Lounger Search Results

How To: 10 Creative Ways to Upcycle Your Junk into Usable DIY Chairs

With the upcycling revolution, folks are turning their otherwise useless junk into something functional for the home. Practically anything that you would normally toss or recycle can be reused for a bigger and better purpose. Your milk jugs, chopsticks, toilet paper cardboard, glass jars, and even your old junk computer keyboards can be upcycled into something totally useful around (or away from) the home.

How To: Hot Damn! 10 More Epic Popsicle Flavors

The freezer section at your local grocery store may have plenty of popsicle flavors, but they're mostly going to be the same old fruit-flavored varities you've been shoving in your mouths for years. None of those will truly get your tastebuds rolling like some creative homemade versions will. We've already shown you some crazy sounding ones made with Oreos, veggies, and coconut flakes, but now we're back with some more chilling ideas. Just wait until you get down to the corn one!

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