Life Dramatically Search Results

How To: Draw Manic the Hedgehog

To draw Manic the Hedgehog, you should start by sketching a rough outline of the body, including Manic's hair. Once you have your sketch outline, start drawing over the outline with a darker line, including details like the eyes, nose, mouth, arms, hands, clothes and shoes. Once you have your final outline, go back and erase your initial rough sketch, so that your line drawing looks clean. Now that your line drawing is ready, you can start filling in with color! Start with Manic's green areas...

How To: Make a rosary bracelet

This video tutorial in Spirituality category will show you how to make a rosary bracelet. Jim Horn from real life rosary presents this video. For this you will need a nylon string and a bead making tool. With the string take three turns around the end of the bead making tool and pass the end of the string through the slot in the tool so that it passes through the three turns and tighten it to make a knot which makes a bead. Like this you make nine beads and then the father and the beginnings ...

How To: Make creme fraiche

A lot of us love sour cream, but in this health conscious world, the added taste might not be worth the extra calories and fat. You can use creme fraiche as a lighter alternative to sour cream or for a variety of other culinary expeditions.

How To: Gain self confidence with Craig Worrell

Craig is sharing about how to gain self confidence. Maybe you are feeling not very confident or you don't have a lot of self confidence. Maybe you would like to do some bigger or bolder things in your business or personal life. You can only get confidence from surviving the attempt. The only true way to get the confidence is by surviving the attempt. You cannot get it from a book or tape You have to make the attempt. You have to go out and do things, try things that you are not comfortable wi...

How To: Build confidence in the bedroom

Patricia Stark has helped to regain confidence in your bedroom she's not telling us how to be a Sex God or to sleep around she’s just helping us be confident about ourselves. She tells us to avoid thoughts about fatigue, looks and complexion about size and figure. People that cheat only do it to make themselves feel better.

How To: Get a woman to fantasize about you

David Wygant discusses how to get a woman to fantasize about you. Don't look exclusively for the visual clues. The verbal clues are key, so listen to a woman when she talks. Women are about sharing their feelings and emotions. You don't have to agree with a woman but you should share your own opinions. If you listen to a woman, you will have an easy close. You will become the guy that she talks about. If you meet a woman the traditional way, drunk and in a bar, you are essentially a telemarke...

How To: Walk like a pro in high heels

In this video the girls of Sugar Walk Catwalk dot com teach us how to walk in high heels. First you need to find the right heels, and there are three points you want to look for. First the fit of the arch. Second, that the ball of your foot is secured in the bottom. And, thirdly, test the heel balance. If the heels aren't working for you in the store, it's only going to get worse in real life! Once you've got a pair of shoes, we're shown how to make them better with foot petals or gel pads to...

How To: Stop the abuse of alcohol

Learn how to stop the abuse of alcohol. Alcohol can take you over physically and mentally, and it is one of the leading causes of death. Here are some steps you can take to begin quitting alcohol: Try to go cold turkey. If you can't go cold turkey, enlist the help of your friends or family to help you. Go to AA meetings or find a support group. Ask family and friends not to drink around you. Set some life goals. Try to be around different people and try new things to do. Seek professional hel...

How To: Prepare the right safety gear for kayaking

This video will show you the right and proper safety gear for kayaking. Kayak safety gear is one of the most important aspect of kayaking. The most important kayak safety gear is the life jacket. It should be short torso so you can move freely and it does not rise up. Make sure that all the straps are tighten when you wear it. The next important kayak safety gear is a whistle. You will use it when you are in trouble or in emergency. Blow it once to catch attention and 3 times during emergency...

How To: Immigrate to Canada

The purpose of this video is to show how to become a permanent resident in Canada. Some programs are federal and some are for Quebec. The first program is the skilled worker program. The applicant is accessed under a point system and is awarded points for education level, knowledge of English or French, work experience, age, confirmed job offer, and adaptability and you must have sufficient proof of funds. The next program is Family Class Sponsorship. A citizen or permanent resident can spons...

How To: Drive safe and deal with emergency stops (Ford DSFL)

What do you know about braking in an emergency situation? If you're not even sure what kind of brakes you have on your car or truck, then you need to do some research. Learn how to drive safe and deal with emergency stops (Ford DSFL). A professional driver explains the differences between braking with Antilock Braking Systems (ABS) and standard braking systems.

How To: File a restraining order

Is someone threatening, following, or preventing you from carrying on a normal, healthy safe life? Protect yourself from the threat of injury or physical harm by filing a restraining order. In this video, learn what steps are needed to file a restraining order.

How To: Raise well-behaved children

Are you a mom or a dad that has run into a road block with your kids? Are they out of control disobedient? Follow this advice on how to raise well-behaved children and raising your children will be much more rewarding.

How To: Sell a screenplay

Attention aspiring screenwriters! In this tutorial, learn how to sell that script. You may have written the next Hollywood blockbuster – but unless you can finance the film yourself, you’ll need to sell the screenplay to a producer who can make it come to life.