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How To: Download and use Daemon Tools Lite

Daemon Tools Lite is a program that helps you install a virtual drive, thereby loading an .iso image into the drive to be used at all times with ease. Download DAEMON Tools Lite by searching on the google. After you download, install the program successfully. This may take some time as the virtual drive needs to be installed. Once installed a small icon appears on the bottom right corner of the screen on the task bar. Right click on the icon and go to ‘virtual CD/DVD ROM’. Select a drive ...

How To: Organize a dishwasher for easier unloading

Using the dishwasher can be a hassle if it is not emptied in time. The dishes pile up in the sink, and it takes more than one load to clean out. The most important thing you can do is to organize the dishwasher while loading it. Although it may seem obvious, make sure that the plates of the same size and type go together. Do the same thing with the bowls, and any other flatware you have to wash. Even more helpful than organizing your plates and bowls is organizing the silverware and cutlery. ...

How To: Use Chrome Flags to Prevent Page Load Jumps

Google's Chrome browser comes pre-loaded on the vast majority of today's Android devices, and it's one of the fastest, most stable, and useful browsers out there. But it does have one major annoyance—while a page is loading, you'll see a link, then reach to tap it, but an element further up the page will load, and the link will jump out from underneath your fingertip.

How To: Load Kali Linux on the Raspberry Pi 4 for the Ultimate Miniature Hacking Station

In 2019, the Raspberry Pi 4 was released with specs including either 1 GB, 2 GB, or 4 GB of memory, a Broadcom BCM2711B0 quad-core A72 SoC, a USB Type-C power supply, and dual Micro-HDMI outputs. Performance and hardware changes aside, the Pi 4 Model B runs Kali Linux just as well, if not better, than its predecessors. It also includes support for Wi-Fi hacking on its internal wireless card.

How To: Load & Use Keystroke Injection Payloads on the USB Rubber Ducky

Keystroke injection attacks are popular because they exploit the trust computers have in human interface devices (HIDs). One of the most popular and easily accessible keystroke injection tools is the USB Rubber Ducky from Hack5, which has a huge range of uses beyond simple HID attacks. The USB Rubber Ducky can be used to attack any unlocked computer in seconds or to automate processes and save time.

How To: App Over 150 MB? Here's How to Download It Using Cellular Data on Your iPhone

These days, cellular connections can be just as fast — if not faster — than traditional internet providers. That, coupled with the prevalence of unlimited data plans, means less worrying about hopping on a Wi-Fi network to download something. However, try to install an app or update over 150 MB, and your iPhone will insist you switch to Wi-Fi. We don't think this is very fair, so here's a way out.

YSK: You Can Manage App Downloads & Updates Right from Your iPhone's Home Screen

Everyone knows that app updates on iOS are found in the App Store. What you might not have known, however, is that you don't need to manually open the App Store app to manage your updates and downloads. In fact, that work can be started or completed directly from the first place you interact with on your iPhone — the home screen.

How To: This Shortcut Lets You Download YouTube Videos on Your iPhone Straight from the Source, No Shady Services Needed

If you've ever wanted to download YouTube videos directly to your iPhone, there's an easy solution — just update to iOS 12 and install Apple's new Shortcuts app. With the Workflow-replacement app, you can add a shortcut that lets you download any YouTube video you want, without needing to jailbreak or use shady third-party tools.

How To: Upload a Shell to a Web Server and Get Root (RFI): Part 2

If you remember last time, we successfully uploaded picture with a small hidden PHP command executer embedded in it onto a server. Now, our goal is to take this a step further and get an interactive shell. To do this, we need to upload another file that either binds a port for us, or connects back. For this tutorial, we will use a Python reverse Meterpreter shell.

How To: Use Safari's New Downloads Manager in iOS 13

Safari has always done a great job at letting you browse the web, but it has never so much as offered a way to download files locally. Other apps have stepped in to help fill the gap, but they never felt as integrated into the iPhone as a native downloads manager would. They aren't needed anymore though, because Apple added one in iOS 13, pushing Safari on the iPhone closer to its sibling on the Mac.

How To: Use the WiiFlow USB Loader with an external hard drive

This is a video teaching how to use the Wiiflow USB loader with an external hard drive. This will allow you to store Nintendo Wii games in an external Desktop hard drive. The narrator shows you his consoles and his hard drives while loading the cover on his Wiiflow. The Wiiflow will let you store all of your Wii games onto a large hard drive, instead of your Nintendo Wii. It allows you to play the games from the USB loader without a game disc. This is a convenient way to play your games witho...

How To: Remove a boat from the water for transport & storage

Eddie shows us how to remove a boat from the water in this video tutorial. First, take down the canvases and wrap them up. Now, put the antennas down and drive the boat to the loading dock. Next you will need a large truck that has a hitch and trailer attached to it, and secure everything so the boat stays on and doesn't come off of the trailer. Take the drain plug out of the boat before you transport it, to make it lighter. Transport the boat to your house, and place bricks over the front so...

How To: Create an iPod gel process bar in Illustrator CS2

The Apple iPod and iPhone are the hottest electronics on the market, so keeping up with the times means keeping up with designs people like. Apple incorporates all kinds of cool images and icons into their products, so learn how to re-create them so you can modify them or get ideas for your own designs. Watch this Illustrator video tutorial to create a gel progress / loading bar-similar to the progress bar found on an iPhone and iPod -- from start to finish.

How To: Open Windows mail attachments on a Mac

When you're a Windows OS user it's very easy to send out attachments on emails as .doc documents, made in Microsoft Office or Excel. But just because you're a Windows user doesn't mean your friend or coworker is. Or say that you're a MAC user and your friend keeps loading you with Microsoft Office documents. What do you do, other than telling him to stop already?

How To: Read a tire sidewall

In this Autos, Motorcycles & Planes video tutorial you will learn how to Read a tire sidewall. By understanding the information on the tire sidewall, you will come to know what is the tire size, speed rating and when it was manufactured. First look for a combination of letters and numbers. For example, P205/55R16 89V. ‘P’ implies passenger car tire. Some light trucks may also have ‘P’ or ‘LT’. if there is no letter, the tire is designed to Euro standards. 205 is the overall width of the tire ...

How To: Make medieval tissue-transferred candles

Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza demonstrate the way of making medieval candles using tissue paper transfer technique. Steve asks you to first take a piece of tissue paper and a square-shaped chunky stamp. Then you should load the stamp with black pigment. Once the loading is completed, you should cut the tissue paper in square shape and place the shining side on the stamp and give a nice light press with your fingers. Then once you get the stamp image on the tissue, gently take it out and pl...

How To: Develop applications for the Apple iPhone

This is a lengthy, detailed series on iPhone development, for which you'll need an Intel-based Mac computer, running Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higher. Then, before you actually get started developing for the iPhone, you'll need to register as a developer with Apple. Then, you'll need to download Xcode and the iPhone SDK. Once you have all this, you can start developing iPhone applications!

How To: Run Boxee on an AppleTV Using a Patch Stick

By loading Boxee onto your AppleTV, you can use it to watch content from Hulu, Comedy Central, CBS and other streaming TV websites. You can also play Internet radio, listen to your mp3s and view your photo library without ever having to go near iTunes. All you need is a patch stick with the right program installed, run it, and then update the Boxee software from the Apple TV system.

How To: Move and position elements within Adobe InDesign CS5

This clip presents a general introduction to the process of loading and positioning elements within an Adobe InDesign CS5 layout. Whether you're new to Adobe InDesign or a seasoned graphic arts professional after a general overview of CS5's most vital new features, you're sure to be well served by free video software tutorial. For more information, take a look.

How To: Translate any text in Firefox with gTranslate

Want to know what that foreign YouTube comment says without loading a separate webpage to translate it? Downloading gTranslate, a Firefox addon that translates any text, will help you see what that comment is or any small sentence. Just highlight the text, right-click on the text and go to the translator, the foreign language will be automatically detected and translated.

How To: Use ROM Manager to manage roms on your Droid

Installing and managing ROMs on your rooted Android phone can be a pain. You have to connect phone to computer a lot, and every time you load a new one you run the risk of it not working and having to start all over again. Fortunately, there's even an App for that! This video will show you how to use a cool App called ROM Manager to handle all your ROM-related tasks, from getting and loading new ones to maintaining and editing them. Never load a ROM manually again, buy this App!

How To: Prepare H.264 video footage for quick editing

This tutorial from LoadedNewsletter's Jonathan Jelkin gives a simple process on how to prepare H.264 video footage for quick editing. H.264 video footage is shot by popular cameras such as the Canon 5d/7d, Flip cam, GoProHD. This is a great format for straight upload to YouTube, but if you want to edit you need to transcode it to something else. The first step is to download and install a free program called MPEGSTREAMCLIP. Once it is installed you can process all of your files by loading the...

How To: Paint quicker and more evenly with a roller

To save time and get a more uniform result when painting with a roller pour your paint in a five gallon bucket rather than a roller pan. Put a painters screen down into the bucket and hook it over the edges of the bucket. Dip the roller into the bucket and roll the excess off of the roller by rolling it on the screen in the bucket. This allows you to have far less stops refilling the pan and if you keep the bucket near the wall you save time loading the roller with paint. When you are ready t...

How To: Create a custom profile divider in ASP.Net

In this video tutorial, Chris Pels shows how to create a custom profile provider to store and retrieve data associated with a user profile in SQL Server tables separate from the standard ASP.NET membership provider’s aspnet_Profile table. The principles covered in this video will apply to creating profile providers for other databases like Access and Oracle. After learning how to create the custom profile provider we learn how to install the provider in a web site and see a demonstration of l...

How To: Throw a cast net for live bait

The best way to fish is with live bait, but buying bait can be expensive and it isn't always guaranteed fresh. Once you learn how to cast your own bait you will be able to catch large amounts of bait fish on your own, and cut out the middle man. Happy fishing!