Local Delivery Search Results

How To: Make a homemade pizza with prepared dough

Why pay for delivery when you can make your own pizza at home? This way you can make the pizza the way you like it. In this cooking how to video our hosts show you how to make a homemade pizza with store bought dough. Some of the other ingredients you will need for this pizza are: garlic, artichokes, olive oil, mozzarella, and tomatoes.

How To: Ship a car when moving

You've boxed up and shipped all your other possessions for the big move and all you're left with is the little issue of how your getting your car there. There are companies out there that will ship your car to you, just make sure your car is prepped for the journey.

How To: Get All of Your YouTube Notifications Delivered at the Same Time

Some may find it annoying to get YouTube notifications randomly throughout the day. Every time a YouTube channel uploads a video, every time someone replies to your comments. But at the same time, you don't want to turn off those notifications so you don't miss out. Well thankfully, YouTube offers a happy medium where you can get important notifications, but only get them once a day at your desired time.

PSA: You Can Run Windows 10 Without a Microsoft Account

Since the release of Windows 8, Microsoft has been heavily encouraging users to use Windows with a Microsoft account. According to Microsoft, the main benefit of using a Microsoft account is the ability to sign in and sync your information across various Microsoft devices and services. Furthermore, you have access to a singular cloud storage solution which can contain documents, pictures, settings, and more on whatever system you're using with the Microsoft account.

How To: Find your local IP and MAC address

In this video Guides4tech teaches the secrets of finding your local IP and MAC address in simple steps. First click 'Start' and select 'Run' on your computer. Now type 'cmd' to open the command prompt. In the command prompt type 'ipconfig/all' and press 'Enter'. Your IP address will displayed under the 'Ethernet adapter local area connection' menu. Your MAC address will be displayed as 'Physical address' under the same menu.

How To: Open hips with prenatal yoga poses

This yoga how-to video tutorial demonstrates prenatal yoga poses to help open the hips. Prenatal yoga hip opening poses help to facilitate the opening of the pelvis to prepare for the baby to descend through the birth canal. They increase flexibility in the muscles that attach to the pelvis that will need to be elastic during labor and delivery. When the hips are more open it allows for the sacrum and pelvic to be better aligned. This will make daily activities like walking, sitting, standing...

How To: Graph x & y intercepts on a TI-84 Plus calculator

In this video the teacher shows us how to use a TI-84 plus graphing calculator to graph a function, adjust the view window, and determine the values of several types of critical points on the graph such as x-intercept, y-intercept, local maximums, and local minimums. After entering the function in the Y= editor she presses the ZOOM button and selects Z-Standard this adjusts the view window to a range of -10 to 10 on both axis. To find each of the critical points requested the teacher uses the...

How To: Build a laser tripwire that can trigger anything out of a photoresistor

This video, incredibly short for it's massive content, will teach you how to make a laser tripwire that, combined with a photoresistor, can trigger just about any device. You can make traps, alarms, awesome party decorations, and all sorts of other awesome things with this easy-to-make device, provided you have a soldering iron and a local electronics store to buy some parts.

How To: Create tomato cages from concrete wire

Curtis Smith, an extension horticulturist talks about using cages for your tomato plants. He says that some people like to stake tomatoes, some like to cage them and some even just let their tomato plants sprawl. He talks to a local gardener who has built his own tomato cages out of concrete wire. The gardener shows his cages, which he built 10 years ago and they still look sturdy today. Curtis gives a few tips like wrapping the cages with a special fabric that lets air and light through, but...

How To: Release point in basketball

In this tutorial, we learn how to release point in basketball with Tom. If you hesitate or hang, you will lose power in your legs and your ball will go short and flat. When you reach the top of your jump you will want to release your ball to get the most height out of it. When shooting the jump shot, pay attention to what it feels like when you are going to shoot. You want to feel powered up not effortless or underpowered when you are shooting. Time your release and make sure you have a high ...

How To: Repair a minor windshield leak from the side mirrors on an LLV postal truck

Unless the windshield is obviously cracked, there are only two other possible causes to a leaky windshield. One is from the seal around the whole glass, because it's broken or worn by age, and the other is the more common culprit on LLV postal trucks, and that's where the side mirror bolts on. This is is hard to see without a mirror and flash light, but check it before you replace the windshield, because if it's the source of the leak, you'll still have a leak even after replacing the windshi...

How To: Replace the rear cargo door roller track on an LLV postal truck

The rear door track is a must-have for postal workers on their LLV postal trucks. If they can't open the back cargo door, how would they get us our mail? So, when dealing with a broken cargo door track, this video will help you replace the roller track, which is actually quite easy. The United States Postal Service (USPS) uses these "Long Life Vehicles" for almost all mail deliveries! If you have another problem, check out the other LLV videos.

How To: Use the pump drill to help improve your swing

Golf is a sport that people of all ages, races, and gender can enjoy. It doesn't require too much equipment and isn't as stressful as playing basketball, baseball, etc. Even though it can be very relaxing, some people can get so frustrated when it comes to their technique or delivery.