Live Walking Search Results

News: Living TV

Remove the real TV and replace it with one that looks exactly like the real one. The buttons have to be broken. Turn on something really embarrassing like porn or something (you can also video tape them doing something really embarrassing. Just say it is for the show) and turn it up really loud. Turn the TV off. Get glue and glue the plug to the outlet. Be watching them from another room or outside. Have someone’s parents or boss come over for dinner. And when they get into the living room tu...

News: Bad Crossdresser

So as we all know, everyone in Jackass likes to dress up like old men, and ITS FUNNY!! Also, we have all seen crossdressers that clearly are not women. So, lets have all the Jackass guys dress like really bad crossdressers (Im taling like beards and goatees with mini skirts) and walk around trying to hit on guys, it would be hilarious.

News: the nastiest ugliest stripper ever

Find the nastiest ugliest stripper alive or a wrost shemale ever have them come up to my my brother or my brother in law and have she/he knock on the door asking for them while there wife or gf is standing there thinking wtf is going on and I run up and denard them and get a pipe pan fill it up with mud or shit or shaveing cream then grab them and take them somewhere and make them think that we left there and let them walk for 1hr or 2 then come up to them and blast them with a bunch of paint...



News: The Horse Jizz Cannon

Set up a Potato Gun like contraption filled with Mr Ed's special sauce and wait for Pontius to walk in somewhere and when he does BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! All because he likes horse jizz in his mouth lol. I doubt this will make it but hell it was worth a shot. You guys are my fuckin heroes and I can't wait for Number 3.

News: Super Welcome

So my inspiration came to me while watching Jackass with the "fist in the wall" well my prank would be to put nail or tacks depends how thick is the mat is and put the nails in the mat and put it by a door and let people walk by it. :)

News: the swearing granny

johnny knoxville or one of the other jackass's could get dressed up as old granny then walking into places like shops and swear her dead off demanding stuff and just being a jackass to everyone in the store, they won't expect that behaviour off a dear old granny so the reactions should be funny.

News: pizza guy

we should someone go get a pizza dressed as osama bin ladin or some tarerest he should walk in and ask for a "large pizza with extra american i mean cheese" the pizza guy should be set up kinda like the taxi cab one.he should pull out a real pistol full of blanks and say"get the F**k out get out ill shoot" and have one of knoville walk in, the guy sould shoot knoxville and start spilling fake blood and then tell whoever got the pizza to get out there and pull down his pants then slip a fire c...

News: The Chase!!!

What we do is get a bunch of extras who can run fairly well. What happens is we have them all standing casually in a public place (park/mall) and have the victim walking around. As he gets to a certain point one of the extras starts to follow him. Slowly at first but then gets faster until the vicitm is running. The other extras join in as the victim passes them, creating a huge stampede of people. In other words a fun way to freak the shit out of somebody.

News: Frisky Father

Throw Knoxville in a makeup chair and age him to make him look older, put him in a Catholic priest outfit and send him out on the streets. Have hidden cameras follow him as he goes into porn shops, porn theaters, strip clubs, buys tickets to kids movies, goes to gay bars, reads a Playgirl in public places (bus stops, parks, book stores, coffee shops, etc.) walks around mens rooms and locker rooms, goes to playgrounds, takes pictures and video tapes men at Muscle Beach, etc, etc.

News: Correctional Collar

While walking around where ever (conservative areas are great for this) wear a shock collar around your neck (you can attach a leash which another person leads you with, kind of like a little kid on a leash but more like with a mental patient... or even a sex slave, I dont judge!) anytime you "misbehave" the person next to you presses the button for you to get shocked. And of course freak out when you get shocked... or act like you like it, like I said, I don't judge.

News: Baby wee man

Dress wee man up as a baby. Put him in a stroller and give him a recording of a baby crying. Walk the streets with him. Stop people on the streets and ask them to watch him while you go into the store really quick. After they agree to watch him run away. When they are standing there looking confused have wee man play the recording. Watch the person’s reaction when they find out it is wee man. Also you can also leave wee man on the streets in the stroller and see what people would do after the...

News: Screw over the Local Supermarket

There's two senile senior citizens disguised from Steve-O and Johnny Knoxville who claims they have "gotten sick of hospital food", and decided to rob a local supermarket. One guy is wearing his sports shorts, walking with a walking stick, and with parts of his genitals exposing, plobbing everywhere. (Johhny) While the other guy's on a wheel chair, just pitifully rolling to the supermarket with his (fake) detures and the hospital gown(steve-O). As they entered the assumed "Cosco", they then p...

News: The Old Pervert

Alright guys, I'm Aaron from Texas. I want to prank my bestfriend James that moved away to California outside of Oakland a few years back. He is now a guitar teacher and I think at work would set him up for the best prank ever. The idea is to set up an appointment with him for guitar lessons as an old man, hence the old person make up you guys have done in the past, which would probably be best done in glasses and one of those "flasher"/pervert coats. I see it probably starting with a name fo...

News: Randomest Things Ever!!!

Materials Needed: Panda Costume, Robot Costume, Burrito (unwrapped)Okay, to tell the truth, i am not 18 or older, i am a 15 and a half year old teenager who has admired you guys for years and has been dying to meet you all. my idea (my best friend Steven Vaughan also helped with it) is about me (as a panda) and Steven (as a robot) run through a busy public building, or down a busy street, with Steven chasing me as the robot, and i will be in the panda costume running trying to get away and ea...

How To: Antique My Mom

The Motivation So, I want the Jackass guys to antique my mom. Plain and simple, she bakes terrible cakes. They're horrible. And the only solution I have dreamed up is to destroy her flour supply.

News: Paintball Blast

The title of this prank doesn't really tell everything about it. So here it is. Imagine Johnny Knoxville walking down the road among dozens of other pedestrains. Have police sirens blaring in the backround. Have a white van speeding hen come to a screeching halt. Have Bam margera, Steve-o, and Wee-Man jump out with paintball guns and start firing them at Johnny Knoxville. While all this is happening, Preston and Chris Pontius should be on the roof of a building bombing him with balloons fille...

News: Mouse Trap 2.0

Remember when Ehren was a mouse and walked through a room of mouse traps? You know those mouse traps that are just a rectangle with all that sticky glue all over it that essentially traps the rat by sticking it to the surface? Well, do that to an entire room . . . tell Ehren he has to put a mouse costume on for some other skit, then throw him into the middle of the room and then throw all kinds of sh*t at him.

News: Old couple in dance club

Have an old couple go into a club that has a bunch of young people at it and have them drinkin then getting on the dance floor and have them grinding against eachother and stuff. Have the old lady dress slutty and you can see depends hanging out of her shorts. She can be using her walker to hold her up while she's grinding against the old guy. Maybe then another old guy can walk in and say he's her husband and starts to fight the other old guy.


a crew member will dress as a giant hot dog and drive to random places in a giant weiner car. while holding a hot dog and walking a weiner dog which is also dressed as a hot dog he will ask random people if they love weiners. the redundancy is hiarious!!! also the member dressed as a hot dog will have a hot dog sticking out of the weiner suit. thats a total OF 6 WEINERS

News: theiving pirate

My idea was to dress like a pirate and pass out those chocolate coin candys to random people. then my friend would walk up behind me and ask for candy without talking. hand motions, i would say no and turn away. i forgot to add that the other person would have a bag with him. then he would pull out a bat or a fucking club. anything that will hurt like a bitch and hit me in the back of the head. i would fall to the ground and he would calmly take my candy and walk away. maybe piss on me. depen...

News: Silent Poop

For this prank, get one of the guys from the crew (prob will be Dave England) to walk in a library ready to poop. Have him then get a book to read or maybe go on computer and just sit and not talk. Then have him begin to poop. While this is going on make sure he try's and plays it off. If people start to look around play it as cool as you can. IF at 1st no one knows he is pooping make him be the 1st to be like ewwww whats that or somthing. once there get out of there and see how people take it.

News: The death of a jackass (or so we'll think)!!!

Have one of the most beloved characters on jackass(steve-o,jhonny,bam) fake his death for the world to see, have them pretend to rob a bank and have a cop in there at the same time, so when they hold up the bank they get shot and since its a bank there will be cameras so thats how they got it on tape, remember this will all be fake but nobody will know. or you could fake a car crash and it would have the crew in there about to go film but only 1 would die and the rest would b just hurt.or som...

How To: Wire a candle holder into a lamp

Have a candle holder that would make a great lamp base? You can wire that candle holder and turn it into a working lamp for your living room's newest decorative piece. This video takes you through the process of how to do so... However, with no narration, this how-to tutorial falls a tad short of being helpful. Wire a candle holder into a lamp.

How To: Install a farm gate

Add a new level of safety and security to your country property with the installation of a properly hung gate. Two farm fencing experts demonstrate this ‘DIY’ project from start to finish. A few important steps help insure that the next time you hang a gate on your land it will swing correctly and not sag over time. Brought to you by The Progressive Farmer, the authority on country living and sponsored by John Deere. Install a farm gate.

News: Caught Brown Handed

Have some of the Jackass crew poop in a purse. Or use elephant poop....and fill the bottom of the purse. Cover the poop with makeup, tissues, personal items, etc. that you'd normally find in a purse. Then set in on a semi-busy sidewalk.(Making it a Coach purse would attract more attention I think.) When "curious" people walk by they'll probably check the purse for money, but instead they get a disgusting surprise!! After a few people have "gotten their hands dirty" you could have Spike Jones ...

News: The Psnowman Cometh

A male bar patron needs to relieve himself so he walks into the bar's bathroom. A couple of his buddies follow along with him. The urinal is a long, white, bathtub, sitting on the floor horizontally that is filled with ice. The patron starts to unzip his pants to urinate and an evil faced snowman pops up from underneath the ice and roars at the patron. The patron screams and urinates on himself. His buddies laugh hysterically.