Remember concerts? Those were fun. While gathering in large groups to listen to live music might not be allowed at the moment, the live music part still is. Thanks to the internet, more and more musicians are taking the stage each day to perform for those of us stuck in social isolation due to the new coronavirus. The best part? Many of these concerts are 100% free.
La teoría de la percepción visual, tambien llamada teoría de la Gestalt, explica como el cerebro percibe y organiza los elementos que nos rodean.
El sistema de levitación magnetica, tambien llamado Maglev, empujan a los trenes mas modernos del mundo. y constituyen la gama de vehiculos mas sofisticados dentro del grupo de TAV (trenes de alta velocidad). En HD.
After a stressful day, there's nothing more relaxing than a smooth glass of straight, room temperature whiskey to help unwind. On hot days, popping a few rocks in does the trick. And on cold days, hot toddies are truly amazing.
Proposition 22 Prohibits the state from borrowing or taking funds used for transportation, redevelopment, or local, government projects and services. Initiative constitution amendment.