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News: Apple Just Released the First iOS 12.3 Developer Beta Today, Includes New TV App Logo & Apple TV Channels

It's an exciting time to be an Apple fan. Monday saw not only a major announcement of new Apple services and subscriptions but also the official release of iOS 12.2. If you're a beta tester, you probably watched 12.2's evolution over the last two months. Well, get ready to do it all over again — Apple just released the first developer beta for iOS 12.3 today, Wednesday, March 27.

How To: Use Websploit to Scan Websites for Hidden Directories

Websites are often misconfigured in ways that allow an attacker to view directories that are not ordinarily meant to be seen. These directories can contain sensitive information such as private credentials or configuration files that can be used to devise an attack against the server. With a tool called Websploit, hackers can scan targets for these hidden directories without difficulty.

Released: iOS 12 Dev Beta 3 (Public Beta 2), Includes Improved Maps, Bug Fixes & Security Patches

Apple released the third beta of iOS 12 for developers on Tuesday, July 3. The update comes exactly two weeks after the release of the second developer beta, which introduced a variety of fixes as well as new issues, and just one week after the release of the public beta. Public beta testers received this iOS 12 update on Thursday, July 5, labeled as public beta 2.

Snapchat 101: How to Use 3D Friendmojis to Interact with Friends' Bitmojis in Augmented Reality

Snap Inc.'s dedication to augmented reality has expanded the world lenses in Snapchat to our own Bitmojis. While it's great to see our characters interacting with real environments, we haven't seen them connect to other Bitmoji in AR space. That all changes with "3D Friendmojis," a lens from Snapchat that lets you stage scenes between your Bitmoji and a friend's.