Live Walking Search Results

How To: Map a walking route with MapMyWalks on Android

Take walks for exercise, to roam around your neighborhood, or just to get outside? Want to know how far you walked? Well, it's easy to do with MapMyWalks and Google Maps! One of the salient advantages of a Google Android smartphone over, say, an Apple iPhone, is the inherent extendibility of the open-source Android mobile OS. There are a seemingly infinite number of settings to tweak and advanced features to discover and use. This free video tutorial will show you how to map out your walks us...

How To: Easily create a speed dial for contacts on the Android

One of the great things about cell phones is the fact that they can accomplish so much in just a small piece of hardware. If you need help figuring out how much to tip, where a certain person lives and their contact informaiton, and even how many miles you have been walking since you left your home. Yup some cell phones can do all of that and more. In this tutoral though, you'll find out more about a basic, easy to use system that has been around for some time. The speed dial.

How To: Walk like a male / female model on the catwalk

Are you interested in fashion? Let's try a catwalk. For guys, walk straight and the feet shouldn't cross while walking. For girls, walk with one foot in front of the other, look straight forward and shoulders should pull back. Walk with your hands on the hip or let loose. There must be attitude on both the boy as well as the girl which will create a niche. This will help in launching your fashion career as well as maintain your posture.

How To: Walk in high heels if you're a model

Anastasia Khozzisova, runway coach, explains that many women do not know how to walk properly down the runway. Follow these tips and learn now to walk in high heels as a model. The basic parts of the walk are: -Hips, this is where your movement comes from. -Head, make sure your neck is relaxed. Keep your head back and chin up. -Toes, practice walking on your toes before putting a pair of heels on. -Arms,make sure you are swinging and moving your arms. It helps for a great picture. Learn to be...

How To: Walk in high heels with some helpful tips

In this video you can see how you can walk in high heels. Heels do not need to be long and thin to be considered fashionable. But no matter the length of your heel, take extra caution to keep your balance and place the least amount of strain on your muscles. Step with your heel down first, then let the sole follow quickly and smoothly. Walk with your toes pointing straight ahead or as close to straight ahead as possible. Swing your arms as you walk for balance. Keep your legs straight, close ...

How To: Jerk (dance) - "Stick Walk"

Stick Figures, a Jerk dance crew, show JusJerk their famous variation of the Stick Walk by mixing an older move known as the "Clown Walk" with "the Reject". Quickly going through a step by step instructional, study fast to steal the Stick Figures' unique family recipe.

How To: Crip Walk the X-step

Ever had the fascination to learn, or the inclination to Crip Walk? Well, now's your chance. This video tutorial will get you performing true to the Compton-born dance movement from Crip gang members. If you're not a gangster in the ghetto, you should not be doing the C-Walk, unless you're wreckless. See specifically how to Crip Walk the X-step (or the R-Walk X-step).

How To: Crip Walk the snake forward one foot

Ever had the fascination to learn, or the inclination to Crip Walk? Well, now's your chance. This video tutorial will get you performing true to the Compton-born dance movement from Crip gang members. If you're not a gangster in the ghetto, you should not be doing the C-Walk, unless you're wreckless. See specifically how to Crip Walk the snake forward one foot (or the R-Walk forward 1 foot).

How To: Make a Lego man walking animation

If you're planning on being the next Ridley Scott of brickfilms, then maybe you need to start off with a few basics, like in this video tutorial about how to make a Lego man walking animation. Creating a world of moving legos for your "legomation" masterpiece starts with the simplest things... walking.

Do the C-walk dance move: the Forward V

The C-Walk, AKA Crip Walk, originated in LA's Compton in the 70's. It is a hip hop dance started by the Crips gang. Originally meant to be a walk, not a dance, it was a way to identify whether you were a Crip. Watch this instructional video to learn how to do the Forward V. This move is hard to explain. It's like (for me anyway) going into a sideward V, and then a stepback.

Do the C-Walk dance move: the Heel Toe

The C-Walk, AKA Crip Walk, originated in LA's Compton in the 70's. It is a hip hop dance started by the Crips gang. Originally meant to be a walk, not a dance, it was a way to identify whether you were a Crip. Watch this instructional video to learn how to do the heel toe move. There are many variations of this move, and it can be a bit tricky to learn.

How To: Play walking bass lines

Check out this instructional bass guitar video that shows you how to play dominant 9th and 13th chords through the circle of 5ths with a walking bass line. Improve your guitar playing skills by learning a few tips on walking bass line techniques.

How To: Prepare for a hike easily

Preparing for a hike is easy with these tips. Get advice on backpacking, hiking, and the great outdoors in this video tutorial. Take action: use appropriate footwear, bring a first-aid kit, water, and food, and use walking sticks in uneven terrain. John Flaherty, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, has a great love for the outdoors. In 2003, John and his wife started Central Coast Outdoors in northern California. His company provides hiking, kayaking, and biking services for...

How To: Roller skate

Roller skating is not hard to learn, but requires some knowledge and equipment. Learn how to roller skate in this video lesson. Take action: invest in proper safety equipment, concentrate on form: shoulders should be above ankles, walk on skates to begin, and lead with toes. Catherine Werst, a.k.a Stray Cat from Central Coast Roller Derby and the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is the coach of Derby 101 and has been skating since she was eleven years old and competitive for ...

How To: Do the firefly yoga pose

The Firefly Pose is an advanced balance pose. Learn a new yoga pose in this video yoga lesson. Take action: let go of fear, engage core, find counter balance, walk hands back behind legs, and move energy forward. Cindy Mastry, the instructor in this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness centers in the Tampa Bay area...

How To: Do the heel toe when clown walking

Check out this instructional dance video to learn how to do this heel toe footwork from the Clown Walk step by step! This is more of a commercial Hip Hop version with arm variations. Chihoe "Groove" Szeto teaches you popular, fun dance moves step by step in these tutorial videos. Practice your c-walking skills by adding this heel toe twist move technique.

How To: Do a c-walk reverse heel toe

Check out this instructional dance video to learn how to do a reverse heel toe move for c-walking. This tutorial shows the reverse heel toe in action and in slow motion. Improve your c-walk by watching this how-to video. Impress your opponents at the next battle with your new, smooth dance moves.

How To: Do c-walk dance V moves

Confused by the quick leg work of c-walk dancers? It doesn't take any street cred to do this dance, though it helps, all you need is practice and some helpful tips. Watch this video c-walk tutorial and learn how to do the V, the V stepback, the forward V, the V split, and other V variation moves.

How To: Do c-walk heel dance moves

Is your c-walk repertoire a little repertoire? Don't get schooled the next time you're out dancing at a party or a club. Watch this video c-walk dance tutorial and learn how to do the heel toe, side to side heel toe, hop heel toe, snake heel toe, and heel toe spin moves.

How To: Do the c-walk x-hop

This video dance guide breaks down the steps to the x-hop move in c-walk dancing. It may look impressive, but it just takes a little bit of balance, co-ordination, and wtih a some practice, the x-hop will be ready to bust out at a club. Watch this video c-walk dance tutorial and learn how to do the x-hop move.

How To: Give your dog permission to "go sniff" on a walk

In this tutorial, we learn to give your dog permission to go sniff around while on a walk. When you are walking on your dog, let them go out and sniff things, so that they can explore the area that you are around. Make sure you are following close behind and still have them attached loosely to a leash. When you are ready to leave the area, say "lets go", and move on with your walk with the dog. Practice this several times with your dog, and eventually they will start to know the length of tim...

How To: Put an SNES emulator on your R4/M3 card

TheCondowit shows you how to put an SNES emulator on your R4/M3 card. The user says that the first thing you want to do is goto SNEmulDS homepage then scroll down when you get there and goto the green text. Next the user tells you to click on the R4DS / M3 Simply. The user then walks you through some more steps then shows you a live demonstration of the emulator in action to confirm that it works. After following all the steps the user provides, you should be able to put an SNES emulator onto...

How To: Train your dog to walk on a leash properly

When training your dog to walk properly on walks outside of the house it is very important that right before you leave to go outside you come down to their level and make it clear that you expect them to listen. This can be done by saying a few commands like sit stay etc. Once you proceed outside and you sense your dog about to jump, run, or move somewhere you don't want them to, create some sort of sound or word that tells your dog they are doing wrong or are disobeying. Proceed to make this...

How To: Crip Walk the V-step heel toe combo

Ever had the fascination to learn, or the inclination to Crip Walk? Well, now's your chance. This video tutorial will get you performing true to the Compton-born dance movement from Crip gang members. If you're not a gangster in the ghetto, you should not be doing the C-Walk, unless you're wreckless. See specifically how to Crip Walk the V-step heel toe combo.

How To: Crip Walk the V-step forward back

Ever had the fascination to learn, or the inclination to Crip Walk? Well, now's your chance. This video tutorial will get you performing true to the Compton-born dance movement from Crip gang members. If you're not a gangster in the ghetto, you should not be doing the C-Walk, unless you're wreckless. See specifically how to Crip Walk the V-step forward back.

How To: Crip Walk the gangsta hop

Ever had the fascination to learn, or the inclination to Crip Walk? Well, now's your chance. This video tutorial will get you performing true to the Compton-born dance movement from Crip gang members. If you're not a gangster in the ghetto, you should not be doing the C-Walk, unless you're wreckless. See specifically how to Crip Walk the gangsta hop.