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How To: Cast Torrents, Magnet Links, Local Files, & Web Videos from Your Windows PC

Google's Chromecast has been out for almost two years, and I can safely say it has changed the way I use my TV. At first it was a hassle to even get local media to play on it, but now casting has branched out to torrent streaming, which was a real game changer. Unfortunately, most apps only let you stream one video or song at a time, or you can't add magnet links or torrents to a playlist of local content.

Steampunk R&D Podcast 03: Justin Stanley on Art and Critique

Justin Stanley, better known to many as the Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, is both an artist and a personality within the Steampunk community. His contributions range far and wide, and in this episode of Steampunk Research and Development, he talks a lot about his artistic vision, how to be an artist, and how best to give and receive artistic criticism.

How To: Torrent Without Getting Caught

I'm not admitting to anything, but let's be honest, most of us download content on the Web from time to time. With copyright holders laying down the law more and more often, it can't hurt to do so with caution. And even if you aren't downloading copyrighted material, you still don't want companies snooping in on your online activities. So just how do you protect yourself when torrenting? Avoid "Open Communities"

How To: Survive in Minecraft

Minecraft is a game that snuck up on the gaming community and set a wild fire bigger than the ones in California! Even though it's not even done and still in Alpha phase, reviewers are already reviewing it, and people are jumping on board. The game itself is based around a basic concept: survive, craft, build, conquer. You play the only man in the world who starts with nothing, during the day, it's safe and you can mine and harvest material, but at night, creatures come out, including Zombies...

How To: Edit images from within Google Chrome browser

Edit images directly from Google Chrome and see how they look directly on the page itself. GooEdit, a plugin for the Google Chrome browser, lets you rotate, flip, tweak the brightness, sepia, and more. You can then save the modified image to your local harddrive or upload to Twitter. Patrick from Tekzilla Daily explains the cool features.

How To: Buy the right desktop PC for you

There are so many computers available today, from laptops to desktops to netbooks and everywhere in between. If you are considering going the stationary route, check out this tutorial. In this video, learn how to choose a desktop PC that is right for you. The experts at PCWorld will walk you through brands, capabilities and price ranges so that you can walk into your local office store with confidence and pick out your model.

How To: Make a felt flower pin

Looking for your next craft project? Look no further. This crafty person's guide will walk you through the process of making a custom felt flower pin with supplies from your local craft store and about 45 minutes of labor. For more information, including a list of necessary materials and step-by-step instructions for making your own floral pin, watch this free video tutorial.

How To: Boost your immune system naturally

Especially in winter time, your immune system can go on a roller coaster ride. In this tutorial, learn how to boost your immune system naturally and up your defenses against things like colds and the flu. In this episode of Ask Amy, Amy takes you through your local supermarket and shows you the right things to eat and drink to build immunity. Follow these tips and fly through next flu season like a breeze.

How To: Exploit Microsoft Windows in new and unusual ways

In this installment from the Unorthodox Hacking series of computer security videos, you will explore a few of the areas in Windows that most Sysadmins don’t even know exist. See how to become Local System through the Task Scheduler and abuse long filenames. Take a look at some of the features within Windows—registry—that many system administrators don't know exist with this hacking how-to.

How To: Sell stuff at a flea market

Selling stuff at the local flea market sounds easy enough, but it isn't anything like having a yard sale. There's a lot more to it that just getting rid of your junk, and the biggest things are being licensed and having a sales tax number. Flea market vendor may not be your first career choice but, like many, you may find it’s a lucrative full-time job or a profitable and fun sideline.

How To: Communicate between Flash AS3 and PHP

All the files you need are in a free download on DevelopPHP. PHP has to be on a server. It will not run on a local machine. Type your name. There are two variables which show up in the dialog boxes (which are stacked.) You can change the user name. It sets up a URL request and a URL loader and sends some URL variables and are placed into the value of names and pairs. They get posted to the PHP file. Place the URL reference location of where the PHP files are on your server in the line that sa...

How To: Finally, a Decent Zombie Base-Building Game That You Can Play on Your iPhone Right Now

With tons of titles to choose from on the iOS App Store, you'll never be lacking when it comes zombie shooters. Unfortunately, the same can't be said if you're more interested in base-building and defending against the undead. PlayStack aims to change this, and they've soft-launched Survival City in the Philippines for further development. With a simple hack, you can try the game yourself right now.