Last Ditch Campaign Search Results

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines: Mission 1

Successfully complete the introduction to gameplay with Mission 1 on the Sony PSP. This is the brief episode of playing the game. See the introduction of the tale and learn the controls of the game. If you don't properly complete this mission, you won't know how to complete the rest. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Glyph Puzzle 18

The 18th puzzle is called "Synapses". See how to solve it in Assassin's Creed 2. Code wheel puzzle: Your first clue is to line up 5 with a single tree-looking symbol. The key here is the weird-looking equation on the left, which offers a hint as to the progression of the symbols.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Glyph Puzzle 13

Solve the challenging 13th puzzle, entitled "I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds", in Assassin's Creed 2. Code wheel puzzle: This one’s even trickier than the last one; starting with the hint that 9 (next to the tower) equals “triangle” (up and to the left from the bomb), you need to figure out which symbols would fill in the blank spots on the wheel, going by the symbols next to them. Image 1: Just hit the button. It’s not hard. Image 2: Use the Geiger-counter clicks to guide you. For...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 58

Cheaters Never Prosper: But they do get quite a reputation. This is a simple mission. You need to just fight off the opponents that come at you using your bare hands. Even though you've no weapon equipped, you can still use the typical counter ability. Though you won't always KO an opponent with the first counter, repeatedly make use of the technique and you'll eventually drop the opponent.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 46

Everything Must Go: It's the truth. It's time to say goodbye to everything. See Antonio again and be ready for a quick time event during the cut scene after you accept the mission. The first order of business is to kill five archers surrounding the building in which Emilio is camping. Take to the rooftops and locate the guards. Once you've gotten near them, you can't let them get too far away from you. Kill all of 'em, being as stealthy or as brazen as you like. Personally, we like brazen.

How To: Buy flowers for your girlfriend

Sure, you can go online and send the first flowers you see, but a little thought and planning will go a long way toward impressing her. Sure, you can go online and send the first flowers you see, but a little thought and planning will go a long way toward impressing her. You will need a friend or relative of the recipient. Send her favorite. If she’s ever mentioned a favorite flower, buy that. You’ll get bonus points for listening to her. If you have no clue, ask a friend or relative of hers ...

How To: Deal with a flirtatious boss or sexual harassment

He's not exactly demanding sexual favors, but his flirting is getting really gross. What's a girl who likes her job to do? You will need diplomacy and documentation. Assess his behavior. Now, don’t be offended, but we have to ask: Is he really coming on to you, or is he just a sociable, flirtatious kind of guy? If it’s the latter, just ignore it. Do your part to keep the relationship professional. Don't chat about how your last two boyfriends cheated on you and then expect him to know that di...

How To: Waterproof a remote controlled vehicle

If you call yourself a hobbyist or a kid at heart, you know that remote-controlled vehicles are more than just fun. If you're a serious R/C man, you'll know all about doing everything to your model truck or car, like fixing wheels, vamping the pinion gears, waterproofing, troubleshooting, electronic diagnostics, setting up, programming and finally... racing. As much as you know about these remote-controlled vehicles, it will never be enough, you'll always be looking for more...

How To: Troubleshoot the air conditioner in a Saturn S-Series

One day, your car may break down and you won't be able to afford to hire a mechanic, so what do you do... you look on the web for some how-to vehicle repair videos and become your own car mechanic, that's what. You don't need any advanced training to perform repairs and simple maintenance on your automobile, but you may need a few tools. Invest in the basic tools and you'll be prepared for just about any car malfunction you can think of. These tutorials will help get you on your way, as long ...

How To: Do a knitting provisional cast-on

Watch this knitting instructional video to learn how to do a knitting provisional cast-on. A provisional cast-on is usually worked in a contrasting waste yarn so the cast-on stitches can be easily removed later. The live stitches are then recovered so you can knit down from that point without the joining line you'd have if you picked up stitches along the edge. There are several provisional cast-ons; this is the one I like the best, because I find it to be the easiest to work. You'll need a c...

News: City of Las Cruces Shuts Off Water, Sewer for Photo Ticket Nonpayment

With more and more vehicle owners simply deciding refuse to pay red light camera and speed camera tickets, private, for-profit companies and municipalities are growing increasingly desperate. America’s second-largest city shut down its photo ticketing program last year largely because residents who could not afford the $500 citations did not pay them. On Monday, Las Cruces, New Mexico announced it would shut off the utilities of city residents who refused to pay Redflex Traffic Systems, the A...

First Thoughts: The writing is on the wall

After last night’s sweep, the writing’s on the wall: Romney, unless the extraordinary occurs, is going to be the GOP nominee… And Santorum isn’t going to win… Updated delegate count: Romney 573, Santorum 212, Gingrich 137, Paul 34… Santorum’s no-win situation heading into Pennsylvania… Obama’s speech yesterday achieved one thing: It drove the conservative intelligentsia crowd nuts… Romney, at 11:45 am ET, gets chance to respond to Obama at the very same venue… And Scott Brown embraces Obama.

WTFoto Symbology Challenge: Help Develop the Bro Code!

We're back again with another WTFoto Challenge! Last week's Hobo Advice Challenge somewhat inspired this week's humdinger, where we want you to help us develop the BRO CODE. You could be a part of internet history. Follow the simple directions below and post your submissions on the community corkboard. If you feel like you need some help getting started, check out our first of many WTFotoShop tutorials!

News: WTFoto's Hobo Advice Challenge Winners!

Howdy, hobos! Last week's WTFoto challenge meandered on much like its namesake, the vagrant. We had a couple good submissions that warmed my heart with laughter. I thought my examples were pretty on point, but my confidence is pretty low right now because I failed a recent IQ test. For your amusement, here are those awesome remixes of the Hobo Image Macro! Did they measure up?

News: New Videos Coming!

After a long winter vacation, LifeModders is preparing to release some new videos. We will try to post as many new videos as we can to help you when you are bored, or are looking for something epic and awesome to do! We hope you enjoyed our few videos from last year, and hope you enjoy the new ones to come out soon.

Listen In: Live Social Engineering Phone Calls with Professional Social Engineers (Final Session)

We had a blast during last week's social engineering calls. One of our attending social engineers was so clever that she convinced several people on Craigslist that lost items were hers, even if it seemed she couldn't be trusted. But females are better social engineers, naturally. Some say that females have a special knack for manipulating men, but I think that's preposterous. I can't see why that would be true in a million years (note my sarcasm).

Weekly Tips #2: Using the Right Environment

Another way to make your build really stand out is to choose the right environment. This can either be accomplished by just taking the time to look for suitable land, or by terraforming the world to fit your needs. Like the last one, this tip does not require plugins like Voxel Sniper, yet can really improve the quality of a build.

News: And the Winner of the Phone Snap Funny Face Challenge Is...

Congratulations to Kyle B Richardson, the winner of our very last Phone Snap Challenge! Thanks to all who submitted their silly funny face photos for this week's challenge, as well as all previous Phone Snap challenges. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and it is time for Phone Snap to come to a close, but please feel free to continue to utilize the Phone Snap community corkboard to continue to share your best cell phone photos.