Lighting Idea Search Results

How To: 7 Bright Ideas for Old Light Bulbs

If you can't stand the idea of tying a birthday present with a wrinkled piece of ribbon, all you need is a slightly warm light bulb that hasn't been lit for more than five minutes. Simply run the length of the wrinkled ribbon across the top of the warm light bulb until the wrinkles go away, saving you the time of finding your iron and ironing board.

How To: Use colorful, textured plastic cups to create a cool film lighting effect

This is a creative idea for a great light effect for any video project. If you're a cinematographer and are open to knew and creative ideas (and cheap!), then this colorful, moving lighting effect is perfect for your film. You'll need three plastic cups, a 5/16-inch metal rod about 2-feet long, gaffers tape, packaging tape, drill and a light. You can get the plastic cups from the dollar store, which won't cost you more than three bucks! They need to be translucent and have the colors you want...

How To: Choose kitchen lighting

Kitchen lighting is vital to having a beautiful and functional kitchen, but even knowing where to start when choosing the type of lights for your kitchen can be confusing. To find kitchen lighting ideas, Meghan Carter visited Kichler Lighting where she discovered the three different types of kitchen lighting you need to make the most of your kitchen.

How To: Apply four styles of lighting

This video tutorial will show you how to apply four styles of lighting. This video teaches you how to apply four styles of lighting, namely Rembrandt, Beauty, Cameo and filling in from the Key Side. You will learn about high contrast lighting schemes, dealing with the amount of contrast used to highlight a person's face, as well as spotlight effects, and how these tend to draw the viewer into the scene. You will be shown how the Rembrandt Lighting setup contains three steps, namely taking a K...

How To: Properly light a green screen and create the illusion

Ever wonder how to create movie magic right in your own home? This video shows you step by step everything you need to know and do to create the green screen effect, from properly setting up your green screen, to lighting it, as well as your subjects for a successful effect. Filled with tips and instructions this is a great video to watch for filmmakers, and special effects artist of all kinds.

How To: Solve outdoor lighting problems

Installing security lights outside of your home can make for a great addition, but they also create new problems with regards to maintenance and cleaning. Having lights outside exposes them to all of the elements that mother nature can throw at them. This video will show not only how to install security lights, it will also show the proper measures to take so they will keep working with minimal maintenance and care.

How To: Use 3 point lighting to light your videos like pros

Three point lighting is the key to MAKING videos look professional. Tom Skowronski, the associate editor of Videomaker, guides us through the process of three point lighting. Three point lighting involves the use of three types of light to create a professional appearance when video taping. First, a key light is used to provide bright illumination of the subject. Then, a fill light cleans up the dark areas on the face. Lastly, a backlight fills serves to separate the subject from the background.

How To: Use a light meter to properly light a digital film

A light meter can prove to be an invaluable tool on any film set, allowing you to quickly and efficiently set lights and know the correct exposure values of those lights. Light meters were initially designed for still photographers and cinematographers can easily calibrate them to a given film stock speed for shooting film. But what about today’s digital cinematographer? I’m glad you asked. In this video tutorial you'll see how you can use a light meter to quickly and efficiently light a scen...

How To: Use 3 point lighting

This lighting tutorial video explains the basics of lighting a scene using the 3 point lighting scheme with a Lowell light kit and various essential equipment. Using the back light, the fill and key light, three point lighting will produce a properly lit subject. This video is great for lighting designers and cinematographers alike.

How To: Create your own ring light for lighting and more

Ring Lights can create a specific lighting that brings out warmer hues from your actors/models, as well as giving you a cool effect for the eyes. If you're not looking to spend a fortune on buying an already made one, you can make one with items from around the house on the cheap, if you have to buy everything you need, you're looking to spend around $100 which is much cheaper than buying one brand new! Check out this video for a full tutorial on how to build your very own Ring Light!

How To: Use a Light Bulb and the Sun to Make a Fire

Don't throw away your dead light bulbs, they may come in handy one day. This video will show you how to start a fire using a dead lightbulb. And no electricity. The tricky part is emptying out the insides, but this can be done with sticks and stones, assuming you're in a survival situation and just happen to have a light bulb with you for whatever reason.

How To: Use heavy & light pronunciations in Arabic

In this tutorial, we learn how to use heavy & light pronunciations in Arabic. As you practice doing these pronunciations, you will need to watch the video where the letters are drawn out for you. It will also help you to hear the pronunciation done by a native speaker so you can get an idea of exactly how to say each letter. The letters differ greatly between how you say it in English and will change depending on what words you are using them in. As you learn how to pronounce these, you will ...

How To: Make a documentary film step-by-step

In this Film & Theater video tutorial you will learn how to make a documentary film step-by-step. The various steps involved in making a documentary are defining the documentary, stylizing the genre, shooting and finally editing. A documentary is a movie that documents reality. It is based on real life situations or people. The three most sub genres are the observational documentary, the expository documentary and the participatory documentary. The different styles can be sit-down interviews ...

How To: List transferable skills on your resume

Learning to highlight transferable skills on your resume is good for recent college graduates or if you are new to a job field because it shows that you have good characteristics that can be applied to your new job. For example, showing your communication skills is very important. Research planning is also critical. Show that you set goals for yourself and that you have clear ideas. Also, giving examples of when you used teamwork in past work experience in your life or in your career is benef...

How To: Light an interior space while filming on a budget

In this video from FiveSprockets we learn how to light an interior space while filming on a budget. For this you need two Chinese lanterns which he found for $2.95 each. You need 2 light bulbs which he found for $3.95 each. Make sure you get extra ones. Then get a couple of pan lights. They are day light and mood light. They were $7 and $5. You also need a multi colored gel pack which is $6.00. He uses C-stands to hold the lights up but he suggests coming up with other ways if you don't have ...

How To: Use three point lighting

Does your video look flat? By using Three Point Lighting, you will be able to give your flat video more dimension. In this tutorial, Israel Hyman demonstrates the effects of the key light, the fill light, and the back light. This is a long standing lighting technique that you definitely should know if you plan on shooting any type of video.

How To: Set up video interview lighting for multiple cameras

Interviewing lighting basic training tutorial provides easy to follow instruction in this step by step video. Set up the interview area to allow the best camera angles. Place your lights in key, fill, and backlight positions. Use back lighting spillover to fill subject area without camera spillover. Check your setup with the subjects and make any necessary adjustments to your camera or lighting angles. Place your crew and your ready for your interview. This scenario using key, fill, and back-...

How To: Light a green screen properly for podcasting

Matt, the Shirtless Apprentice, advises viewers on the proper procedure for lighting a green screen. The successfully implemented chroma key technique can significantly raise the production value of any video podcast. He gives specific advice on how to separate the light that falls on the subject from the light on the greenscreen, a traditionally tricky technique.

How To: Light your own web show

In this how-to video, you will learn how to light your web show. This is important as it will make your web show look more professional. Proper lighting allows you to see your face, eyes, and the colors of your shirt. If there is not enough light, you cannot see yourself as well. You will also look dark and grainy. Too much light will cause your face to look too hot. Backlit lighting will cause your face to be too dark because the light is in the background. This is why background lighting is...

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