Liked Ones Search Results

News: The Electric Toilet Seat

The title basically explains it all, you hook up 2 or 3 electrodes to a toilet seat inside of a port-o-let or some other restroom where the guys visit, place a camera in one of the top corners of the room, or port-o-let, to monitor who's going in, and when they have a seat to drop a deuce, zap them. It would probably be best to wait a while until they get somewhat comfortable enough to drop some cargo. That way, they could spring up from the shock and make a satisfying mess. Thanks you guys, ...

News: possession

have everyone in the rubber costumes you use to ook old and go into a church. have the paster say they have a guest speaker today. one of you guys is the guest speaker and yu go on about possession and ask if anyone in the church would like to come up and get the demons taken out of hem. thats when the others in the costumes come forward and yu do some prayer thing and comand he demons to come out. then everone starts acting like they re possessed nd starts ripping off the rubber making t loo...

News: Habanero Binge

everyone has a habanero eating contest and the losers pending on their place has to be punished. last place has to drink a bowl of habanero salsa wih don vitos back hair in it. second to last has to mouse trap their penis. third to last has to drink a pubic hair smoothy. first place gets to have their pubic har in the smoothy.

News: Blood Drive Donor

In a nutshell...go donate blood at a one of those buses that just drives around and parks at shopping malls etc...act confused about the ENTIRE process. I mean, like you have NO idea whats about to happen. All's you know is that you're gonna get some free cookies at the end....when they hook you up and your blood begins flowing into the bag for a while, pull out a real blood bag and tube, except its full of some type of fake edible blood. Put the tube connected to your fake blood bag in your ...

News: Pontius as the Studfinder

This one's for Party Boy Chris Pontius. He gets to be 'The Stud'. The Stud, dressed in his thong and bowtie, stands facing an unwooded section of "The Wall", constructed from gyprock with vertical 2 by 4 studs placed at 2 foot intervals. Meanwhile, on the other side... "The Foremen" get into their construction gear and take turns attempting to find the stud by punching a hole through the wall... this goes on until the stud is found.

News: Bam's Lambo Switch

bam margera is my favorite jackass member and he does more pranks then he does stunts and never has pranks done to him so i think there shouold be a change. u get a replica of one of bams favorite cars and u put ryan dunn in drivers seat and johnny in passenger and make it look like dunn has his shitty driving again and crashes the car and it looks like the ar is totalled and the 2 r really hurt or worse but thecar will have to go into a place where bam can not reach them or try and help or t...

News: Winner Winner

This contest can be the ultimate prank on a fan- or another one can be created. Upon winning, the first day of the "prize" can start with a flight on a crappy airline with 2 long layovers. (one can be a hopper flight with a pilot that appears intoxicated) Once arriving in LA, the winner should be met by a driver waiting to take them to their hotel in a beat up old limo. (having them sign a waiver to be filmed first of course) The driver should stop on the way at a drive thru and tell the winn...

News: Hookup Switcheroo

Get a chick to wear a fake cock and hit on one of the singe jackass members in a bar. Have the chick take him to her hotel room where she takes off her clothes to reveal her penis to the jackass. Film it obviously.

News: Icy Aqualaunch

This skit is very simple. Find an icy lake, like unimaginably cold ice water. Set up an airtube (water trampoline) with a platform above it. Have one cast member stand up on the platform ready to jump on one end while another cast member sits on the other end... naked of course... ready to be launched into the freezing cold water.

News: Steve-O Keeps it Down

So, everytime I see Steve-O eat something he always throws it back up. That's how he must be so skinny. I don't know. Any who, I think a good skit for you guys to pull would be for Steve-O to eat all kinds af crazy shh---stuff ;-) and not throw it back up. If he throws up he has to eat more! The other cast members of Jackass should chose what to feed poor Steve-O. Oh I just thought of one thing... I guess it was a better idea to throw up the live gold fish rather than keep it down... otherwis...

News: W.M.D (Wedgie of Mass Destruction)

The receiver of the wedgie, would by laying on he ground, preferably face down, with they're underpants securely fastened to some strong cord, at each hip. The cord, would be then tied to the pegs of a BMX bicycle ( if you wished to extreme it up a little you could use a motorised scooter of some sort :P ).

News: New Hair Bet

You buy some booze and invite your "friends" to come have a drink with you and when they show up you start drinking and propose a bet say I bought the alcohol and invited you assholes so the first person to pass out tonight has to have a eating contest with who ever I say the next day... and they should most likely all agree because it seems so harmless....

News: Haunted House

When bams parents are out get a crew to go in the house and rig it all up all over the house to make it seem like its haunted. later when bams parents get back, they get back to everyone pretending to do the ouiji board or something and get april to get all worked up about spirits and everthing. then when they go to bed after everone else leaves slowly activate one at a time the hauntings, like the door opening then voices or the tv turning on to the white static and have wee-man in some kind...

News: Pallet Potty

I don't have any pictures; however, I did experience the most challenging event ever! My Best friend and I live in a very "bon fire friendly" area (not much to do while under age, so we would frequent the motorcycle park and made many friends! One time, we had 4 wood pallets burning on a hot camp fire, the flames were about two feet above the fire ring, then the urge to visit the little girl's room hit me and I had to tinkle. Since the boys could go anywhere, I interpreted that as a challenge...

News: Bam's Treasure Swim

This is for BAM. Bam has to skateboard into a fish tank which he reckons will be full of parna's that eat vegetables. At the bottom of the tank are bags full of money. He has to get them as soon as he can. He gets in by skating up a skate ramp. The ramp is removed once he's in the tank. The tank is a few feet taller than him so he can't get out. While the whole time water is pumping inside it. Once he dives for the first cash sack you put in snakes that Bam hates the most :D Easy!

News: extreme beer pong

set up just like beer pong but with a jackass twist if you miss you get 30 seconds in the penalty box(portapotty which inside is covered in shit,bloody tampons and piss) while its being rolled down a hill, but if everyone is in the penaly box the contestants will have a group penalty which is they have to rub the bloody tampons on their face. if you make it in the first cup you get away free for the round, make it in the second row and you have to stick the tampons on your forehead for the en...

News: Three Man Slingshot

I have this 3 man water balloon launcher called a wildsling. It fires water balloons really far, really fast. You guys could fire balloons at each other or load it with eggs, ice cubes, or just anything the size of a child's head (not tried that one (yet)) or smaller.

News: fake amber alert

get a local news station to film a fake amber alert with the subject of the prank being the one who stole the kid. hijack the persons cable and play the breaking new so they can see it and get freaked out no this might be the hard part. get the cops or even swat to show up at the house asking him release the hostage. when he gives him self up thinking he has done nothing wrong have a cop go in to the house and walk out with the child that was on the amber alert. now just arrest him and wait t...

News: Tourettes Bus

just arrive at a store or public place in a school or tour bus that has the sign on the sides: "ASSociation of People with Tourettes Syndrome (A.P.T.S)" and have Johnny Knoxville as the Suit and Tie Designated Chaperone. As they arrive in the parking lot to the area you wanna prank, have everyone shouting obsenities and making noises in the bus, but first, after you unload, Johnny Knoxville picks up a megaphone and tells everyone to calm down, watch they're temper, and control yourself.

News: Public Bathroom Fiasco

Any random public bathroom in anytown USA. Release bugs or mice or any other critter, real or fake, and see what happens as people are using the john or urinal when the critter (s) runs past their feet! No one should really get hurt with this prank other than maybe making a massive mess or a random heart attack Idont have a picture of this actually happening so I present you my doggie. He says "WUZ UP"