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How To: Hunt Down Space-Hogging Files on Your Mac with Disk Inventory X

I love my MacBook Air, but the fact that it runs on only 128 GB of flash storage causes me to move most of my files to the cloud. I don't mind having to be connected to the internet in order to access my files, but it's definitely a hassle trying to figure out which files I should move in order to save the most space. Usually, I don't even bother even trying until I see the dreaded "Your startup disk if almost full" warning. Currently, the only real way to find your biggest files in Mac OS X ...

How To: This Setting Makes It Easier to Locate Your iPhone When It's Dead or Offline

When your iPhone can't be found, Find My iPhone is a true lifesaver. When you use the feature, you can ping your iPhone and even see its current location on a real-time map. But what happens when your iPhone runs out of battery? Find My iPhone can't locate a dead iPhone, can it? You might be surprised to know it can, to a certain degree.

How To: Complete a three minute ab workout for tight, sculpted abs

Many people go about spot fat removal wrong. First of all, there is no such thing as spot fat removal. It's impossible to get rid of fat in just one area, so if you want to make your abs flat and toned but there's too much flab covering it at the moment, you need to do lots of cardio to burn off the fat and strength training so that once your fat slides off your muscles are visible.

How To: Find the Sunset House by Mourningwood in Fable 3

Trying to get to the Sunset House region in Fable 3? It's one of the coolest environments in the game, a bonus house, which take some puzzle solving skills to unlock. The Sunset House is a really difficult find and only becomes available after you have become King or Queen in Fable 3. You must travel from Mourningwood to locate it, but if you're having trouble, this video walkthrough will guide you to the exact location of the Sunset House. It's the same for all platforms— PS3, PC and Xbox 360.

How To: Find the missing laser pistol for Knight Torres in Fallout: New Vegas

At some point in Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, you'll eventually find yourself in Hidden Valley, the secret location of the Brotherhood of Steel. After exploring their bunker, you may find yourself meeting with Knight Torres, the Quartermaster for the Brotherhood of Steel. She will tell you that she is missing a Laser Pistol from her last shipment and wants you to go look for it. Well, not just any old Laser Pistol will do, apparently— she wants something very specific. In this video, y...

How To: Fix a flat with a CO2 cartridge

In this tutorial, we learn how to fix a flat with a CO2 cartridge. Start out by grabbing the bag that is underneath your bag, which has everything you need to fix your flat tire. After this, take the wheel off and find out where the hole is located. There will be a hissing sound coming from this spot where the air is escaping. First you will remove the tube from the wheel, then replace it with a new one. Once you're finished, use a CO2 tube to fill the tire back up with air. Replace this back...

How To: Use the Ribbon and Backstage view in MS OneNote 2010

In this video, we learn how to use the Ribbon and Backstage view in MS OneNote 2010. First, open up MS OneNote 2010 on your desktop. You will now see a new user interface where the ribbon appears underneath the tabs. Click the home tab to see the ribbon and then you will see the options to change font, colors, headings, and more. These help you find the features you want to change much faster and is completely customizable. The options can be located on the backstage view, which is underneath...

How To: Make grilled Lebanese flatbread with Mark Bittman

If you're anything like us, then you want to lose weight - or maintain your already fabulous waistline - without having to sacrifice your favorite foods. Dieters need to live a little, too! If you love munching on bread, consider this grilled Lebanese flatbread instead. Unleavened dough makes this sucker crunchy and super tasty, but without the excess fluff of most breads that equates to major carbs and calories. Check out the video to get the instructions.

How To: Do incline rows for lats

In this video, we learn how to do incline rows for lats. There is no substitute for pull ups if you want wide lats. This exercise is a great addition to add to pull ups to get a great workout and build muscle. To do this exercise, lay on an adjustable bench that is set on an incline. After this, hang your arms down and start to lift up the weights, raising them to your hips. Don't raise to your shoulder or this will start to build your upper back. Do as many of these as you can with an underh...

How To: Do triceps presses for big arms

In this video, we learn how to do triceps presses for big arms. If you want big arms, you need to work on triceps more than biceps. You will take a barbell and leave your elbows motionless. You will lay down and push up with the barbell, holding it with a narrow grip. Make sure the elbows are in the same place as the hands. Another variation of this is to push the elbows forward 45 degrees so the bar comes down to the chin. Make sure your elbow stay in and your hands are narrow. If the elbows...

How To: Make a light pan-baked lemon almond tart

Dessert has pretty bad connotations. After all, starving models and women trying to lose weight are often stereotyped as saying "no" to dessert in an effort to cut calories and not look like a piggy in front of friends (or a handsome date). It's pretty crappy, this world that we live in, with so much good food that's so bad for you tempting our every mealtime.

How To: Make grilled salmon with garlic, ginger, & basil sauce

Packed with rich omega-3 oils, fatty acids, and more protein than a WWE wrestler needs before a big match, salmon is a wonder food of sorts. Omega-3s protect heart health, boost your metabolism, and reduce inflammation (which means fewer pimples for those that are acne-ridden), while protein helps you lose weight by keeping you fuller longer.

How To: Engrave Pretty Designs onto Garden and Beach Stones

You can engrave just about any surface available, as long as you can press your engraving pen over it. Watch this tutorial to learn how to engrave stones from your garden or the beach with gorgeous floral designs or names. If you have a party coming up, you can create stunning party favors or stylish decorations by engraving pretty designs onto common garden or beach stones!

How To: Upgrade the hard drive in a Sony PlayStation 3 Slim

In this video, we learn how to upgrade the hard drive in a Sony PS3 Slim. First, flip the console, then pop the cover and remove the HDD screw. Next, remove the HDD cover and slide out the HDD. After this, locate and remove the four screws, then pop the HDD out of its tray. Next, replace it with a new HDD and screw back into place. Then, place the HDD tray back into its place and replace the cover back on. Screw in the original screw and replace the top back on. Now, flip your PS3 back over a...

How To: Mask with alpha channels in Adobe Photoshop CS4 or CS5

Much can be said of masking: Masking is the art of using the image to select itself. Masking lets you apply the entire weight of Photoshop to the task of editing a selection. And masking, thy name is alpha channel. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including de...

How To: Make a defense-splitting pass with Ricardo Kaká

This video demonstrates how to make a defense-splitting pass. You need to see three very important factors. The first one is you need to see the opportunity. Secondly, you need to choose the right moment. And third, you must be able to put the right weight on the pass. Learn to control your ball so that you are in the position to make a killer pass. Train yourself to be able to improve on these aspects. The more you train yourself the more you will be able to successfully do it in real matche...

How To: Remove the hard disk drive (HDD) from a G5 iMac

In this how to video, you will learn how to remove your hard drive from an iMac G5. First, open the cover of your iMac. There will be torx screws that have to be removed from the left hand side of the hard drive. Once this is done, you will have to unplug the two cables located on the bottom of the drive. From here, remove the hard drive up and out. Unscrew the screws attaching a bracket to the hard drive. Once this is done, you can swap in your old drive for a new one, or make modifications ...

How To: Throw a cast net very easily

Eddie Newman explains how to throw a cast net in to a body of water in order to catch fish. His process is to first put the rope on your right hand attaching it to your wrist, then gather up the rope in your hand, grab the top of the net, then wrap the top of the net around your hand so that you are holding it about a foot down. Then grab the weights and lay them in your fingers, you are now ready to throw. Put the net on your right side and throw, your right hand should cross over your left ...

How To: Make a Spartan spear from scratch at home

To make your very own Spartan Spear, like in the movie 300, you just have to follow a few short, easy instructions. Start off by taking a broom stick, and cutting off the end. Make sure your broom stick is empty inside. Then take a hammer and flatten the last few inches of it, hammering it into a point or a flat blade at the end. Cut off part of the tip at an angle on either side, then open it back up with pliers. A few inches below the opening, take your pliers and press in on the broom stic...

How To: Fix dim screen problems on your iPod Touch or iPhone

In this video, we learn how to fix and iPod touch LCD screen that is too dim/won't light up. First, open up the back case of the device and take out the battery. Make sure not to disconnect the battery that is attached to the battery. After this, take a tool, which you can purchase at ifix, and remove the LCD connection button, then snap it back on. This is located at the bottom left hand side and is black. Replace your battery and case your back light will now be back up, without having to p...

How To: Do squats correctly

This video in the Fitness category will show you how to do squats correctly. This exercise is meant for the legs. The easiest way to do this is to sit down and stand up using a bench. The bench should be about knee height. Technically the line from the ankle to the knee and the line from the hip to the shoulder should be parallel as you go up and down. The legs should be about one and a half feet apart. This is the body weight squat. As you progress, you can do the dumbbell squat. The video ...

How To: Wrap & wear your baby in a long scarf

This video tutorial shows you how to use a long wrap product to dress yourself while creating a secure carrier for your baby. The long wrap is brought forward from back to front and round your belly button, criss-crossed over your back and brought forward and criss-crossed once more, then tied. The two criss-crosses (in the shape of an X) help hold the babies legs, as the pass through the criss-crosses and support the baby. You should then try to bring the fabric down as far as possible to su...