Lawsuit Filed Search Results

How To: File a lawsuit in small claims court

If you are having a small issue with someone or are having trouble recovering money from somewhere, you may want to consider filing a lawsuit. Filing in small claims court is complicated, but with this tutorial, you will be on your way to understanding the steps a bit better.

News: Qualcomm Sues Apple Over iPhone X Gestures

Apple is no stranger to lawsuits. They were in a decade-long battle with Samsung that finally came to an end last month, and they've been duking it out in the courtroom with Qualcomm since last year. The more recent case has seen both companies file suits and counter-suits, but now, Qualcomm is claiming that Apple's new iPhone X infringes on patents from a long-deceased mobile operating system.

How To: Turn a girl at the club for beginners

Have you ever tried to play lothario to a girl at a club and turned her ever so gracefully, only to misjudge her height and clotheslining her in the face? With minimal lighting and swarming, uncomfortable crowds of people, it's no surprise that any sort of graceful dancing at all is difficult in a club, but it's possible to avoid lawsuits if you learn the dance move presented in this video.

How To: Drive your friends crazy with a fishing pole prank

When you're out fishing, you're probably more concerned with just hanging out with your buddies and having a good time than your are with actually catching any fish. But if you've got one person in your group who takes the actually fishing element of fishing (the boring part) waaaaaay too seriously, try pulling this prank on them! They do have to have a long pole, but if they do all you have to do is quickly tap the end of their pole, which should wiggle it enough to make them think they have...

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