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How To: Fit a bra properly with this bra fitting guide

If you're not sure whether you're wearing the right bra size, watch this bra fitting how to video. Learn how a bra should look when it fits well. A new bra should feel firm and snug when fastened on the loosest hook; most of the support comes from the band of the bra, so you may need to tighten it to maintain support as the bra stretches with every day wash and wear.

How To: Tie a blood fisherman's knot (barrel knot)

What's the easiest way to adjoin two fishing lines? The blood knot. And no, you're not going to cut yourself, that's not why it's called the "blood" knot. It's also referred to as the Barrel knot, and is usually used for monofilament nylon lines. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV will show you how to tie the blood knot.

How To: Cut video transitions for action scenes

Associate editor Tom Skowronski of Videomaker demonstrates how to cut video transitions for action scenes. Create an illusion of continuity by keeping only key shots of continuous motion, while taking out aspects that slow the pacing of the video. Use the technique of 'cutting on the action' to transition from one video clip to another clip of the same action. Maintain screen direction between shots by making sure that any moving subject is always moving in the same direction on screen across...

How To: Play super-fast blues guitar like Paul Gilbert

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with MusicRadar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

How To: Make the perfect bite-sized fried clams (with small bellies)

If you want to fry up some clams, but know absolutely nothing about frying clams, then you're in luck— this video recipe pits Chef Keith Pooler against some beautiful and bold clams, which he turns into a simple, but delicious meal. It's made with his preference of Maine Select clams with smaller bellies, thus creating "the perfect bite." The clams are dredged in a mix of corn flour and all-purpose flours then fried crispy yet maintaining the soft and juicy clam inside. Try some homemade tart...

How To: Maintain Waterless No-Flush™ Urinals

This is a short instructional video on how to operation and maintenance a Waterless No-Flush™ Urinal. Waterless urinals can save up to 45,000 or more gallons of water a year. For more, or to get started maintaing and operating your own Waterless No-Flush™ Urinal, watch this DIY how-to. Maintain Waterless No-Flush™ Urinals.

How To: Fish a mega plastic worm bait for bigger bass

Do bigger baits really catch bigger bass? That's been a question for fisherman since fish existed. Well, when it comes to bigger worms, pro anglers on the national bass circuits give the unqualified answer of “yes,” at least as far as plastic worms and fish holding on deep summer structure are concerned. Watch and learn as Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a mega worm bait.

How To: Fix squeaky bike brakes

Squeak, squeak, squeak… SQUEAK! How annoying. Squeaky brakes on your bicycle. An idyllic bike ride can quickly be ruined by those squeaky bike brakes. Here’s a checklist of common squeaky brake culprits and how to fix them.

How To: Perform a vanishing coin magic trick

Borrow a coin from someone in your audience and amaze them as it vanishes before their very eyes! You will need one borrowed pen from your audience and one quarter. Sometimes we use materials that require adult supervision... like scissors so make sure you have friends and family around whenever you do magic tricks.

Changing Positions: Flip Flopping

Politics(the Government) is built to accomplish a few things: maintaining order, providing necessities, operating businesses (stimulating the economy, trade), maintaining public relations and the most important of all, protecting the rights of the individuals it governs. It has a broad role, and as such, an array of bills, laws and rules to regulate itself and the country.

How To: Celebrate National Boss's Day to Get What You Want by "Managing Your Boss"

Boss's Day is on October 16th, and this year it falls on a Saturday— what better of a day to celebrate Boss's Day? More than likely, you won't be working in the office this weekend, and if you are, you probably don't feel like celebrating and thanking your boss for being so kind and fair. So, forget the cake and ice cream and instead, take the chance to develop a good relationship with your boss, because hating or kissing up to your boss just isn't the way to go.

News: Space Painting with a Tesla Coil and One Million Volts of Electricity

Nikola Tesla. He was the man behind some of the greatest inventions of all time, including radio and alternating current. But perhaps his most visually fascinating invention is the Tesla coil. While maintaining a low current, it can produce dangerous high frequencies and voltages that can well exceed 1,000,000 volts, discharging it in the form of electrical arcs very similar to lightning.

News: X-Men - Shot with Technicolor Cinestyle

I shot this X-Men: First Class Spoof with the new Technicolor CineStyle picture profile (it was a 5d, as well). I had done some initial testing, when the profile first came out, but never shot a real project on it. This X-Men short is my first real world experience with the profile.

How To: Find the Perfect Beer with the BrewGene iPhone App

There are two kinds of beer drinkers—those who just want to drink and those who want to enjoy it. The former usually sticks to the same kind of beer, drinking it habitually, while the latter is always on the lookout for new varieties. They like savoring the taste of a freshly poured dark lager and the roasted aroma of a hearty stout and are always looking for that "Holy Grail" of beer—the perfect combination of hops, malt and yeast. Thankfully, there's a mobile application that gets you once ...

News: Art is A Language

As I sit in the office surrounded by creators and great imaginative minds I wonder what can I do to make my project an exciting activity and at the same time how to help the Theater I currently intern at. Well it has occurred to me that I am able to do the thing I love the most: Art. I cannot just sit somewhere and do tons of paperwork because that would be horrid and there is no way I could survive one entire year doing it, but I am good at running activities and events, I am good at teachin...

News: Control a Video Game by Swapping Spit

Once there was Spin the Bottle. Then there was the embarrassing adult version of Spin the Bottle—on Wii. And then there was artist Hye Yeon Nam, who decided to skip all pretenses and go straight for the spit-swapping, no foreplay necessary. Hye Yeon Nam devised a method for controlling a bowling video game by French kissing. It works like this: "One person has a magnet on his/her tongue and the other person wears the headset. While they kiss, the person who has the magnet on his/her tongue, c...

News: $26 Buys a Mouthful of Her Breast Milk!

So, apparently in our modernistic approach for child rearing "authenticity", it turns out there is a market for human breast milk. However, for a mother seeking the best for her child, it is impossible to know whether artificial milk or unidentified breast milk is healthier. The FDA certainly does not have the time or funds to step in.

News: Mitakuye Oyasin

This expression, mitakuye oyasin, comes from the language of the Lakota Sioux, a tribe among the Native Americans. It means "We are all related." It's uttered upon crossing the threshold into the Sweat Lodge, the small, low structure used by the Sioux for their sacred purification ritual, the Sweat. In Seido Karate we have a saying we utter upon entering the dojo and upon greeting others: Osu! Osu is an abbreviation of the expression Oshi shinobu osu, which means "maintain patience."