Link Doang Search Results

News: Where can I get help?

There are many places where you can get help. If you are under 18 you will need your parents to take you, if anything the counselor will need to talk to your parents to see what is your home situation. Remember the counselor will not say anything to your parents or anyone else unless you want to harm yourself or anyone else. If you are 18 and older you could sing up for yourself to receive help. You could get help from places like HOPICS, (For Teens) and People Who are.

News: Why do teens do crazy things?

It is not that they do crazy things they do not know how to deal with stress. It is more likely for a teen to make a “bad” decision when they are under stress. Teens' brains are not yet developed; your brain is fully develop around the age of 25. That is why an adult will response better under stress than a teen.

WTFoto Image Macro Challenge: Give Us Your Best Hobo Advice!

Hey guys, gals, and everyone in-between! This week's WTFoto Challenge is a real humdinger. For the first time ever, we're asking you to ply your image macro skills and make us belly laugh like a drunken hillbilly at a corn festival. We've created our very own image macro for you to memify—Hobo Advice! Check out the full instructions below to get started.

WTFoto News Scoop Sundays: Wrath of the Religious Roommate

The angry New Yorker stereotype sure doesn't miss anyone. A woman from New York is suing her former Catholic college for not doing 'enough' for her while her dorm roommate was having too much sex. We're not entirely sure if the college even handed out ties to hang on doorknobs, let alone provide each room with a humidifier that has 3-4 different soothing sound loops for stress relief and relaxation.

How To: Use Content For Promoting Websites

This article is all about creating content. This is a very important concept to grasp because the content that you create for a website is going to be the basis for how you will advertise and promote that website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. Instead of traditional types of advertising and instead of the traditional separation between editorial content and advertising, that has gone the way of the dinosaur.

Community Contest: Code the Best Hacking Tool, Win Bragging Rights

Here's something fun for the Null Byte community to do—a coding competition! This week, I wanted to get everyone involved by offering you all a nice library of possible program types to choose from and try to code. At the end of this competition, all of the submitted programs will be reviewed by the community and myself. The coder that receives the most votes will be dubbed THE BEST.

Congress: The Law Makers

The Website above is about congress. It has the recent activities of Congress. It also allows you to contact them to stop any law which you might disagree with. This is a great way to help make a decision that might effect others.

Kinotopic: How to Get Excited Taking iPhone Photos Again

Last week I reviewed Kinotopic, the iPhone app that lets you easily create cinemagraphs. While I loved the result, I found the app hugely flawed. Kinotopic forced you to use a Facebook log-in, and didn't store the finished video on your phone itself. Instead, you had to visit the Kinotopic website to see your cinemagraphs or link to your Kinotopic page using Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr.

Google Dorking: AmIDoinItRite?

What is Google Dorking? Well, simply put, "Google Dorking" is just an efficient way to utilise keywords in order to perform very specific searches on a given subject. In this case, one would look for websites/servers that are vulnerable to attacks or are configured improperly by using specific search criteria that should yeild results, should it find matches to known mistakes/errors in a website or webserver.

How To: Fix Your Notification Settings in Google+ Pages

Yesterday, I started receiving emails from Google+ that looked like this: I was really confused. I was confident that I had already gone through my personal Google+ account notification settings, and turned off all email notifications. I noticed that there was a link at the bottom of the email, that said I could change what email Google+ sends you. When I clicked on it, it took me to my newly created Google+ page's settings: +Yum!

How To: Get the New Google Navigation Menu

Get the New Google Navigation Menu Although Google introduced the new Google bar last week, I still didn't have the new look yet. I was curious to see if I could find it, and discovered that +Maximiliam Majewski found a workaround to get access to the new Google bar. It's no longer the black navigation bar at the top of the page, but rather a drop-down menu on the left-hand side, from the Google menu. Install a browser extension that allows you to edit the cookies.

How To: Nab Free eBooks Using Google

eBooks are an amazing thing, especially with Amazon's Kindle. What's irrtating about eBooks as that you have an infinite selection of books at your fingertips, but they all cost so much! Well, as always, Null Byte has a trick up our sleeves for nabbing free ebooks from Google.

How To: How Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks Sneak into Unprotected Websites (Plus: How to Block Them)

XSS stands for cross-site scripting, which is a form of web-based exploitation that uses client-side vulnerabilities in a web page to execute malicious JavaScript codes. JavaScript is referred to as "cross-site" because it usually involves an external website containing the malicious code. That code is most commonly used to steal cookies with a website that the attacker created and hosted on another server. The cookies can then be used to escalate privileges and gain root access to someone's ...

How To: Hide the Facebook News Ticker in Firefox and Google Chrome

Facebook has been "improving" their interface in several different ways in attempt to combat the threat of Google+. One big change is the introduction of a news ticker in the top right corner that constantly feeds updates from friends and organizations you are connected with on Facebook. Not only do some people find the ticker annoying due to the constant stream of text flowing across it, but many felt unnerved by the fact that every “Like” or comment on a profile could instantly be seen acro...

News: Welcome to the Canon 5D World!

Welcome to Canon 5D World. Alright, let's face it... there's not much in here right now, but hopefully one day this World will be the go-to destination for anyone with questions on their Canon 5D or 5D Mark II. Maybe the Canon 5D Mark III, if it ever comes to that.

How To: Get Your Suspended Google+ Profile Reinstated

Last week, we discussed whether Google should require you to use your real name for Google+ profiles. Google is working on eliminating fake profiles, and in the process, they've booted some real people, including actor +William Shatner. If you find out that your Google+ account has been suspended, you can appeal the suspension and get your profile reinstated.

How To: Test Drive Gmail's New Interface

Google's hard at work beefing up their new Google+ social network, and while they continue to improve new features like Circles and Hangouts, they haven't lost track of their other online features already widely in use. If you're already a part of the Google+ project (currently closed to invites right now), you've probably noticed the changes in Picasa Web, but Gmail has been getting some great updates as well—and you don't have to be in the Google+ network to use them.

News: Holy Pac-Man! DIY Light Painting Saber Is Pure Awesome

A few months ago, we showed you a pretty awesome light painting project that visually captured invisible Wi-Fi signals around town using a Wi-Fi detecting rod filled with 80 LEDs. With some long exposure photography, the results were pretty amazing. This project was inspired by those crazy Norwegians, but this build lets you do something even more amazing—capture pictures of colorful written text and drawn images, frozen in midair.

News: ShakeCall App Lets You Answer and End Calls Agitatedly

Android users aren't required to answer and end phone calls by pushing buttons, thanks to ShakeCall by YSRSoft. It's a free application available in the Android Market, which links the answer and end functions to the motion of your smartphone. If someone calls you, shake to talk to them, or leave it alone to ignore. To end your conversion, shake again.