Liked Ones Search Results

News: the nastiest ugliest stripper ever

Find the nastiest ugliest stripper alive or a wrost shemale ever have them come up to my my brother or my brother in law and have she/he knock on the door asking for them while there wife or gf is standing there thinking wtf is going on and I run up and denard them and get a pipe pan fill it up with mud or shit or shaveing cream then grab them and take them somewhere and make them think that we left there and let them walk for 1hr or 2 then come up to them and blast them with a bunch of paint...

News: The Infant Drop

For this crazy insane prank it will involve 3 people and it will have to take place in a mall with two floors for shopping. You will need a fake baby, with a loud voicebox installed so everyone can hear it cry, you will need to drill a hole into the fake baby's head and fill it up with fake blood, and you will need to make sure that when the baby is dropped the blood will explode from the head on instant impact. The prank starts out with a careless woman walking to close to the guardrail with...

News: The Best Prank Ever In My Eyes. yeah dude.

Dear Jackass Guys well i am John Fears and i am 27 years old and i already met some of you guys but it would be nice to meet the whole cast on the epic event. That is why i am trying out for this contest. you are rock and i have been a fan from the start of your quest for being a the best jackass. i am a film student and i want to be in show business myself and be like John Knoxville but it s hard to get in to the film industry. i have been trying since i was 14 and still nothing. you can che...

News: The Drug Deal

hey im jesse...whats up u guys!..listeni know there are alot of panks that have been send to you guysand most of them probably have to do with pranking one of the jackass i rightbut i think we need a new kind of prank that would be involving a real civilian ( not actor) and one of the jackass crew...that way at first one of the jackass crew member wouldnt be suspecting something that he will be we prank the civilian first then one of the jackass crew member, so here is ...

News: What's your biggest fear?

Every one has a fear, including the recless crew of jackass. For example, Bam is terrified of snakes. My second suggetion for this contest is a series of pranks in which every cast member faces there biggest fear (willingly or not) These series of stunts can be done in the form of a prank or the member can vollentarily face his fear. A way you can find out their fear is to set up a fake inteview with every member and ask them then. This is a great prank because it will really test the crew's ...

News: Alligator Zoo Drowning

The idea is to get at least three of the guys to go to a zoo with an indoor alligator pond inside one of the indoor buildings with a railing around the pond. The pond needs to be murky and anyone looking down at the pond should not be able to see more than a foot down in the water. A fake alligator head on a hydroaulic cylinder will be floating at the surface near one side of the pond as that is usually all you can see of an alligator when it is wallowing in the water anyway. A scuba diver wi...

News: This is my shot to Live my Dream and be in a movie doing the things i love!

Now you said come up with one idea but i actually have a few. My first prank would have to be something that is never really done a lot, i was thinking putting one of the cast crew members inside a porter potty empty of course(clean) and wait for somebody to go in then pop out as they are about to use the restroom(scare the living crap out of them). For my next ideal prank would have to be better than the first so i'm proposing that you put a boxing glove on one of those extenders like you di...

News: Runaway room

invite someone to a new nice home show them round but first give them chocolate (laxetive) or some sort of greeting of cookies or insist them to use the batroom or check it out if they dont accept, They go and do their buisness or if they were just washing their hands checking the sink while then the host leaves and locks the door and they cant get out and say hold on i might have to fix the door. but he floor in the bathroom is not connected to the house and the walls fall down exposing the,...

News: The Old Pervert

Alright guys, I'm Aaron from Texas. I want to prank my bestfriend James that moved away to California outside of Oakland a few years back. He is now a guitar teacher and I think at work would set him up for the best prank ever. The idea is to set up an appointment with him for guitar lessons as an old man, hence the old person make up you guys have done in the past, which would probably be best done in glasses and one of those "flasher"/pervert coats. I see it probably starting with a name fo...

News: Intersection Mayhem

This prank will involve as many people as you can fit into one car, and you will need to have the majority of your buddies dressed in military outfits. The one exception is that you will need to have one person dress up as the military sergeant, which will be leading most of the prank. You need to rig the car that you are using to smart smoking from the hood, or if you want to make it more realistic you could actually have the wheels fall completely off the vehicle itself once it has entered ...

News: Balls of wax.

I was thinking about how you could get a seat warmer and put hot wax on a toilet seat. Then they go to sit down on it and hopefully there balls will brush against the wax but when they go to get up it rips at all there hair down there. This idea is still in works because one it would be funny as hell to see happen to someone especially if they wake up or half asleep when it happens.

News: One messy prank!

Not sure how suitable this is for tv but its funny either way. Johnny gets everyone to join him in a drink he gets the whole cast to do a toast with him but what they dont know is Johnny has snuck ex-lax into their bubbly so as everyone runs to the toilet Johnny has put clear plastic wrap over the toilets and you can figure out the rest=) Or you could just have naked sumo's pig pile on Bam that works to.

News: Dead Body Cab

Ok this is what you would do: get a big black bag, one big enough to fit a body in, and fill it with rotting meat and fake blood. Hail a cab and bring the bag into the back of the cab with you, you of course would have blood on your clothes to make it look more realistic. Tell the cab driver to take you to like a lake or construction site and offer to pay him 500$ to do it. If they take you then get out and struggle to get the bag out of the cab and tell the driver to help you with get it out...

News: exploding portapotty's

the scenario.. an outdoors event. in which the food has been laced with a super strong laxative the more the better. eventually everyone will need to crap bad. the portapotty's are retrofitted with massive pumps inside the blue water filled with the most ungodly poop one can find. the massive pumps shoot all that rancid goodness through any and all holes in the portapotty. only to be rigged hidden cameras to watch the madness. afterwards there would be a quick release for the walls of the por...

News: Dead Body Cab

Ok this is what you would do: get a big black bag, one big enough to fit a body in, and fill it with rotting meat and fake blood. Hail a cab and bring the bag into the back of the cab with you, you of course would have blood on your clothes to make it look more realistic. Tell the cab driver to take you to like a lake or construction site and offer to pay him 500$ to do it. If they take you then get out and struggle to get the bag out of the cab and tell the driver to help you get it out of t...

News: death.

well my idea was that you grab a horn and start to horn at everyone till they can't hear well. the original idea came from a wake up prank i use to do with my buddies in new years eve who ever felt asleep first we would horn them awake. but in this case you could horn them to death hehe. well hope u like the idea.

News: Greatest Prank

Ok wait till one of you guy's are asleep an put a narly tattoo on him, than take a bunch of animals like they would have at a zoo an put him with the animals. Before he wakes up make sure he is laying in a pile of shit or next to it. Than when he wakes up of course he will be pissed but it'll be funny as fuck make him put on an animal suit an play with the animals while food is hanging from all over him especialy his balls. Have him sit down an have an animal walk over an eat the food off of ...

News: poop deck/barf bag

theres a porta potty on the deck of a boat tell the victom to use the porta poty cause the one on the boat is broken when they use the poty they will be gassed with helium then hydrolicly forced out of the poty and slips on poop out side of the poty and tossed with 20 pound of piss for the ultament barf

News: Randomest Things Ever!!!

Materials Needed: Panda Costume, Robot Costume, Burrito (unwrapped)Okay, to tell the truth, i am not 18 or older, i am a 15 and a half year old teenager who has admired you guys for years and has been dying to meet you all. my idea (my best friend Steven Vaughan also helped with it) is about me (as a panda) and Steven (as a robot) run through a busy public building, or down a busy street, with Steven chasing me as the robot, and i will be in the panda costume running trying to get away and ea...

News: The Revival

For this prank it will have to take place at a local church to where you will need to exchange the coffin for the actual funeral, to a coffin where one of your buddies is inside. Once the exchange is made it may be more comical to add decaying features to the person's face (makeup) so when the coffin is opened by the pastor they also get a sickening suprise. Once the coffin is opened your buddy inside needs to pretend he is dead by not moving or shifting whatsoever and do this for at least 5 ...

News: Fireworks Show

For this prank it will be required to take place within a crowded area, where there are porto potty's frequently used by the public. Under the toilet seat where the you open the lid different types of fireworks need to be placed at the bottom to go off at different times, (When different people come in to use the loo.) You also need to have smoke canisters at the top of the roof of the porto potty to go off to dazzle and confuse the unsuspecting victim and then light one batch of the (non let...

News: Falling Sky/ Roomdiving

Basically 2 ideas, one more creative than the other..Falling sky Pretty simple and doesnt take alot of imagination. Find a way to rig thousands of set mousetraps on a ceiling or something, and release them as soon as the victim enters the room. I think it would be most effective in a warehouse or something big. RoomdivingWell, we all know how the military drops tanks and such out of airplanes, well, what if there was a way to drop a purpose built room from an airplane? (With the SLEEPING vict...

News: To much shit

My prank is that you go to your buddies house Because you are going to make him/her something to eat. While your cooking the food you grab one of the bottles of laxcitives in your pures or a bag of "special ingretiences" that you brought with you, and with that bottle of lax. you poor it on the food while its cooking and then you grab your buddies drink and you grab another bottle of lax.(if you finished the first bottle) and poor it in his/her drink and put a little sugar in there just to ma...

News: movie star prank

get ryan dunn or any of the other jackass crew to beleave they have a spot for another up comeing movie of urs and get em all sicked about it and take em to a fake filming sight and and this ones a good part for some famus actors u usally put in ur movies to help u out get em to where this fucked up costum and start fake filming and when his guards down bam hit with like a falling sand bag to the nuts or body and watch him fly back or u could always do some thing like some thing goes wrong an...

News: high flyer

ok well see i am crazy i would do anything and well i done alot of shit in my day i tide a rope to a bike and a tree then hit the gas and see how far u can fly then u can take one of thos things they use at da lake where one guy jumps off and one guy flys in the lake well how bout a guy 20 feet high and jump on the thing and see how high the guy flys in the lake if no one has da balls to do it i would be happy to jump form that hight and then i got one more its called ball crunger sit someone...

News: PeVi

In a public RESTROOMS there will be a two jackass crew, that will wear one penis mascot outside in the GIRLs RESTROOM and in the GUYs RESTROOM will be the Vigina mascot..but just dont make too nasty though ..wahahah.. that's a big prank right?haha..hope you will like it..