Lukewarm Response Search Results

News: Segway + Skateboard + Tank Threads = SICK Off-Road Shredder

I don't know how else to say it. In a word, the DTV (Dual Tracked Vehicle) Shredder from BPG Werk is just plain awesome. "Built as a first response modular platform to better equip the soldier to deal with crisis situations, the DTV is a new class of vehicle that can handle any terrain at high speed. It’s low center of gravity and rugged design make it ideal for a wide variety of applications including, reconnaissance, rescue/recovery, mobile surveillance/offensive platform, med-evac, rapid r...

How To: Treat Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation in your body is not a bad thing if it is localized and temporary, as it is your body's natural healing response to an injury or illness. When the inflammatory response does not turn off and becomes chronic, that is when your body's healthy cells and tissues are in danger of long-term damage.

How To: Make Portuguese sweet bread

Want a sweet bread for a nice holiday treat? This Portuguese Sweet Bread will do the trick. Just watch the video recipe to learn how to make it, just like your grandmother used to make. A classic sweet bread treat. You can even use the dough to make Portuguese doughnuts.

News: Alex Responds to Obama’s Text Editor’s So Called ‘Mistake’

An apology for the “mistake” in Barack Obama’s official biography that said he was ‘Born in Kenya’ has conveniently been rushed out onto the world scene in rapid-response to the bombshell published today at and made truly viral at the Drudge Report, along with a new media fiction theorizing that the “mistake” may well have given birth to ‘birther rumors’ in the first place.

News: Followup to Previous Post

So after I wrote my post yesterday, I got sent two links in response, both some pretty awesome and in-depth analysis of the costumes in Rapunzel. It's pretty awesome, I think, to see such detailed costumes in an animated movie - right down to the patch on Flynn's bag and the embellishments on Rapunzel's bodice.

News: Not another show review..

Instead of taking the standard approach of writing a show review about how amazing or horrible a band played, I thought I'd turn around and review the crowd for each show that I go to. I'm interested in the types of people and demographics each artist/band attracts. In the end, crowd response is pretty clutch.

How To: Hit a screw shot in snooker

Steve Davis and John Parrott show how to hit the screw shot, in which the cue ball rolls back after contact with the target. The video contains slow motion footage of what's happening to the cue ball in response to contact with the cue. Hit a screw shot in snooker.

How To: Create a complex folded die cut package in modo 203

This is a 3 part series produced by modo community member Paul Hartsuyker. The series was created in response to a challenge presented to the modo community to model a complex folded die cut package. Follow along with this modo tutorial and learn how to create advanced package designs like this die cut package. Create a complex folded die cut package in modo 203 - Part 1 of 3.

How To: Change Your iPhone's Default Text Responses for Incoming Phone Calls to Quick Reply in Style

Since iOS 6, "Respond with Text" has allowed us to quickly respond to a call we can't (or don't want to) answer. But Apple only gives you three options to choose from, and if you don't have time to type out your own response, those three might not cut it. Luckily, you can customize these three replies to whatever you want.

How To: How I Do It

People often ask me how I am able to draw so well. I wish I could say I always used to draw like this, but then I would just be lying. I've always loved to draw, but was never really the best. But that didn't stop me. There's an old saying that 'practice makes perfect'. I'm not saying I'm perfect (because I'm definately not), but practice definately made me the artist I am today. So when people ask me what my secret is, my response is always the same: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.

News: Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release”

Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs director Tiffany Wood has provided the first official response to the shocking U.S. Army document that outlines the implementation of re-education camps, admitting that the manual was “not intended for public release” and claiming that its provisions only apply outside the United States, a contention completely disproved by the language contained in the document itself.

News: Why does stress occur?

Stress happens because is part of being alive. We all experiences stress even our pets. Stress is there to keep us alert; there are two main types of stress short-term stress and long-term stress. Short term could be (example) when there is a fire you flight or fight response will turn on. You will either stay there of look for your safety. A long-term stress could be the stress that you might deal with a lot of the time from work to your home. It is the complex problems that it seems you can...

How To: Understand The Process of Inflammation

In each day of our life, we see inflammation. We see it during sore throats and abscess formations in our bodies, and even slight tooth pain is a form of inflammation. Sometimes it's good when it fights to protect us from invading organisms, but sometimes it becomes bad when it occurs in inappropriate ways, like acne.

News: 8-Bit Your Desk

Well, you might need to take a few lessons in animation first. Another cool 8-Bit animation (previously, Evil Pixels Demolish New York City). This one is short and sweet. And especially beautiful.

How To: Dropped Your Phone in Water? The Quick Response Guide to Saving Wet Electronics

It's no secret that water and electronics don't mix well, but somehow, people always manage to combine the two. I've had my fair share of water-damaged electronics, everything from cheap headphones to a desktop computer. My devices are getting dunked in water so much, it's like doughnuts in coffee. And I know I'm not the only one. That jam session with your favorite song will end really quick when your iTouch is chilling in the toilet bowl.

How To: Send SMS Messages with Python

In this article, I'll show you how to send SMS messages with Python. You'll need Python 2.7 or later, urllib and urllib2. The code basically uses an online text messaging service to "POST" html data, as if a person was entering the data themselves. The uses for something like this are unlimited. For example, I modified the basic code so I would receive a text message letting me know every time someone rang my doorbell. The program could interface with Arduino through a serial port, and send d...

News: Make music with candy

This creation is an intuitive engineering masterpiece. In the video titled "I Eat Beats", creator Kyle McDonald can literally consume his music. Halfway through the video, this wild demonstration really heats up. He loops together three different people's improvisations to create an addictive and dynamic song.

News: Why do teens do crazy things?

It is not that they do crazy things they do not know how to deal with stress. It is more likely for a teen to make a “bad” decision when they are under stress. Teens' brains are not yet developed; your brain is fully develop around the age of 25. That is why an adult will response better under stress than a teen.