Lgbt Representation Search Results

News: Doctors Use 3D Holograms on the HoloLens to Aid in Collarbone Repair During Surgery

Late last year, two surgeons from the Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia de Jaraguá do Sul in Brazil started using a combination of 3D printing and the Microsoft HoloLens to help plan spinal surgeries. And now, with the rest of their team, they've successfully performed a surgical procedure on their first international patient using their 3D impression planning and augmented reality process.

News: Mimesys Combines Mixed & Virtual Reality Holoportation Capabilities into One Solution

Mimesys, whose core focus has always been about creating holographic representations of humans for virtual and augmented reality, has released a video showing off their holographic communication platform in action. This new communication tool uses a combination of virtual reality, with the HTC Vive and a Kinect, and mixed reality, with the HoloLens, to allow the users to have virtual meetings from anywhere in the world as though they are in the same room.

How To: Free up hard drive space on Mac OS X

First of all you shall need a program called "Disk Inventory X". You can download this program from the link Once you have downloaded you have to install this program. Now launch "Disk Inventory X". This shall take some time to load because it processes your hard drive and looks at all the files and folders. This program provides you a visual representation of the files that are there in your hard drive. Therefore for every folder that is shown in this application it shows...

How To: Convert scientific notation to standard algebra form

Learn how to convert from scientific notation to standard form by watching the above math video. To change a number from scientific notation to standard form, move the decimal point to the left (if the exponent of ten is a negative number), or to the right (if the exponent is positive). You should move the point as many times as the exponent indicates. Do not write the power of ten anymore.

News: New Unity Beta Brings with It Much Needed New Features

At the end of June, Unity 2017.1, the newest version of the popular 3D development engine, went live. And with that release, it brought out some very cool new features like Timeline and Cinemachine, to name a few. Now, for those of us that develop with Unity and follow the beta program closely, these features are not new at all. What is more likely the case is that we have spent a good deal of time using these features for a few months and even possibly helped iron out a few bugs.

News: When the Web Exists in 3D Space, What Happens to the Browser?

Augmented and mixed reality experiences attempt to break us out of windowed computing experiences and allow us to place software anywhere in the room. But that software doesn't have to take a rectangular form—theoretically, the web doesn't have to restrict itself to a page in a browser any longer. Does this mark the end of the web browser entirely? Probably not. A lot of information works well on the page, and the Microsoft HoloLens still uses a pretty standard version of their own Edge brows...

Networking Foundations: Subnetting Based on Host Requirements

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great day so far. Today, instead of caring about networks we are going to talk about subnetting based on host requirements as promised in my first article about subnetting. Just like in the previous articles we will jump right into the examples because that's the best way to learn.

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x08 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

Before I continue with a topic on strings, we first require some fundamental understanding of how memory works, i.e. what it is, how data looks in memory, etc. as this is crucial when we are analyzing vulnerabilities and exploitation. I highly suggest that your mind is clear and focused when reading the following article because it may prove to be confusing. Also, if you do not understand something, please verify all of your doubts, otherwise you may not completely understand when we touch on...

How To: Attack on Stack [Part 4]; Smash the Stack Visualization: Prologue to Exploitation Chronicles, GDB on the Battlefield.

Hi everyone! Last time we finished analyzing the assembly representation of our vulnerable piece of code (have I ever told you it is vulnerable?). This time we are going to introduce some fundaments about exploitation by demonstrating how to crash a program's execution. If that sounds lame, next time we will see how this crash can in fact be useful to control the program's execution, achieving remote code execution!

How To: Write Your First Script

Hello! My latest interest is screenwriting. I would like to share a few hints I find quite useful. I am a newbie, so the following post will not be taken from the treasury of many years of experience. Just plain facts,.. Thanks for reading! Step 1: In the Beginning

How To: Build a Laser Trip Wire Alarm System

Building a DIY Alarm System: The Concept So, you want to protect your property, or maybe a room, car, or even your backyard. The concept of an alarm system is to notify the "alarm administrator" that there is an intruder entering the previously designated boundaries. The triggers for this boundary could be as simple as a pressure sensor, or as complicated as a laser network. They all do the same thing, but some work better than others.

How To: Get the iPhone X's Swipe-to-Go-Home Gesture on Any Android

With the new iPhone X, Apple introduced a buttonless design for the first time. But without a home button, navigation within iOS 11 had to change to accommodate the new model. To solve this issue, Apple created gestures to perform the actions that the home button once executed. But while Apple users have to wait until November 3 to use these gestures, you can get these features right now on Android.