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News: UK Newspaper Runs Series of Yellow Anti-Video Game Articles

The United Kingdom has long been known as an international hub of yellow tabloid journalism. The News Of The World, one of the nation's largest tabloids, is famously in court right now because of the deplorable methods it used to acquire salacious information about interesting people. It appears, given their recent string of video game related reportage, that daily newspaper Metro has also had its fair share of morally dubious reporters on staff.

News: Facebook Takes Cues From Google+ and Adds Better Privacy Controls

After the launch of Google+ and its ensuing attendant fanfare and rave reviews, Facebook seemed to undergo an identity crisis. On July 6th, Facebook failed to make waves with its "awesome" announcement - the new group chat and video chat features felt lame in comparison to the Google+ hangout and huddle features. Facebook also faced ongoing criticism for its perceived lack of privacy controls. Over on Quora, workers confirmed a lockdown of sorts at Facebook, for employees to work harder on fe...

How To: Manage Your Google+ Circles Without Going Crazy

Circles. They are both the best thing and worst thing about Google+. They're great because they allow you to fine-tune who you're following and who you want to keep in touch with, making it easy to keep your family and friends separate from each other. On the other hand, they can be a pain to maintain, and you can easily become overwhelmed from the "noise" of popular posts, which make it hard to concentrate on some of the people you want to focus on. But if you invest a little bit of time in ...

News: Fix Your Google+ Frustrations with 18 More Chrome Extensions

Antimatter15, author of the popular Surplus Chrome extension, was suspended from Google+ for using a pseudonym instead of a name that fits Google's community standards. As such, he's no longer supporting the extension, and if you're using it, now might be a good time to find a replacement. It's a reminder that nothing on the web is guaranteed to work forever. Luckily, there's no shortage of innovative coders whipping up creative and useful Google Chrome extensions.

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Turn-Based Storytelling for 2 Players

What's more fun? Winning against your friends or winning against others with them? It's an age old question, and in video games, the former one-on-one multiplayer has been the norm. But cooperative multiplayer has made a comeback, with Halo and Diablo II starting the trend, the first mainstream shooters and RPGs with great co-op modes. And now good local and multilplayer co-op games are available in almost every genre.

A First Look at Call of Juarez: The Cartel

The developing team Techland gets a free pass. Having thoroughly enjoyed their previous title, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, this sequel was bought on day one by good ol' fashion blind faith. After playing for most of today, it's still to early to tell if the game is a mess or a fun romp. Here are some first impressions.

News: Tips and Tricks for Gmail

Time to confess a personal bias: I love Gmail. I think it's the best thing since sliced bread. I try to be impartial when I write about software and online services, but seriously -- of all the free email services out there, why would you use anything else?

How To: Create Realistic 3D Shadows

Setting up shadows takes just as much time and attention as setting up lights. You can think of all of your illumination as one half of your lighting design, and shadows as the other, equally important half. Shadows can add richness to the tones and shading of your image, tie elements together, and improve your composition. Besides their artistic importance, rendering shadows is a key technical area to master. This chapter will explore both the visual and the technical sides of shadows and oc...

News: Final Fantasy 14 Final Thoughts

Spending five days with the game is enough to know it's not to my liking. Is it a horrible MMO? Yes, yes it is. There are better Free to Play MMOs launched years ago that are better than this. As a fan of the Final Fantasy series (I am currently playing and liking Final Fantasy 13), this MMO is so bad that at some point I couldn't justify the awful environment, game play, and interface.

The Sprint HTC Evo 4G: Best Phone This Year

Written by JD Coverly of WonderHowTo World, LoadSave:We've spent the last week with Sprint's new phone, the HTC Evo 4G. Specification wise, it's better than Verizon's Incredible and T-Mobile's HD2. Apple has unveiled the new version of their phone this week and thankfully it's debatable as to which phone is better. The iPhone has better battery life and a more robust App store, but it suffers from a smaller screen, smaller camera resolution, no HDMI out, face talk only on wi-fi networks, and ...

Word Nerds Unite: Planning a SCRABBLE-Themed Wedding

Wedding themes are no rarity, but a SCRABBLE wedding? I never would have guessed, until I came across "10 Ways to Incorporate Scrabble Into Your Wedding" at CasaSugar. Now, I'm one of the biggest SCRABBLE nerds out there, but I could never see myself getting hitched amongst SCRABBLE tiles and SCRABBLE cakes and SCRABBLE cuff links. I'd also be afraid that none of my guests would actually come if they knew SCRABBLE was the theme. Hell, it's hard enough to get any of my friends to play a simple...

News: 20 Worst Drinks in America

So your mom may have told you not to spoil your appetite with that chocolate chip cookie you were eating before dinner, but did you ever think about what that energy drink your sipping on looks like in terms of its sugar content? The article "20 Worst Drinks in America" takes a look at what is hiding in that sinfully sweet soda. You may not ever dream of eating 6 Krispy Creme glazed donuts in one sitting but thats how much sugar you are putting in your body when you have a 16 oz Rockstar Ener...

Build a Home Arcade Machine: Part 2

I assume at this point you have already completed your control panel using Part 1 of this How To guide. Now, if you are anything like me, you couldn't fight the urge to play, and you have your panel sitting on saw horses in the living room.

How To: Disintegrate Objects at Super Speed (You Will Need: Sandpaper & After Effects)

Largely self-taught, Ryan John Kothe is an animator working out of Auckland, New Zealand. After picking up some rudimentary After Effects skills, he went on to create an impressive portfolio of beautifully rendered stop-motion animations with a distinctly tactile feel. Curious about the process behind Worn Out—Ryan's depiction of objects disintegrating in fast-forward (shown below)—we contacted him for a brief Q&A on the techniques behind his work.

News: "The Intervention"

This is a great trick to play on your least-bad-ass pal. Pick a friend who doesn’t smoke, and barely drinks (spends Fridays at home watching Lifetime) and take them out for a beer. A couple days later, take them out for another beer. A couple days after that, do it again, only this time, after they order a beer, order yourself a Coke or a glass of water. Say something in passing, like “You totally love beer, huh?” or “I’m just not feeling it today.” Make sure it’s something that makes them fe...

News: Naughty Prank Ideas

If one of your is really messy then you can try this prank on them. It actually happened with me and believe me it works!! If the person concerned just doesn’t clean up his or her mess and from table or bed and you really find it irritating since that is the situation with most of us when we live in school or college hostels or when we share a flat. So to teach a lesson stick a sign on the bed and the wardrobe, which would say that the wardrobe and the bed are meant for piling waste and when ...

How To: Fish for bass using a square-billed crankbait

If you're bass fisherman, then you know that the lipless crankbait is the bait you want in your fishing box. It's great for catching roaming fish chasing bait fish. However, there is an alternative you could use— a square-billed shallow running crankbait. They both are used in the same situations, but sometimes the billed crankbait will outperform the lipless crankbait. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you more about the square billed crankbait in this video.

News: exploding portapotty's

the scenario.. an outdoors event. in which the food has been laced with a super strong laxative the more the better. eventually everyone will need to crap bad. the portapotty's are retrofitted with massive pumps inside the blue water filled with the most ungodly poop one can find. the massive pumps shoot all that rancid goodness through any and all holes in the portapotty. only to be rigged hidden cameras to watch the madness. afterwards there would be a quick release for the walls of the por...