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News: Augmented Reality App Lets You See the Tesla Model 3 Before It Ships

Buyers can't wait for their Tesla Model 3 to be delivered. But with no clear arrival date in sight, buyers are starting to get a little antsy waiting to see what the Tesla Model 3 will look like up close. Luckily, Tesla accessories seller EVANNEX partnered with technology firm Kinetic Vision to try and satisfy buyers for a while by creating an app that lets you view an augmented reality Tesla Model 3 that's nearly life sized.

How To: 6 Ways to Have Your Bowl & Eat It Too

Edible bowls are glorious for plenty of reasons. They create fewer dishes, they're pretty to look at, and, well... you can eat them. There are many different options out there you can choose, like bacon cups, hollowed out apples, and molded hash browns, but these are 6 personal favorites of ours to use as edible food vessels.

How To: Get Rid of Dry Skin with Fruit Facial

Today's pollution, hectic lifestyle, inadequate sleep and no time for pampering can leave your skin lackluster resulting in drying skin and making dry skin drier ultimately causing the early appearance of wrinkles and aging. A good fruit facial helps relax your skin from deep inside and the proper messaging gives it a rosy glow by increasing blood circulation imparting your face with a luminous glow. These are even better because they are natural and chemical free unlike the artificial facial...