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How To: Fish for Trout

In this how-to video you will learn what trout eat and what lives on the river bottom. Have you ever wondered what you have to do in order to properly fish for trout? This clip explains what you will need in order to find these trout.

How To: Disable iOS 17's Live Voicemail on Your iPhone's Incoming Call Screen

Apple's Live Voicemail lets you preview what an incoming caller is speaking to your voicemail system in real time. It's a revolutionary feature like Visual Voicemail on the original iPhone, only better since it helps you screen calls to quickly decide whether to answer or ignore callers. It's similar to answering machines, whose popularity peaked in the mid-90s, but you quietly read transcribed messages instead.

How To: Use iOS 17's Live Voicemail Feature on Your iPhone — Everything You Need to Know

Visual Voicemail revolutionized phone calls and the voicemail system when Apple introduced it with the original iPhone. Now, thanks to iOS 17, Apple has done it again with its newest calling feature, Live Voicemail. This feature uses speech-to-text technology to show you voicemail transcriptions on the incoming call screen in real time, helping you decide if it's important enough to answer the call.

How To: Use Live Captions on Your iPhone for Real-Time Transcriptions of Any Audio — Calls, Videos, Podcasts, and More

With Apple's latest accessibility feature, you can get live transcriptions of anything you're listening to on or around your iPhone. Real-time captions work for phone calls, video conferences, FaceTime, music, podcasts, streaming media, movies, games, and more — even someone sitting right next to you talking.

How To: Force Safari to Automatically Show Reader View for Specific Websites on Your iPhone

The Reader mode in Safari is a great way to view a webpage on your iPhone in a stripped-down manner, removing unnecessary images, videos, and advertisements for a streamlined experience free of distractions. Apple's iOS 13 improves upon Safari Reader when it comes to choosing which sites you want it to run automatically on, so everything is more accessible with more controls to work with.

How To: All of Siri's New AirPlay 2 Commands — So You Can Control Music Playback from Your iPhone Just by Talking

Nearly one year after its announcement, AirPlay 2 has finally landed on iPhones everywhere. Not only can you easily control multiple speakers including Apple TVs and HomePods from your iPhone, but you can use Siri to help you get the job done. It's one of the iOS assistant's best features, and if you're running iOS 11.4 with a compatible speaker, you can try it out right now.

Kodi 101: How to Get Free Live TV Legally

When most people first become aware of Kodi (formerly known as XBMC), they hear about its ability to stream illegal content. But the real Kodi community knows that it's much more than just a haven for pirated material — it's an all-in-one media player that addresses the majority of home theater needs, particularly for those that decided to cut the cord.

News: Living Bacteria in Clothing Could Detect When You Come in Contact with Pathogens or Dangerous Chemicals

While at work, you notice your gloves changing color, and you know immediately that you've come in contact with dangerous chemicals. Bandages on a patient signal the presence of unseen, drug-resistant microbes. These are ideas that might have once seemed futuristic but are becoming a reality as researchers move forward with technology to use living bacteria in cloth to detect pathogens, pollutants, and particulates that endanger our lives.

How To: VBScript for DDosing Sites

Hello Guys, Today I have made a script for ddosing sites with VBScript! And I don't know how you guys do it, but I've made a script that refreshes the page in a chosen amout of milliseconds. And if you want it a number of times or if you want it to go on and on. And this is a script to run it on your botnet. But again I don't know if this works on your botnet too.

How To: Record Games on Android

Back in August, Google unveiled a new YouTube Gaming service meant to compete with e-sports streaming sites like Twitch. At its launch, the service was capable of broadcasting desktop PC gameplay, but when it came to the mobile segment, users were only capable of viewing streams hosted by others.

Web Prank: Create Your Own Legit-Looking News Stories by Editing Current Ones Online

On the internet, everything is possible, even if it's not grounded in reality (check no further than anything The Onion publishes). Witty headlines combined with clever photo edits make even the most absurd topic seem like a serious news story. Some of these stories are so convincing that they even fool news organizations, such as the New York Times and even the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party. While some of us can tell when something sounds a bit off, others (like our paren...

How To: Watch the 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Commercials Live Online

It's almost here. Another year has come and gone, and it's time to watch the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers battle it out in New Orleans for Super Bowl XLVII. For the truly football-obsessed, this Sunday is a day almost as exciting as Christmas. Personally, I just use it as an excuse to cook food that's way less healthy than usual since I never quite became a football fan (sorry, Dad).

How To: Use the live trace tool in Adobe Illustrator

This shows how to use live trace on Adobe Illustrator to make a vector image. First, you need to open up Adobe Illustrator. Then go to file and select New and adjust your size to letter. For orientation you can choose to have it landscape if you want. Once you have your blank work space you will want to get a saved image. Go to File and click on Place and locate your image. Adjust the size of the image if you need to. Click on the image and then go up to the tool bar to click on the live trac...

How To: Make videos that mix live action with video

In this how to video, you will learn how to make videos that mix live action with video. First, set up the camera in the back of the room. Zoom the camera in where the white area is. Once the camera is running, go in front of the screen and perform actions. Next, play the video so that it projects on to the screen. You can hide and interact with the surroundings so it looks like the person on screen is doing the actions in real life. You can also interact with your shadow by careful editing. ...

How To: Use Greasemonkey and Stylish to edit javascript

If you want to use Greasemonkey and Stylish to edit javascript you can go to and you can change and edit your mainpage/homepage such as Google. On greasemonkey, you can apply extra functionality to sites and web pages. Using javascript you can post a code and animate the images or web results. The images will fly and dance around the screen using this particular javascript. Also, go to to get various Greasemonkey scripts to customize various sites. Such as, you ...

How To: Immigrate to Canada

The purpose of this video is to show how to become a permanent resident in Canada. Some programs are federal and some are for Quebec. The first program is the skilled worker program. The applicant is accessed under a point system and is awarded points for education level, knowledge of English or French, work experience, age, confirmed job offer, and adaptability and you must have sufficient proof of funds. The next program is Family Class Sponsorship. A citizen or permanent resident can spons...