelather it with sweet sweet honey, then add the last ingredient, see how long your lover can lastwhen the bees are added, this tests true commitment....

News: A Quality Handprinting Method

Incredible detail found in HandPrints How to get a great handprint that lasts for years !! ITS A MUST FOR BUDDING AND EXPERIENCED PALMISTS !!! You can see so much more than just staring at the palm. There are other ways of getting handprints including , Face paints , Lipstick, Scanners , but this is my favourite .. Ink and Roll !!!

News: Interactive World Cup Explorer

Make sure to click through for some bad-ass Flash-based World Cup explorer. I'm not sure whether something like this was available for the last world cup, all I know is that I'll be using that site quite a bit.

News: VIDADIFH - Harold Raimis

VERY IMPORTANT DUDES & DUDETTES IN FILM HISTORY Show: Harold Ramis. He's kinda been involved in one way or another with almost all of the funny things and people over the last 30 years, so maybe he counts as a Very Important Dude?

News: happy birthday to me!

I took this picture with my Blackberry, so sorry for the fuzzy quality. My birthday was on Monday, so of course we went and got a cake. It was a delicious red velvet cake from Lark, a great cake shop on Sunset in Silver Lake. My husband bought the last one!