Life Saving Drug Search Results

How To: Save Battery Life on Android by Turning Off Pixels (No Root Required)

Many modern Android devices use a display technology called AMOLED. These screens differ from traditional LCD displays in that each pixel emits its own light, so a backlight is not required. Even better, when rendering a black element on the screen, AMOLED displays simply don't light up the associated pixels, meaning virtually no power is used. Since black pixels use little to no power on an AMOLED screen, more black pixels means lower battery consumption.

How To: Review for North American Veterinary Licensing Exam

Before obtaining the permission to practice as a veterinarian, all veterinary students must pass the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination, or NALVE. This video animal medical tutorial covers a lot of the basic concepts of anesthesia, including equipment and drugs, on both small and large animals that were taught in veterinary school and would be tested in the final examination. Learn how to review anesthetic procedure and prepare for the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam by ...

How To: Utilize and insert CIDR devices into cows

Dr. Allen Bridges shows how to incorporate the use of the CIDR (controlled intra-vaginal drug releasing devices) in a synchronization program for beef cattle. CIDR devices can be used to manage the reproductive cycles of female cows. Learn how to insert and CIDR devices and how to manage the estrus cycles of female cows for farming convenience, by watching this instructional video.

How To: Close apps to save battery life on your BlackBerry

Battery life is a precious thing on your BlackBerry. You use your phone for all types of tasks, so you need your battery to keep up with your pace. But how? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how you can save battery life by closing applications that are running in the background of your BlackBerry device.

How To: Support a relative through substance abuse

In this tutorial, Dr. Coral Arvon tells us how to support a relative through substance abuse. If you have a loved one who is suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you need to know that if they are using they are probably lying to you. If you are giving them money, they will most likely be using that for drugs or money. They will do anything to get what they want, including lie and manipulate. You need to try your best to get your loved one into a 12-step program or into a detox cen...

How To: Get the rooftop wanted poster of Vladimir Semotan (aka Preacher) in Mafia II

Despite how easy it looks in this video, finding and acquiring this rooftop wanted poster in Mafia II is not a simple task. But, if you're determined to get the wanted poster of drug trafficker Vladimir Semotan (aka Preacher), then follow along the best you can. Geoff and Jack from Achievement Hunter will show you the way to the roof of the Authorized Repair Shop to grab the poster, which will bring you one step closer to the Card Sharp achievement on the Xbox 360.

How To: Make a candy bouquet for Easter

Tired of boring, run of the mill Easter baskets? Well, then its time to get crafty! Make an Easter basket bouquet out of candy. Your little ones will be delighted to receive this edible bouquet and adults will be impressed with how beautiful it is! So, this year skip the drug store's Easter aisle and get your crafting supplies ready as this video teaches you exactly how to make your own edible bouquet! Happy Easter!

How To: Pronounce the Dutch alphabet

If you plan on taking a trip to the Netherlands soon, perhaps the infamous capital, Amsterdam, then learning the Dutch language could be the most helpful pre-trip preparation. There's tons of liberal vices to be aware of and maybe avoid (or maybe seek, if you're that kind of person), like drugs, prostitution, homosexuality, and euthanasia. Knowing the language, or at least the Dutch alphabet, will aid in your travels to Northwestern Europe. This video will show you the Dutch alphabet and will...

How To: Add and subtract complex numbers

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Find real and imaginary parts of a complex number

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Divide complex numbers

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Use imaginary numbers and quadratic equations

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Write the square root of a negative complex number

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Multiply complex numbers

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Represent complex numbers with the Argand Diagram

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Find the complex conjugate of a complex number

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Calculate the modulus and argument of a complex number

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Find the polar form of a complex number

Need a little help with your math homework? No problem, the Math Centre offers students video tutorials that will provide as a reference guide for self-study. Students get self-study resources targeted to the needs of individual courses, and teachers gain generic mathematics support and study materials for use with students.

How To: Perform CPR on your dog

It's a moment most of us prefer not to even think about, let alone prepare for. One second your dog or cat is in the yard playing and the next it's suddenly down. Maybe Fido's been hit by a car, maybe he has simply collapsed, but in that blink of an eye all that matters is trying to keep him alive until you can get him the help he needs.

How To: Tie a trucker's hitch

The trucker's hitch is a good, strong knot with many uses. It's ideal for securing a load in a vehicle, and was used that way dating back to the days of wagons hauled by horses. In this video the folks at ITS Tactical teach you how to tie a trucker's hitch, quick and easy.

How To: Escape from zip ties using shims

The odds are that you'll never find yourself being held prisoner with your hands bound together with zip ties. But if you ever are, you'll be very grateful for the info you learned from this video. In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to escape from zip ties using shims. You can use all sorts of things for shimming, from professional equipment to your own fingernails.

How To: Escape from zip ties

Zip ties are stronger than they look, and escaping from them is tricky. In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to quickly escape from zip ties. If you should ever find yourself kidnapped by terrorists, held for ransom or kept prisoner in a serial killer's basement, you'll be very glad you watched this video!

How To: Tie a right angle knot like Navy SEALS

You're underwater, and you need to tie a knot. (Hey, it could happen!) What do you do? In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to tie a right angle knot. This is a knot used by navy SEALs, and if you ever end up needing to tie a knot underwater, you'll be very glad you watched this video.

How To: Tie a chain sinnet

A chain sinnet is a useful rope technique to know for climbing, camping or disaster prep. It's a bit tricky for beginners, but you should pick it up before long. In this tutorial, the guys at ITS Tactical show us how to make a chain sinnet using some flaked rope.

How To: Tie a pitzen knot

The pitzen knot has various uses, but it's ideal for securing a hook to a fishing line. It's relatively easy to learn and quick to do once you know how. In this video the folks at ITS Tactical teach you how to tie a pitzen knot.

How To: Tie a snake knot

The snake knot is mostly decorative, not ideal for situations requiring a really strong knot. You can use it to make keychains and do all sorts of other things. In this video the folks at ITS Tactical teach you how to tie a snake knot quickly and easily.

How To: Tie a Swiss seat knot

If you want to rappel down walls like a Navy SEAL, the Swiss seat knot is an essential skill to learn. With it, you can quickly create a modified rappelling harness. The guys at ITS Tactical have got you covered in this video showing how to tie a Swiss seat knot.

News: Scientists Are Using the Special Physics of Dragonfly Wings to Create Surfaces That Shred Bacteria on Contact

As drug-resistant bacteria become more commonplace, researchers are looking for new antibacterial strategies to disrupt disease-causing microbes. Some scientists are working to create new drugs, while others are trying out drug combinations. Another group, however, are ditching pharmaceuticals altogether and experimenting with non-drug alternatives.