Life Dramatically Search Results

News: Video Game Landscape Brought to Life: A Real World Tour of "Fallout: New Vegas"

Following in the footsteps of great historical figures is a great way to learn about them. Michael Wood famously did so in the 1980's for his PBS documentary and book In The Footsteps of Alexander The Great. This March, UK-based marketing director Chris Worth completed a similar endeavor—not by tracing the path of a real-life emperor or explorer, but a humble video game character. One known simply as "The Courier".

News: The Value and Worth of Daily Positive Affirmations

I've been dealing with emotional difficulty for many years. It started when I had surgery for the epilepsy I was dealing, and quite literally, dying with. Since the surgery on March 28, 1990 I have had no seizures, but I have had plenty of emotional difficulty. Along with that, surviving some traumatic events has added some emotional other words struggling...along the way.

How To: Ikea Makes Beautiful (Not Quite HowTo) Cooking Videos

When images of a rumored Ikea cookbook surfaced through the blogger grapevine, foodie and graphic design fetishists alike grew ecstatic. The leaked images from the 140 page coffee-table baking book presented pristinely assembled, OCD patterns of ingredients and the resulting desserts for 30 classic Swedish baking recipes. Forsman & Bodenfors, the Swedish agency behind the project took a different approach to the typical organization of the standard baking cookbook.

News: New Year Goal

Growing up is difficult task. Do you suffering from hopeless? or still don't know what happen in last few years. The reason is you think that you have done all the things you should do. May be you have planed you last year (2010). May be you have achieved some targets. But still you are in same position. Because you didn't do one major thing you should do. That is very important thing if we are looking for some upgrade of our life. First you should change the way you think. That is the most i...

News: Ka$hA TaKe$ ThE To0p

As far as new artists go, 2010 more or less belonged to this 23-year-old Nashville native, who released her hit debut, "Animal," in January, then followed it up last month with a nine-track mini-album, "Cannibal."

News: Boob Support = Life Support

Dr. Elena Bodnar proposes a silly idea. Why not wear a bra that double as a gas mask? No point in being ill equipped (in the event of fires, terrorist attacks, dust storms or a swine flu outbreak). The instructions are simple: In the event of an emergency, remove bra.

News: The Root Beer Hack Circle Caper

Okay, here we go. Here is the deal. Bam, Knoxville, Dunn, Steve-O, Party Boy, Jeff Tremaine, and myself are dressed in old man faces, but wearing tshirts that say "Beer is Good" and wearing diapers. (Substitute speedos for diapers if you want). We are gathered around Jack Nicholson's Walk of Fame star. The "Nicholson" is covered up by a taped "Ass" to make his star to say "Jack Ass". Because it is his star, it is only fair Jack Nicholson is with us too, also sporting the "Beer is Good" tshirt...

Metro 2033: Life

What separates Metro 2033 from other FPS games? Life. There are underground towns, markets, children, music, and so much background chatter than sometimes you can't single out a particular conversation.


Film posters are rubbish. That wasn’t always the case, but somewhere along the way the wrong people took over and film posters went from something you’d want in a frame on your wall to something that isn’t even palatable outside a cinema. Tyler Stout, an illustrator from Washington, may turn out to be our saviour. Go to his site and you’ll see his excellent music and skateboard art – but it’s his incredible film work that is really helping him make a name for himself.

News: Do the Do!

We are embarking upon a new year. As usual, some of us will make "resolutions." There isn't anything wrong with setting goals for the year. It's actually a good idea. It may help focus the energy we bring to life.

News: Monkey See, Monkey Do

Chi gyo ichi nyo is a familiar expression in the dojo. The word chi means knowledge. Gyo means doing, or action. Ichi nyo means inseparable. Action and knowledge are one! Acting without adequate knowledge or understanding is a constant source of frustration and problems. In our lives we are often busy and active without really understanding the basis of our actions and their full impact. Some people practice karate without really knowing why they are training. In class they do the techniques ...

News: Gassho and Kokoro

At the beginning of every class, or almost every class, we do a series of exercises. The Japanese word for this sort of calisthenic exercise isundo. These exercises derive from the Goju style of karate created by Miyagi Sensei in Okinawa in the early part of the 20th Century. In devising these exercises Miyagi no doubt borrowed liberally from the Chinese, whose influence on the southernmost island of the Japanese archipelago was immense.

The Sprint HTC Evo 4G: Best Phone This Year

Written by JD Coverly of WonderHowTo World, LoadSave:We've spent the last week with Sprint's new phone, the HTC Evo 4G. Specification wise, it's better than Verizon's Incredible and T-Mobile's HD2. Apple has unveiled the new version of their phone this week and thankfully it's debatable as to which phone is better. The iPhone has better battery life and a more robust App store, but it suffers from a smaller screen, smaller camera resolution, no HDMI out, face talk only on wi-fi networks, and ...

How To: Sprint HTC Evo 4G Impressions

Spent the weekend with Sprint's new phone, the HTC Evo G4. Specification wise, it's better than Verizon's Incredible and T-Mobile's HD2. Apple will be announcing the new version of their phone this week. If it's comparable to leaked phone shown over at Gizmodo, then to say which phone is better is debatable. The iphone might have a better battery life but the Evo has an unlimited data plan, unlike AT&T's new tier pricing structure.

How To: Local Cat uses WonderHowTo... and the Toilet

Since WonderHowTo's inception, we have had a preternatural affection for toilet trained cats. The inspiration started with Millenium Y2Kitty and his owner's earnest toilet training lesson. We showed the video to everyone (from ad execs and journalists to our mothers) to showcase what unbelievable information WonderHowTo seeks to promote.

News: Cat behind-hole = belly button!

WTF. If you're going to mark yourself for life... ...why not venture into the absurd. Weird Al, Brangelina's kid, In-N-Out, Gollum and Google all get human real estate. If only we had the courage. This video will either induce inspiration or horror. WTF. If you're going to mark yourself for life...

How To: Make churros with thick chile-spiked chocolate

These ain't your Disneyland churros, or really like any churros you've had in your life. Churros, which are Spanish doughnuts consisting of fried potato dough, originated in Spain but are now extremely popular in the U.S. The fried dough is usually tossed with mountains of cinnamon for a very satisfying sweetness and spice to compliment the greasy bread dough.

How To: Make moist and authentic Italian meatballs

Plan an Italian-style dinner tonight with these authentic and traditional meatballs, straight form Italy! This meatballs recipe is a family treasure, which Jane happily shares with us. There's some great meatball-making tips in this video, so pay attention, because you won't get them anywhere else! And learning the secret to making them so incredibly moist is something you'll take with you for life. They're perfect for spaghetti or any other pasta dish. Make moist and authentic Italian meatba...