How To: Deal with telemarketers
This video gives you a creative solution for handling those annoying telemarketers by giving them a taste of their own medicine. You don't even have to be mean!
This video gives you a creative solution for handling those annoying telemarketers by giving them a taste of their own medicine. You don't even have to be mean!
This video is tips and tricks for emergency room medicine practitioner. It demonstrates how to put in a central line, and demonstrates different tools.
Getting your cat to do anything you don't want it to do is difficult, and getting them to take pills is no exception. Watch this video to learn how to administer your cat medicine safely and easily for both of you.
A kusu what?? Learn how to create a kusudama, or a paper medicine ball made with multiple identical pyrimidal units, by watching this video.
Going into sports medicine? Taping up an injured ankle will help keep the ankle supported and on its way to mend. In this video, learn how to perform an open back ankle tape job with these step by step instructions.
Are you interested in flight medicine? Taking care and transporting critical care patients to and from the sight of their injury to the hospital? In this video, learn from the President of the National Flight Medic Association, Jason Hums MPH what it takes to become a flight medic: what to do after schooling to prep, how to compiete for the job in this highly competitive field, and what wesbites to ceck out for more information.
Here is how you can vaccinate a bird by hand. No help needed. This is an age old technique not performed by a veternarian. This is to inject a vaccine in the homing pigeons to protect them from contracting disease. This is a common practice of preventative medicine.
This how-to video goes over basic surgery techniques for third year medical students. The knot tying demonstrated in this video are vital to any surgical rotation. Follow along and learn how to tie square knots. This square knot presentation is demonstrated by the UMD School of Medicine.
Whether it's a daily routine or for a short period of time, giving medicine to your dog is an important task that isn't always simple. Learn some helpful tips that will make giving a pill to your dog a little easier.
Want to beautify your skin with the most natural products around? Look no further than your kitchen and medicine cabinet to try these quick and easy recipes: witch hazel cleansing tonic, honey nutmeg scar remover, and citrus blackhead treatment.
This video teaches you how to make an air horn out of two medicine bottles, a glove and a rubber band. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!
Today's word is "antidote". This is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it means a medicine to counteract a poison.
Make a Japanese kusudama, or as it is more commonly known a 3D paper medicine ball. It resembles origami but much more fun. This modular origami model requires 20 units.
Slicing soft, fresh cheeses, like chevre, can become a sticky mess. The cheese either clings to the knife or crumbles into an unwieldy pile. To get perfect slices every time, head to the medicine cabinet and grab the dental floss. Wrap the floss (use unwaxed and unflavored) around your fingers and then use to slice through the cheese. Floss works for slicing cheesecake, too.
There's such a variety of massage styles to choose from today. Take Shiatsu and Thai massage. They're based on traditional Asian medicine, and are designed to address aches and pains, but are also aimed at balancing the energy of the body to improve health and well-being.
If you're a first year medical student, this is one of the skills you will be learning when training to become a doctor or physician— the ophthalmoscopic exam, which is an instrument for visually inspecting the retina and other parts of the human eye. Every doctor will carry an ophthalmoscope around in his/her pocket daily, so it's necessary that this would be one the first things you should learn in medical school. See how to examine the undilated eye, in five steps.
When you're examining a patient's chest, you start out by simply looking at them— by inspection. It will be hard to count the respirations visually on a healthy person's chest because it moves so little, but in a patient with respiratory distress, the chest might be overactive and strain may show in the neck muscles. Eve Bargmann, M.D., will also teach doctors about palpation, percussion, and auscultation of the chest and back.
In this medical video, learn the process of examining the lower extremity of the body. See demonstrations of how you inspect the lower extremity, how you palpate and then perform passive range of motion of the hip, knee and ankle. John D. Gazewood, MD, MSPH, will also teach doctors special maneuvers to help examine a knee injury. With any type of musculoskeletal exam, you're looking for things like deformity, swelling, and changes in coloration.
Lee T. Dresang, MD of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health from the Deaprtment of Family Medicine give a discussion and demonstration of suturing techniques. Before beginning a procedure, you will need consent. One should irrigate lesion before beginning. A simple interrupted suture is easy to learn and fast, but unable to withstand stress. Vertical mattress sutures provide a good eversion of skin edges, closure of dead space, and strength, but also lead to scarrin...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to get ripped fast with the "300" Spartan body workout. This workout consists of 7 exercises. This workout will also need to be done twice for a total of 300 exercise movements. The exercises and reps for each workout are: 20 reps of cross elbow pushes, 20 reps of cross knee planks, 15 reps of knee up pull-up, 20 reps of plate press knee squats, 20 reps of land mines, 20 reps of swings and 25 reps of medicine ball Russian twist press. This video will ...
Limit asthma attacks by learning how to anticipate and prevent them. You will need: a medical doctor, knowledge of symptoms, warning signs, and triggers, preventive measures, a peak-flow monitor.
Everyone who spends a lot of time outdoors will get corner skin cracks eventually, and they are ugly and painful. Watch this video for some tips on how to cure these unfortunate facts of lip life with at-home remedies and medicine.
Build your own herbal apothecary with home remedy secrets. Building a herbal medicine chest. This video is part of a course that is free. It is herbal home remedies made simple.
If you need to go to the hospital or need medical attention, watch this video to learn how to communicate in Mandarin Chinese.
Is you dog need to take vitamins or medicine? Sometimes it can be a real hassle to get the animal to swallow a pill. This clip will show you the proper way to give your dog a pill.
Youtipis4u has come up with a few tips to reduce your menstrual pain in a natural way. Many of us ladies opt for painkillers or other medicines to reduce menstrual discomfort. Here is a way that is natural and has no side-effects. One of them is raspberry tea leaves. During the menstrual days, we can opt for a raspberry leaf tea instead of a normal one. Raspberry leaves relax uterine muscles. That way, uterine contractions reduce and hence the pain decreases. This tea is perfectly harmless, h...
Got an urge to get that peanut butter jar out for something else other than a peanut butter & jelly sandwich? Peanut butter has many uses in addition to being a healthy treat. In this video, learn how to use peanut butter in unusual ways.
Learn how to do medicine ball knee tucks. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits
Shucking an oyster is something we usually leave to our significant other to do (Sharp knife combined with a supertight oyster shell opening? BAD idea for someone with sausage fingers). But after watching this video we're convinced it's easier than we think.
In this video lesson for doctors, you will learn how to do a shoulder examination. First, you'll get a review of the procedures for evaluating any joint, and then jump into the basics of inspection of the shoulder, then learn palpation, and range of motion. This is a very general shoulder examination, meant to serve as a refresher course for those medical doctors or medical students who already know the exam procedure.
The University of Michigan teaches you how to use nasal irrigation to get rid of common nasal sinus symptoms without reaching for those over the counter medications. The best part of nasal irrigation is that it handles conditions that medication cannot - such as post nasal drip and the common "stuffy nose". This can work for most allergies, even if you are already on medication. Water used for nasal irrigation should be luke warm and should contain about a quarter teaspoon of salt into an 8 o...
Joel Harper from Runners World TV is going to show you how an ab workout properly named the "karate kid". For this ab exercise you are going to need a small medicine ball preferably one with sand inside and you are going to want to place it between your two feet while standing. Now, you want to squeeze the ball with your feet and then jump and try and toss the ball as far as you can into the air. Depending on the health of your knees you can work on flexibility also by after throwing it into ...
Professional trainer Joel Harper shows us how to do the Tick Tock runner's ab workout. -Put your feet all the way together, put your hands in prayer position and bring them above your head.
Just because you are bound to a wheelchair doesn't mean you can't do cool tricks. Follow along with this how-to video as Dr. Ernest W. Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at The Ohio State University, instructs you on how to do a wheelie in a wheelchair. Wheelies are great for going up and down curbs. There are three steps do doing one, lean back, come forward and up. You can even do a 360 left or right wheelie once you master the basic technique.
According to a study released 6/24/08 by PLoS Medicine, watching a video in an STD clinic waiting room can reduce the risk for a new STD by almost 10%. In a large multi-center intervention trial, Dr. Lee Warner from the Centers for Disease control and Prevention and a team of researchers at different institutions in the U.S. studied the effect of a carefully crafted, 23-minute waiting room video on the risk for new STDs among 40,000 patients in 3 STD clinics in the country. This is brought to...
Shaking your cell phone is no longer a bad thing with the iPhone. Now, shaking is an actual feature, rather than a risky move. It really comes in handy when you're typing and you misspell a word. So how does shaking your iPhone work? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to shake to undo typing errors on your Apple iPhone.
Zooming is a great function on the iPhone, if you like that sort of thing. If you don't like the ease of zoom, or maybe you're zooming when you really don't intend to, there's a way to stop it. You don't need the zoom. So how to you get rid of the zoom feature? With 3 little fingers! Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to disable the zoom feature on your Apple iPhone.
In the spirit of foods stuffed with other foods such as Turducken and macaroni and cheese stuffed meat loaf, comes this seafood inside seafood dish. This video tutorial shows how to make King Crab stuffed lobster tails. This gourmet meal is surprisingly easy to pull off, provided you’re working with some decent crustaceans.
After you've tried out Nextraker's pillow prank, move onto the medicine cabinet with this deodorant stick prank. All you need is your victim's stick of deodorant (white) and some Kool-Aid (or in this case Flavor Aid).
If you're wondering about the field of psychiatry, this video will teach you what you need to know. Dr. Ogan Gurel talks about the field of psychiatry and how it works. Psychiatry is a field of medicine that deals with mental disorders and looks at signs and symptoms. As you begin to understand the different aspects to the behavior, medication is entered into the equation to help out the behavior of the person. He explains that you must understand the biological symptoms of people as well as ...