Losing Unnecessary Search Results

How To: Customize Your Android's “Share via” & “Open with” List for Less App Clutter

When opening a link or sharing a photo, your Android device will bring up a list of possible applications that you can complete the action with. However, some of the apps included you never use or didn't even know existed, and this leads to unnecessary clutter. Fortunately, if you're rooted, there's an easy way to remove apps from the "Open with" and "Share via" lists.

How To: Add Notes to Your iPhone's Notification Center for Easy Access Anytime

Confirmation numbers, grocery lists, addresses, and phone numbers are all things we need to quickly jot down on our phones, but the thing is, they're never extremely easy to access later. You have to figure out which app you wrote them in, meaning lots of needless searching and scrolling. Even if you use a dedicated note-taking app, those extra steps of actually opening the app to find a UPS tracking number can be an unnecessary pain.

How To: Fix Scrolling Lag in Apps on Your OnePlus One

The hardware running your One is nothing short of powerful, but the people at OnePlus can't control how developers choose to utilize that power—or rather, not utilize it. Most popular developers have removed all signs of lag from their apps, but others still have archaic lines of code that can make your shiny, new device feel like a first-generation smartphone.

News: Will It Bend? iPhone 6 Plus vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 3

With the release of the iPhone 6 Plus, comparisons to the Samsung Galaxy Note series have been circulating like crazy, and it's only natural. The Note was panned as an oversized gimmick when it was released, but after its enormous success, Apple caved and built their own "phablet," something that Samsung took little time to call them out on.

How To: Bring the Classic Start Menu Back in Windows 8

Microsoft's most anticipated OS has finally arrived, and there's no doubt that all of you out there who snagged a copy of Windows 8 are excited to see what's new. But while Windows 8 has received plenty of rave reviews, some users are upset about one controversial change—the missing Start menu. The implementation of the new Metro interface has rendered the old Start menu unnecessary, but some folks just want what they're used to. If you're one of those users who wants the classic Start menu i...

How To: Send Encrypted Spy Messages Through Gmail on Google Chrome

Have a super secret spy communication you'd like to send out, but don't have the funds to hire your own trusted operatives to deliver the message? Then stick to what you're used to—email it. SafeGmail is a browser extension that allows you to send encrypted emails right through your regular Gmail account. While this may seem a bit unnecessary for most messages, encrypting your email can definitely be useful.

How To: Keep socks paired and never lose a sock ever again

It happens to the best of us—missing socks. No matter how hard you try, no matter how careful you are when doing laundry, you always end up with that one sock who's lost its soulmate. And what do you usually do with that buddy-less sock? Throw it away? DON'T! This video will gives you some tips on how to keep your socks from disappearing, like A). don't throw away your sock because you might find its missing mate later, and B). roll your socks to keep you from losing one when not in the laund...

How To: Start a car without needing the key

Please only use the information in this video if you have lost your own car key or you are helping out a friend who has lost theirs! If you need to start a car without the key, this tutorial shows you how to find the wires in the steering column to find the eight cables underneath. Here's what to look for and then what to do so you can get your car running and go to where you need to be.

How To: Activate Linux windows without losing selected text

In this video, we learn how to activate Linux windows without losing selected text. To avoid losing the texts, you can just click on the title bar so that the highlighted part doesn't remove. If you don't want to do this, there is an alternative. Simply mouse over the text that you have highlighted and scroll with the wheel that's on your mouse. After this, right click on the text and then you can copy what you need to. Now, you can go back to the other window you have open and paste it in, t...

How To: Recover deleted podcasts on iTunes

Veronica Belmont from Tekzilla shares a tip for finding lost podcasts without unsubscribing and resubscribing to the feed. To do this by a simple keyboard combo fist close the disclosure triangle so that the individual episodes are hidden, then hold down the 'Option key' in Mac or 'Shift' in Windows and toggle the disclosure triangle as shown. The iTunes feed will refresh and all the past episodes will reappear. Combine this with the "Get All" button to find lost podcasts.

How To: Avoid dangers of low water crossings

Flooding occurs in a low water area and often appears to be safe. Motorists who drive through flooded areas risk losing control of their cars. People have extreme confidence in the size and weight of their vehicles. Flooding kills more people than any other natural disasters. Don't drive quickly through flooded streets because it increases the chance you will hydroplane and lose control of your car.

How To: Lose belly fat without doing sit-ups

In this video, we learn how to lose belly fat without doing sit-ups. First, you will want to compare full body exercises to crunches to see which one will make you work harder and cause you to burn the most calories. It's obvious that the full body work out is going to cause you to burn far more calories than doing crunches will burn. It takes hard work and a lot of cardio to lose belly fat, but it is the only thing that is going to work, crunches will only help you to tone your abs, not help...

How To: Lose belly fat for women

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat for women. Menopause can effect a woman's weight because the hormones are decreasing in the body and the fat cells increase. This will cause more fat to store around the organs. Going to the gm and exercising during this time is extremely important. Just a small amount of exercise each day can make a difference for women losing belly fat. The receptors in your brain will respond to healthy foods and estrogen supplements to help keep you on trac...

How To: Negotiate your salary without losing the job

This is a video tutorial in the Business & Money category where you are going to learn how to how to negotiate your salary without losing the job. You want more salary but, the company wants to pay less. How do you come to an agreement where both sides are happy? George Black, CEO of RSA Corp, gives tips on how to facilitate salary negotiations. The most important tip is he who mentions money first loses. So what you need to do is say "I am very interested in this position and I would serious...

How To: Do sit ups to lose love handles

In this video, we learn how to do sit ups to lose love handles. First you will need to lay down facing the ceiling and cross your arms over your chest. Raise your body up using your stomach and try to touch your elbows to your knees. Continue to do this and remember to breathe while you are doing this. Do as many crunches as you can, and try to do different variations to change things up. When you are finished, do more exercises and stretch your body out. Doing these every day can help you lo...