Likes Dusty Search Results

How To: Beat Dusty and Denny in co-op mode on Shank for the Xbox 360

Watch out! It's the dangerous duo Dusty and Denny in Shank! These two hulking men are tough and could mean the end of your game if you're not careful! If you're getting busted up by Dusty and Denny and are looking for a way out, look no further. In this video you will learn the strategy and pattern needed to beat both of these tough bosses!

How To: Retouch old photos in Photoshop CS2

Terry White found an old faded, torn, scratched dusty photo in my grandmother’s house and while most would have just pitched it, he decided to see if he could resurrect it in Adobe Photoshop CS2. While the end result was not perfect (still a work in progress), it’s a million times better than it was and is now in a presentable condition.

How To: Get up and running as a seller on eBay

Experts say that every house has around 1500 dollars worth of merchandise that could be sold on eBay. eBay is a great alternative to the traditional garage sale these days, and with more and more people joining the site every day - why not get in on the action? eBay is an exciting Internet tool that allows anyone to sell anything. Check out this tutorial, for information and tips on how to start your own eBay seller's account. This is a great video to check out if you are new to eBay or have ...

How To: Create a messy bed hair for men

This video shows the method to create a messy bed hair for men. Straighten your hair with a GHD ministyler. The product to be used to style your hair is ID hair dusty Bronze "clay wax". This should be applied in dry hair. You can wash the wax out by shampooing your hair twice. The shampoo to be used is Crew or ID hair peppermint. Put the finger in the wax and take out the wax. Rub the wax in your palms and apply it on your hair. Apply it in the front, back and sides. Use the wax again if it i...

How To: Reshape blunt, angular cheeks into rounded cheeks

Thanks to the anorexic waifs who predominate the modeling industry, we have been led to believe that blunt, so-sharp-you'll-cut-your-finger-on-them cheeks are the Holy Grail of cheekbone shapes. So many of us spend money purchasing bronzers and dusty rose blushes hoping to fake those cheekbones if we don't have them.

How To: Keep your vinyl LPs in perfect condition

Do you have an old collection of vinyl records but can't keep them in good condition? First, take an empty syringe and fill it with clean water. Add the water from the syringe as the record plays. The water will spread throughout the record and increase the sound quality. The stylus also has to be properly cleaned. This will help you clean your old and dusty records, as well as help with recording music on your CDs.

How To: Tell if a guy secretly likes you

In this video, Chad tells us how to know if a guy really likes a girl. If a guy uses physical contact with you, he most likely likes you and wants to contact you. The hard thing about knowing a guy likes you, is if they guy sends you the right signals. A guy could feel more like a friend with you, so feel him out before you approach him. The best way to know if a guy likes you, is to set up boundaries to see if he respects you. A guy should also be able to tell you that he likes you, and tell...

How To: Tell if a girl is interested

In this video, we learn how to tell if a girl is interested. If you just met a girl and have gone out with her a couple of times, there are ways to tell if she really likes you. Sometimes girls can forget to call you or hang out, but don't take it to heart. The best way to know if a girl likes you is to compare her to a girl that you know was interested in you in your past. If your current girl acts like the girl that liked you in the past, you will know she really likes you and can think abo...

How To: Use "gustar" to express likes and dislikes in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to use "gustar" to express likes and dislikes in Spanish. By practicing examples, you will be able to learn this concept easily. In English, you would say that you like something. But, the equal to this in Spanish is "gustar". You will need to use the appropriate indirect object pronouns while you are saying this in your sentences. To say Me, you will say "a mi" and "to you" is "a ti". When you are speaking to someone about yourself or a group of people, etc your t...

How To: Hide All of the Social Numbers on Your Facebook Page with the Demetricator

The reason that Facebook is so popular is because it connects us to people that we could have never been connected to before. When people log on, they look for messages, comments, likes, and any other notifications that connect us to those people. These same notifications, though, distort our view of Facebook. We tend to appreciate statuses (I prefer stati) that have more likes. We're geared towards people that have more friends, so we tend to like pages that already have hundred of thousands...

How To: Tell if a guy likes you with 10 signs

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to tell if a guy likes them with 10 signs. The guy cuddles you until you cuddle back. He stares deeply into your eyes and doesn't care if you notice. He will talk non-stop just to talk to you. He laughs at your jokes, even if there not funny. He's quieter when he's alone with you because he gets shy. He will hug you every time he sees you. He will get annoyed if anyone causes you discomfort. He can't finish his sentences because he doesn't want to loo...

How To: Tell if a girl likes you

This video gives tips and signs on what to look out for to tell if a girl/woman likes you. Here are some tips and signs to look for to check if a woman is interested/attracted to you: - asking you a lot of questions - ignores her friends and keeps talking to you - playfully touches you / initiates contact - while telling a story and then you suddenly stop, she will be eager for you to continue it - if she unconsciously mirrors your actions - lead her to someplace then take her hand, squeeze i...

How To: Add spreadsheet snippets in Microsoft Excel: Mac 2008

Not every client or coworker likes to mine through a spreadsheet to find all the important data. So, with Excel 2008 for Mac, you can easily share that data without sending the entire Excel spreadsheet. To do this, all you need to do is to use the "copy as picture" option. The Microsoft Office for Mac team shows you just how to insert a spreadsheet snippet in this how-to video.

How To: Use FX to shrink yourself into a miniature village

Rick Vanman reveals the secrets to professional video effects using your own computer software. Position your model houses into a setup of your liking. Take a picture of the houses with a digital camera using the macro setting. Edit your picture in Photoshop. Disguise any unwanted objects with the cloning tool. Separate the foreground and the background of the picture into 2 different layers. Film yourself in front of a green screen. Key out the green with your video editing software. Using y...

How To: Tell if a guy likes you

This video tells you what to look for when wanting to know if a guy likes you. You should look for things like if he stares at you all the time, if you catch him looking at you, if he teases or acts stupid around you, he pretends to look behind you but he's really looking at you, he smiles at you all the time, he walks close to you, he shares things with you, and he wants to talk to you all the time.

How To: Tell if a guy likes you or not

Body language is one way to tell if a guy likes you. He will lean towards you or look at you a lot. If he likes you, both feet will be pointed towards you. If he doesn't like you, one foot will be pointed at the door. Eye contact is another way to tell if he likes you. If he is shy, he will turn his head quickly when you catch him looking at you. He may try to catch your gaze and hold it, which could be uncomfortable to you if you don't like him as much. Guys will try to make themselves seem ...

How To: Know if a guy likes you

Benjemorawr has just the right advice to discover if a guy really likes you or not. He gives several tips, all of them easy to execute and really just common sense when you think about it. He tells us to note his body language, pay attention to his eye contact, and see if he's trying to impress you. By following the tips and advice in the video, one can become an expert in knowing just what's on your crush's mind.

How To: Make a hamburger meatloaf

Do you like hamburgers, but feel that hamburgers at restaurants are too unhealthy and not a long term solution to your cravings? Well, this video is your solution. In just 10 minutes, viewers will be taught how to make their very own hamburger meatloaf. Using nothing but basic and simple techniques, the viewers could have tasty and healthy hamburgers in no time. Highly recommended to any person who likes to cook, enjoys a healthy lifestyle and most of all, likes hamburgers.

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