Losing Sight Search Results

News: Shibumi

In the dojo, what ISN’T said is often as important as what IS said. To most of us who’ve been raised in the USA, the reticence we encounter in the dojo can be off-putting. American society is very “content” oriented. Our legal contracts, for instance, run for pages and pages. Everything needs to be spelled out. In “context-oriented” societies there is far less reliance on such a literal approach. Much more importance is placed on the relationship between the two parties entering into an agree...

News: Dented, but Undaunted

Nana korobi ya oki (resilience, unflagging effort) is the core belief of Seido Karate. It assumes that life is challenging and that we sometimes fall, unable to meet the challenge. Still we get up, undaunted, embracing our own spirit, our own capacity to prevail. The alternative, to stagnate or dwindle in spirit and action, is simply unacceptable.

News: Scotch Whisky Tasting Notes

What better way to start off a blog about Scotch whiskies than to write about our first impressions of some of our favorites? These notes are from a Scotch tasting party we threw a while back. It was fairly simple: we made meat, we asked people to bring individual bottles, and we drank. And drank. 

News: (Lost)(The Milkshake)(The Rollerblader)(The Shit)(PissFight)

- (Lost) Get lots of bright snow gear including a survival/ travel backpack with tins and cans and rope etc hanging from the back and have a seperate big bag kinda like a duffle bag attached to a rope attached to your waist and go to a very populated area like downtown L.A. or something and walk really slow on the sidewalk or street liek ur in a blizzard. Helps to have snowshoes, ice pics etc.

How To: Always win in tic tac toe

Learn how to always win in a game of Tic Tac Toe. Learn the strategies needed to win if you start first or your opponent starts first. Be the guru of Tic Tac Toe and never return to your losing ways again. This is also a good way to bet a little money and make a little extra on the side. Always win in tic tac toe.

How To: Get Rid of Even the Most Extreme Malware and Spyware on Your Grandma's PC

You're sitting in front of your grandmother's Windows XP machine that has the worst infection you've ever seen. Safe mode? No dice. Restore points? They're compromised. Even worse, all of the files are hidden and none of the executables will run! This leaves her computer in a bricked state. Without some serious CPR, it will be lost to you. Sure, you could just reinstall the system, but then you might lose all of that valuable data.

News: The Trayvon Deception

If you've been reading, watching or listening to the news, you sure know about the Trayvon Martin case. If you visit this site often, you may also have noticed that I've not put up any news on this case. I have my reasons. And this post will describe why.

Chess: The Ultimate PvP On-the-Go

Sitting in the dentist’s waiting room, I found I couldn’t browse the internet on my smartphone anymore. My eyes were tired from reading and there were no headphones to listen to music. There are no magazines at this dentist’s office, just an old TV playing Russian music videos ad nauseam. Mostly female Russian singers, and curiously enough they all shared similar traits: they can’t dance. They look gorgeous, but the best they could do is small movements and two slow moves at best- a huge diff...

Creator Spotlight: Matthias Wandel, Prolific Woodworking Machinist

You've seen his explanation of a combination lock's inner workings. You'll never lose another game of Jenga, thanks to his winning wooden pistol. And nearly 4 million YouTube users have marveled at his wooden marble machine sculpture. He's Matthias Wandel, and he's accomplished what most only dream of—turning a hobby into a career. Matthias has been tinkering in woodworking since he was a child, with unrestricted access to his father's workshop, permitted to use power tools unsupervised from ...

News: The blind casino trip

have a blind and deaf person go to a casino and sit down to play table games, have their friend start to help them but then start to cheat them out wth their winnings and see if anyone would catch onto the friend... tell the blind/deaf person the wrong numbers or cards that came up so they thin they lost...

Kick Ass Review Part 2: Gameplay and Design

Kick Ass Review Part 2: Gameplay and Design In the game, you can play as Kick Ass, Hit Girl, or Big Daddy. Each charater has a light and heavy attack that can be strung together into small combos. Each character also has three special attacks assigned to the Square, Triangle, and Circle buttons requiring different amounts of MP. For bosses, each character has two finishing moves.Kick Ass

How To: Do Well on Your First Job Interview (For Students)

I know there are many students going for their first job that are new to the whole interview process. This is why I’m writing this article—to provide some tips on making your first interview experience simpler and hopefully successful. I’m currently in a university, but I had my first job when I was in ninth grade. I’ve held a few jobs and have undergone interviews many times. Sometimes they didn’t go so well, but I did learn from my mistakes. As I learned, I became better at interviews and s...

How To: Change Your Bicycle's Tire, Inspect for Damage, and Detect Hidden Problems

Many things cause a bike tire to deflate. Glass, sharp rocks, tacks, and nails can pierce the tire and puncture the tube within. A tube can be pinched between the rim and tire causing the tube to split when inflated. If a tire has a hole in it, the tube, which is filled with air pressure, will bulge out of the opening and pop. As well, the valve holding the air pressure in the tube can be damaged or faulty.

How To: Setup an Asterisk Server

Over the years, I have enjoyed playing with Asterisk. I have found Asterisk to be extremely powerful and fun to play with. There are several books and many scattered how to articles out there, but most are outdated and the information required to build Asterisk from beginning to end can be a bit daunting. I wanted to combine all the steps into a single article and share my experience with everyone. If I have left out any steps please let me know.

Buy Products for Cheap on eBay: The Art of Arbitrage Bargain Hunting

In a recent arbitrage tip, we showed you the secret to making money fast by buying and selling the same thing over and over again on eBay. But there's one thing you need to know about the buying part—get the lowest price possible! This article aims to show you some of the best methods to making sure you're paying the lowest prices on eBay, so you're the best arbitrageur out there, with your profits higher than ever!

News: The Peeper Creeper

Johnny or whoever plans on bringing home a girl. Unknown to the girl, one of the fat crew members of JackAss is hiding in the closet of the room where the couple are getting to know eachother just a little bit better ;). The Fat guy is wielding a box of tissues and a giant bottle of Lube for his comfort ;). He is also wearing a ski mask, boxers, and wife beater (white undershirt). When things in the room begin to heat up, the fat guy explodes out of the closet (dick hangin out) surpising the ...

How To: Turn Transparency or Noise Cancellation Off Using the AirPods Pro Stem

Apple's AirPods Pro offer three different audio modes for your convenience: "Transparency," which pumps in sound around you,"Noise Cancellation," which actively blocks out surrounding sounds, and "Off," which uses neither mode. Off saves battery, and does a decent job at passively cancelling noise on its own, but you can't seem to be able to use it with the AirPods Pro stem. Here's how.

News: Book Review - The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay

The Power of One is one of those books that I really should have read years ago. I’ve certainly meant to read it for a long time so this was a satisfying title to cross off my list. It’s stunning that this was Bryce Courtenay’s first novel. I look forward to reading his others because if this is where he started, he’s a talented writer.

Null Byte: Never Let Us Die

If there ever was a time for Null Byte to need people to contribute, it's now. Let's make Null Byte a place where anyone, from novice to master computer user, come and learn. It has been sometime since the last "Call to Arms" for Null Byte, and even longer since the last "Weekend Homework". We all know that this time of year is busy for everyone, but that didn't stop occupytheweb otw from creating a great article in his continuing "Hack Like a Pro" series.

Listen In: Live Social Engineering Phone Calls with Professional Social Engineers (Final Session)

We had a blast during last week's social engineering calls. One of our attending social engineers was so clever that she convinced several people on Craigslist that lost items were hers, even if it seemed she couldn't be trusted. But females are better social engineers, naturally. Some say that females have a special knack for manipulating men, but I think that's preposterous. I can't see why that would be true in a million years (note my sarcasm).