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How To: Change the brake pads on your car

In this video, we learn how to change the brake pads on your car. First, raise your car up on a jack, then remove your caliper. Set all the bolts aside, and make sure not to lose them and remember where each bolt goes. Now, pop the caliper lose with a screwdriver to pop it open. Now, remove the pads and replace new ones with the old ones. When you are finished, replace everything that you just removed. Replace the bolts where they originally went, making sure everything is in the right place....

News: Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Refining Sharing

One of the primary goals of a social network is for you to share what you find interesting with your followers and friends, but on Google+, sharing has so many layers that it can be confusing for most people to really take advantage of it properly. Some of the tools in place that enable you do deal with spam and manage your privacy aren't very clear, so this week's round up is all about how you can share what you want with who you want on Google+.

How To: Remember where you misplaced things

Are you the type of person who constantly loses things? Do you spend hours searching for objects that are vital to an important task? This video will lead you through 10 steps that will help you to find those missing objects. Remember where you misplaced things.

CISPA: What You Need to Know

Though under a lot of the average consumer's radar, the CISPA is now making rounds again with a coalition of advocacy rights groups. The act, known as the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, forces companies to ignore existing privacy laws and share information with the Federal Government. This short article will bring you up to date on this bill. The CISPA is another bill 'designed' to help prevent thefts and prevent them in cyberspace. But again, like all the previous bill before...

News: Keep Your Car Perfect with Winter Car Maintenance Tips

Cars require maintenance no doubt, but it needs pampering even with the change of weather. Like in summer rainy and winter your vehicle is suppose to be looked after differently. It’s always wise to take measures before the onset of the winter season, to save you from the perils. Car owners can follow regular maintenance schedule to have a perfect care of car and it will help them to have hassle free car drive in all sort of weather circumstances even in mercury boiling temperature or spine c...

News: Tips on Car Windscreen Maintenance

Most of the car owners pay attention to the maintenance of the vehicle but among them, many forget to include windscreen maintenance in their periodic checkups. Car windscreen maintenance is quite simple and can be done on your own. In order to maintain car,the drivers should treat this with utmost care as they do for tyres because neglecting small issues in windscreen can land you in deep trouble and on safety prospects as well,it is unsafe.

News: A Last Resort Method to Fix the Xbox 360 E74 Error (The Red Ring of Death)

I've come across a few very stubborn Xbox consoles in my day. A previous Null Byte demonstrated how to fix the Xbox with just eight pennies and some electrical tape. But if you've got one of those hell-born boxes that just refuses to be fixed in any way, shape, or form, there is always one last ditch approach. I'm talking about the infamous "towel trick". It works over 90% of the time, from my personal experience. Though, please note: This is only a temporary fix.

Juicing For Weight Loss Ideas: Grapple Juice

Sometimes good food and exercise is not enough to lose weight. Maybe you do it all, you drink tons of water, you exercise daily, you eat what you're supposed to and stay away from what is bad for your waist. However, you can't lose the weight you have gained over the past couple of months or even years. What to do now?

Scrabble Challenge #10: Would You Play a Phoney Word to Win?

A phoney word in a game of Scrabble is basically a non-valid word, either played or considered being played. Why? To fool the other player and go from losing to winning. It's perfectly acceptable in Scrabble play, but only if you don't get caught. If the other player challenges your play, then you'll be forced to remove it and your turn will be skipped. That right there—not fun.

Start Your Day Off Right: Beautiful Oscar Nominated Short "The Lost Thing"

The Lost Thing is a lovely short written by Shaun Tan and co-directed by Tan and Andrew Ruhemann (executive producer of the fantastic doc My Kid Could Paint That). Based on the award-winning children’s book of the same title (also by Tan), the piece was created over a span of eight years(!) using a mix of CGI and 2D handpainted elements. Tan, whose background is in painting, spent much of the duration "carefully building, texturing and lighting of digitial elements to create a unique aestheti...

News: Secure your Wizard Booty!

Hello readers again! Sorry about the long wait (scary computer problems). Today I am going to talk to you about security problems on Wizard101. I have recently encountered many security flaws on Wizard101, including hacking, frauding and other crazy things. Wizard101 is the target for many online predators, many of who are fully-grown adults aged 60 or 70. Here is the link to an article I found about it: Wizard101 Internet Predators

Fallen Empires: The Worst Ever?

I started playing MTG in 1994, the same year that the Fallen Empires set hit the market. It was, in fact, the first new set released after I started playing, making me one excited nine-year-old. I harangued my father, he took my friends and I to Gameworks again and again, and the booster packs started to mount. The problems only started to occur once we got them open.


How to Fix Windows 7 Slow Start Up Is your Windows 7 slower on start up? Wondering how to make Windows 7 super fast? There are various reasons why this operating system performs slower but one common reason is that mostly it happens because of too many start up programs and services running in the background.

How To: Set SMART Goals In 10 Ways

10 Ways to Make Your Goals Easier to Achieve Do you have goals in your life? Most people do. You may want to lose weight, advance your career, or make your relationship better. You think about where you want to be and then find a way to get from where you are to where you want to be.

How To: Control Your Android Device When It's Lost or Stolen Using a Simple Text Message

The great thing about security apps (other than the obvious) is that there is an abundance of them littered throughout the Google Play store. Cerberus, Got Ya!, Avast! Mobile Security, Norton Security & Antivirus, and Android Lost Free are just a few of the gems you can find in the plentiful sea of security apps for Android. Once in awhile, though, a new security application comes along that stands out from the rest, like AeGis.

How To: Hack Battery-powered Christmas Lights Into Laptop Holiday Decorations

Christmas is the time to splurge— not just with presents and food— we're talking decorations. It's that time of year when verdurous fir trees take up half of your living room, when waving elf figurines silhouette your front windows, when Rudolph flies from the rooftops, Santa in tow. But more than anything else, it's a time when those Christmas lights double tour elctrical bills, dancing to the "12 Days of Christmas" for the whole neighborhood to see.

How To: Set a password for your BlackBerry Bold

You never know when you may lose your BlackBerry and expose all your personal information to whoever finds it. That's okay, protect private data on your mobile PDA by setting a password. Now you don't have to worry about strangers stealing your secrets anymore. Set a password for your BlackBerry Bold.

How To: Ride powder on a snowboard

James Stentiford talks you through the basics of riding a snowboard on deep snow in this how-to video. No need to change postures or weight distribution in powder, because you'll lose power and direction. Watch this video snowboarding tutorial and learn how to ride powder snow. Ride powder on a snowboard.

How To: Keep the golf ball low

The low golf shot is particularly useful when you are playing a links course and the wind is blowing, as it stops the ball ballooning and losing distance in its flight. It's also the best way to punch the golf ball out from beneath the branches of a low, overhanging tree. A lot of golfers play this shot the wrong way . Keep the golf ball low.

How To: Pick a lock with a hacksaw blade

Can't open a lock because you've lost the keys? Well this conning how-to video will teach you how to crack open a keyed lock with a hacksaw blade.Our host uses a hacksaw blade as his pick. Follow carefully and learn the art of picking locks with a hacksaw blade. Pick a lock with a hacksaw blade.

News: Book Review - The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller

I read Timothy Keller’s The Reason for God on the recommendation of a philosophical friend and before I had finished it I was adding Keller’s The Prodigal God to my list of books to read. Keller has a gift for succinct and wise writing. I believe he truly has his finger on where society currently is spiritually, and where it might be going. In The Reason for God, Keller says that our society is both more spiritual and more secular than it has ever been. The book is a great look at the Christi...

Scrabble Challenge #9: Can You Win the Losing Game on the Last Move?

The end game is a very important aspect of playing Scrabble. If you have just a few letters left on your rack and there are none left in the draw bag, but you're currently losing the game, you still might have a chance to win if you play your cards (er… tiles) right. No matter if you're playing a casual game at home with a friend or competing against diehards in club or tournament games, the scoring process at the end provides the same results.

News: New Variant of Zeus Trojan Loses Reliance On C&C Server

This week, researchers from Symantec shared information on the recent discovery of a new variant of the Zeus Trojan. This new variant of the popular and ever-changing banking Trojan makes use of P2P communication exclusively, making the botnet have no single point of failure and ensuring it can be kept alive and gathering data that the cybercriminal can profit from. In other words, this new variant requires no central Command-and-Control server to control the bots.