Lukewarm Response Search Results

News: Hawaiian Surfer Dudes Make Their Own DIY Waves

Anybody who surfs knows there's often plenty of downtime waiting for the perfect swell to come along. So what do you do while you're waiting around? Option 1: Nothing (boo). Option 2: Fabricate your own ready-made waves, via a makeshift current pool hooked up to the Waimea River, one of the longest rivers in the Hawaiian Islands. Kudos to Stephan Figueiredo, Dennis Tihara, Gabriel Pastori, Diego Silva and Felipe Cesarano for their up-and-go-get-'em. There has been some debate regarding possib...

HowTo: Screw the President (Well, Sorta)

Whether you're an Obama lover or Obama hater, here's your chance to, ahem, screw him, somewhat literally. The president starred in the recent Sex Culture Festival in the southern city of Guangzhou, China. The screen-printed blow up doll is shown photographed next to his fellow adult toy compatriots.

UPDATE: The Secret Behind Why McDonald's Hamburgers Won't Rot

For some reason, McDonald's hamburgers are mysteriously unsusceptible to Mother Nature's inevitable toll of decomposition. Yep, you pretty much have to dip a McDonald's cheeseburger in acid if you want it to decompose. So we're left with the question: Why? Why does a McDonald's hamburger retain its original shape, color and texture after 12 years?

How To: Follow Up With Sales Leads

3 Effective Techniques for Following Up With Leads The follow-up phase of the sales cycle is like having a goldfish for a pet, in that it's easy to forget about it, especially compared with the excitement of finding new sales leads. This is unfortunately, though, because you can outperform your competitors by following up with leads and encouraging them to choose your business.

News: No Transparency, No Trust

Earlier in the week, Obama’s attorney general stated something that is quite alarming. “In this hour of danger, we simply cannot afford to wait until deadly plans are carried out, and we will not,” Eric Holder said during a speech at Northwestern University’s law school in Chicago. It's a very ambiguous statement. Why do people talk like this? Why can't they just talk straight to the point? Well, most of the time it's to hide something. Take a look at this video: What do you think of that! Th...

How To: Generate Electricity From Kinetic Energy

Piezoelectric Energy In this article, I'll show you how to make a small, wallet-sized device that generates electricity from kinetic energy. The concept is simple: Piezoelectricity is the charge that is produced when certain solid materials (commonly ceramic and crystal) in response to mechanical stress. Piezoelectrics have many applications; in speakers, actuators, sensors, even fuses. For more information, click here.

Jonathan's Starbucks Card: A Social Experiment in Sharing Ends

Last month, mobile application consultant Jonathan Stark unleashed his Starbucks Card to the public as an "experiment in social sharing of physical goods using digital currency on mobile phones." Basically, he purchased a Starbucks Card and registered it via the Starbucks Mobile App for iPhone (there's an Android one, too) which allows caffeine addicts to pay for coffee and baked goods with their mobile device. He then took a screenshot of the barcode and let anyone on the web download it for...

How To: Add a Dislike Button to Your Facebook Page

Are you one of countless Facebook users who find the classic Thumbs Up symbol tiresomely sycophantic? You're not alone. Back in August of 2010, the widespread addition of an "official" Thumbs Down symbol to Facebook pages quickly revealed itself to be a scam, but only after countless users opted in.

News: Ways to Make Money From YouTube Videos is one of the most visited websites in the world, and has been for years now. Ever since it's creation in 2005 people have been making videos for every purpose, including the infamous "How to Boil Water" video. But how can one make money from posting videos on Youtube? Well, it all comes back to Google Adsense. Yes, I know, nowadays it's hard to make money on the internet without using Google Adsense here and there, but Youtube is a great medium to attract people to ads that gener...

Blue: The Color of Dishonor and Subterfuge

When I used to play Magic every day during 7th grade, one of my regular opponents was a kid named Eddie. He played an all-Blue, deck, the first I'd ever seen. At that point I was even more creature-obsessed than I am now and my deck were unwieldy hulks practically begging to be shamed by an all-Blue deck. I couldn't hurt him. Every time I tried to do something he had a response, a way to negate what I was doing. He would barely ever hurt me. He would win games just by making me play for so lo...

How To: How Much Radiation Does Your Phone Emit?

Tawkon has developed an app for the iPhone, Android, and Blackberry that measures the radiation levels at any given time. The demonstration below shows how the radiation levels go up for each phone when a "death grip" is applied. What's a death grip, you may ask? A death grip is a simple term used to denote a hand that has recently killed. What a troublesome thing to have.

News: Shibumi

In the dojo, what ISN’T said is often as important as what IS said. To most of us who’ve been raised in the USA, the reticence we encounter in the dojo can be off-putting. American society is very “content” oriented. Our legal contracts, for instance, run for pages and pages. Everything needs to be spelled out. In “context-oriented” societies there is far less reliance on such a literal approach. Much more importance is placed on the relationship between the two parties entering into an agree...

How To: Interview And Choose A Nanny

Choosing a nanny or au pair for your children is a process that should be organized and performed carefully, to ensure you find someone who can be trusted, will contribute significantly to the development of your child and integrate well into your family.