Live Walking Search Results

Minecraft: Her Crushed Dreams

What happens when a person who has never played a building sandbox game tries it for the first time? Reality happens. The harsh reality of human nature. You would think playing with friends in a creation game would be utopia, but in truth it's more like being stuck with people that would walk all over you if it provided a softer path.

News: Living Life

Living Life- everyone knows how to do that right? Right everyone does know how to live life, but not everyone knows how to live life to it's fullest. Living Life to its fullest can be hard, when there is all these other obstacles in your life. But with a little guidance, motivation, and self confidence anything you set your mind to can almost magically happen. Ok now that that has been said; your wondering how can I get more guidance, motivation and self confidence. Well to do that you must g...

News: Greece - The Samos island

The island of Samos is an island very green, with dense forests, with many sources and many criquent which earned him a very rich history at the crossroads of ancient civilizations. The island of Samos, today, offers a peaceful place to live, to cultivate olives, grapes and vegetables Muscat. The island of Samos is also a vacation spot where you can mix, enjoy the beach and lounging with the original discovery of a landscape

News: Holiday Greetings from Zero Gravity

The crew from NASA's International Space Station wish planet Earth a heartwarming Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. (Check out flight engineer Cady Coleman's hair. Zero gravity is awesome.) For the nostalgic, the legendary Apollo 8, the first manned mission to the Moon, wishes the world Merry Christmas in s live television broadcast from lunar orbit, December 1968:

Skateistan: To Live and Skate in Afghanistan

Skateistan is a nongovernmental organization providing lessons in skateboarding, environmental health, information technology, art and language in a coed setting to hundreds of urban kids in Kabul, Afghanistan. Below, a short documentary on the movement, directed by Orlando von Einsiedel.

News: Is Gravity an Illusion?

Something so basic, yet so mysterious... Gravity seemingly a law that we must live by... or is it? Check out this fascinating article from the New York Times, examining one scientist's bid to redefine what we think about as gravity.

News: Let Me In

Here is the official trailer for the Movie "Let Me In" directed by the same dude that did Cloverfield Matt Reeves. This however is not an original movie, its a remake of a great foreign film called "Let the Right One In".

Music Video: Jesse Rose - Non-Stop

This is a music video for British artist Jesse Rose that I DP'd for Scion A/V and director Chris Cruse. Filmed over 2 nights on the Canon 5D, we mixed rear screen projection with live action shot on a street corner in downtown LA. Here are a few behind the scenes photos:

News: A Daily Reminder

Remember you only live once, you only get to see once, hear once, speak once, and love once. Remind your self this, and remember a smile takes half as many muscles as a frown and makes a person feel twice as happy. Spread the happiness, spread the love, maybe it will back around to you?

News: Earthworm Jim HD Remake

The Earthworm Jim HD remake comes out this week in Xbox Live, and next month on PSN ( the 360 has a 1 month exclusive on the game). Includes new levels and up to four player co-op beside the shiny new graphics. Personally I only beat a few levels in the Snes version way back in the 90's. The co-op sounds fun bud I'd rather have an HD Battletoads to be honest.

News: Animal Husbandry

Here is the link to the myspace of the band (I play drums) that I'm in called Animal Husbandry. The live recordings are from a show that we did for this benefit concert and the House of Blues. The quality isnt too good, and you cant hear the drums too well but you can get the idea. Tell me what you think.

News: The Joneses

The Joneses - They're not just living the American Dream, they're selling it. I like the subtle type pointers to the items they are wearing and their prices, great hint at what the movie is about without revealing it all.