Market Worth Search Results

News: Don't Be Fooled by Samsung's Shiny New UI, It's Still TouchWiz

Galaxy S8 preorders have begun arriving at doorsteps, and some websites seem to be enamored by Samsung's latest visual revamp of TouchWiz — but don't buy the hype, it's a trap! From TouchWiz to Grace UX to Samsung Experience, no matter what the name is, it's still the same old clunky framework everyone has hated from the start. Samsung may have put a fancy little bow on it, but TouchWiz is still a resource-hogging behemoth underneath its shiny new theme.

How To: Wait... Photographing Your Meals Actually Improves Them?

Last year, The New York Times wrote that certain restaurants in Manhattan and Brooklyn banned patrons from taking photos of their meals. That means no flash photography, no standing on chairs for a better angle, not even a quick pic for your Instagram followers before the first bite. Little do these restaurants know, this ban can actually make their customers' food taste worse, so to speak.

How To: Meet women at Whole Foods market

In this tutorial, we learn how to meet women at Whole Foods market. If there is a woman standing alone and drinking a drink from the food area, ask her what is inside of the drink. This can start a conversation of what each of you guys like and what kind of fruits and vegetables you prefer. Make sure to challenge the girl when you are talking to her, so she is intrigued to keep talking to you. Keep up this approach and you can meet several women in Whole Foods within just an hour or two! This...

How To: Understand Forex trading strategies

Forex— what is it? Any investor could tell you a complicated description of what Forex is, but the basics of the FX currency markets is— an over-the-counter financial market for trading currencies. The foreign currency exchange market has no central exchanges like the stock market and little regulatory oversight. With this beginner’s guide, learn the trading basics.

How To: Remove the 'Connected to VPN' Notification on Your Samsung Galaxy Device

If you're using a VPN app to block ads or secure your Galaxy's internet connection, Samsung has decided you need yet another non-dismissible notification from One UI to tell you about it. Not just a status bar indicator like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, but a full-size alert that can't be dismissed. The entire time your always-on VPN is running.

Market Reality: Snap Inches Toward Smartglasses with Spectacles 3, Meta Patent Suit Ends, YouTube Launches AR Makeup

This week, Snapchat parent Snap came closer to fulfilling its smartglasses destiny by adding new 3D content capabilities to its third-generation Spectacles. At the same time, the now defunct Meta Company continued its fall from grace, as a judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff in the patent infringement case against the Meta 1 and Meta 2 headsets.

Market Reality: Apple's Smartglasses Timeline Shifts, Continental Invests in Automotive HUDS, & Target Ships Web AR App

Consumers are chomping at the bit for augmented reality smartglasses from Cupertino's finest, but one market analyst is saying not so fast, Apple fans. Meanwhile, automotive AR is gaining speed, with the latest milestone coming courtesy of a major investment in waveguides by Continental. And although mobile AR apps have already arrived, retailer Target is taking a different approach. So why is Target tinkering with web-based AR? Answers below...

Instagram 101: How to Add #Hashtags & @Account Tags to Your Bio

Your Instagram bio could always be used to link to other websites or profiles or just to show off your witty personality. Now, you also have the ability to use this section to tag other Instagram accounts as well as add tappable hashtags. Whether you want to link out to your best friend, company, or the latest trend in your city — if it has a profile name or tag, it can be in your bio.