Lowe's Store Search Results

News: PatternFile Organization Software

I love this software. It's currently in development by a friend of mine, and is a great utility to keep all your patterns organized. Tag them, note where they're stored and included a brief description or sewing notes. The best part is that new features are being added all the time!

News: Getting the best deal on Laminate Flooring

Getting the best deal on laminate flooring can take a little time to research all the choices on the market these days. The two basic choices you have these days are buying online or buying in your local market. Online merchants don't tend to carry the high overhead cost as your local flooring store. There are pros and cons when buying your laminate flooring from either place.

News: Sweatshop Free Clothing in L.A.!

There is no need for sweatshops! They exist because the greedy people on top cannot get enough of profit. Here are some stores in Los Angeles where you can shop without feeling guilty. Shop with a conscience. Boycott sweatshop companies. Join the movement!

News: trust fall

This is simple, Yet fun to get random people reactions. Just go through a city, town, store, yelling out trust fall and falling backwards at people to see if they will catch you. Go up to peoples cars and do it while they are in idle or stopped at a stoplight.

How To: 11 Awesome Uses for Paint Chips

Paint chips, small cards that show different colors from paint manufacturers, can be picked up for free at your local hardware store to help you decide what color you want to paint your living space. They can also be used for a number of crafty DIY projects, such as making your own drink coasters, gift tags, bookmarks, and more.

News: DIY Super Fancy Potato Chips

Luxirare, my very favorite, over-the-top, superfluous (in the best possible sense) recipe blog. We've witnessed the Pie-On-a-Stick, and marveled the beautiful Jell-O shots. Now Luxirare demonstrates how to make some exceedingly fancy potato chips. These aren't your typical store bought snacks.

How To: Cook a homestyle clam chowder with quahogs or large cherrystones

Sure, you've probably eaten New England clam chowder plenty of times, straight from the can on your local grocery store's shelf. But that's no way to eat a chowder. You have to make it fresh and homemade, right in your own kitchen. The best chowders are made with the freshest ingredients and patience. Jasper White shares his recipe from "The Summer Shack Cookbook", for what is truly a classic homestyle clam chowder. How does he makes it without a thickener? Watch and learn from a master.

How To: Stop Facebook's Facial Recognition Software from Automatically Tagging You in Photos

It seems like nowadays, whenever Facebook rolls out a new feature, it's immediately controversial. Social Ads put your name and face in the spotlight, Instant Personalization shared your information with partner sites, third-party apps were allowed to access your home address and phone number, and now Tag Suggestions implement facial recognition software to automatically identify your friends in uploaded photos. Most are calling it problematic or creepy, some insinuate CIA involvement, and it...

News: Hector Martin's Alternate DCPU-16 Proposal Would Allow for a Better C Compiler

The developer community has already made some incredibly quick progress on implementing assemblers, interpreters, and emulators for the proposed virtual computer in 0x10c, Notch's latest game. But the truth is that the majority of programmers out there couldn't be bothered with spending enormous amounts of time writing anything much more complicated than a "hello world" application in assembly. What's on the top of everybody's mind is creating a compiler for a more widely used language.

How To: Keep Your Computer Organized in Windows 7

At some point, we all go from organized to disorganized. Let's assume you are a business executive working in a busy corporate building. Chances are you are going to get a heavy workload and it will impact how clean your workspace is. However, this article is about keeping your desktop clean and clutter free, along with the use of software to find documents you have misplaced.

How to Make a Jacob's Ladder: Chained Lightning

In this article, I'll show you how to create a simple yet accurate demonstration of the "rising ionized gas" principle. In other words, a transformer, two metal prongs and lots of evil laughter. Remember those large "towers" in the background of Frankenstein movies with a "lightning bolt" rising upwards every few seconds? That's called a Jacob's Ladder; one of the coolest awe-inspiring demonstrations of high voltage. Here's a video of the final product: Materials and Tools

How To: Encrypt Your Sensitive Files Using TrueCrypt

Hello and welcome to another InfoSecurity World tutorial. The intent of this article is to teach one how to encrypt sensitive files. When set up correctly with a strong password, it would be almost impossible to hack. Even the FBI have had issues decrypting this software. I'm here to teach you how to create a general encrypted container—not the complex hidden TrueCrypt volume.

News: 5 Cell Phone Photography Apps to Help You Ring in the New Year

It's almost time for the new year and whether or not you believe that the world is coming to an end in 2012, you'll probably still want to document the momentous occasions that are to come. Here are five different types of photography apps that are available for both the iPhone and Android that will aid in capturing that moment when the clock strikes midnight, as well as many more to ollow throughout the year!

How To: Remove a Windows Password with a Linux Live CD

Back when I was a Windows user, I know I'm not the only one who has experienced password loss—that moment where you just can't remember your password. Sometimes it happens to the best of us. So, how can we get into the system without paying a local geek or geeksquad to do it? First, we have to look into how Windows stores their passwords.

How To: Make an Unbreakable Linux Password Using a SHA-2 Hash Algorithm

In Linux, all password hashes are normally stored using the MD5 hashing algorithm in the /etc/shadow file, but MD5 is algorithmically weak due to collision vulnerabilities. The new recommended standard are the higher level SHA-2 hashing algorithms, SHA256 or SHA512. As a friend pointed out to me, Ubuntu is currently the only distro implementing SHA-2 as the default. With SHA-2, your passwords take an unreasonably larger amount of time to calculate. This will greatly decrease how many password...