Marriage Partner Search Results

News: Google Tells Samsung to Get with Its Program

Fresh off the heels of their latest agreement, Google and Samsung may soon be further aligned in their mobile technology outlook. The two tech giants signed a cross-licensing patent agreement, but that doesn't mean that Samsung was just going to start putting out stock Android devices. Quite the opposite really, as we saw from leaks of its new Magazine UX. The new user interface was shown during Samsung's presentation of it's latest Galaxy tablet at this years CES, and as reported to Re/code,...

How To: Gay Dating Advice

Hey dolls some advice on the dos and don'ts of the gay scene. Slutty behavior, Bitchyness, backstabbing and safe sex are all issues that go on in the gay community. Coming out and or dating in the gay community for the first time can be scary. Stay true to yourself and don't do anything you don't want to do, stand out from the crowd and be yourself. Do t feel the need to fall into the stereotypical gay "Look". Follow these steps to make sure you come out of all the drama with a better chance ...

How to Dance a basic Jitterbug: Jig Kicks with a Cross-Over

Head Over Heels demonstrates a jig kicks sequence with a cross-over step. This Jig Kicks with a Cross-Over enables you to do the basic jitterbug. Do one full basic and then get your footwork on the same as your partner (her rock step). Follow along with all the instructions as the dancers guide you through the steps. Swing dancing is fun to do, and great exercise.

How To: Choose baby bottles

Regardless of whether you choose to breast-feed or use formula to feed your infant, you will need baby bottles. This program offers some tips on selecting the best style of bottle for you and your child.

How To: Do a Baroque bourée from "La Savoye" dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Baroque dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a bourée from "La Savoye" dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a Baroque bourée from "La Savoye" dance.

How To: Dance a Baroque pas de bourée, coupé glissé,& ouverte

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Baroque dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing pas de bourée, coupé glissé, and coupé ouvert dances. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do Baroque pas de bourée, coupé glissé, and coupé ouverte dances.

How To: Do a cinq pas de la gaillarde basic galliard dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a cinq pas de la gaillarde dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a Renaissance Cinq pas de la gaillarde, or basic galliard step dance.

How To: Do a Renaissance autres cinq pas galliard dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing an autres cinq pas dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do an autres cinq pas or galliard variation dance.

How To: Do an Italian Renaissance continenza grave dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional Italian moves, dancing a continenza grave, seguito ordinario, and seguito spezatto dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a continenza grave, seguito ordinario, and seguito spezatto Italian dance.

How To: Do Italian Renaissance seguito dances

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional Italian moves, dancing a seguito ordinario, fioretto ordinario, seguito spezatto, and saffice dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a seguito ordinario, fioretto ordinario, seguito spezatto, and saffice...

How To: Dance an Italian Renaissance seguito ordinario dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional Italian moves, dancing a seguito ordinario, trabuchetto grave, seguito spezatto and destice dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a seguito ordinario, trabuchetto grave, seguito spezatto and destice Ita...

How To: Do a conversion while dancing the Renaissance pavane

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a conversion for the pavane or pavan dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a covnersion while dancing the pavane or pavan dance.

How To: Do a Renaissance Branle Charlotte dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing Branle Charlotte dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a Branle Charlotte dance.

How To: Do a pas double for dancing the Renaissance branle

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing pas double for the branle dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a pas double for dancing the branle dance.

How To: Do a pas simple for dancing the Renaissance branle

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a pas simple for the branle dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a pas simple for doing the Branle dance.

How To: Do a Renaissance washerwomen's branle dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a branle des lavandieres dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a Branle des Lavandieres, or Washerwomen's Branle dance.

How To: Do a Renaissance branle des lavandieres dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a branle des lavandieres dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a Branle des Lavandieres, or Washerwomen's Branle dance.

How To: Do a Renaissance cinq pas de la gaillarde dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this Renaissance dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a cinq pas de la gaillarde dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a Renaissance Cinq pas de la gaillarde, or basic galliard step dance.

How To: Do an early nineteenth century slow French Waltz

The Library of Congress video archives brings this early nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a slow French waltz dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do an early nineteenth century slow French waltz.

How To: Do an early nineteenth century march step, bow&curtsy

The Library of Congress video archives brings this early nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a march step, bow, and curtsy. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do an early nineteenth century march step, bow, and curtsy.

How To: Do a nineteenth-century step combination for quadrille

The Library of Congress video archives brings this early nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a Quadrille combination step dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do an early nineteenth century Quadrille step combination for figures balancé and tour de mains.

How To: Do a late nineteenth-century quadrille dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this late nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a Quadrille dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a late nineteenth century Quadrille dance.

How To: Do a late nineteenth-century German cotillon Fan dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this late nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing German cotillon Fan dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a late nineteenth century German cotillon Fan dance, or L'Èventail.

How To: Dance late nineteenth-century waltz variations

The Library of Congress video archives brings this late nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing waltz variations. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a late nineteenth century Waltz variation dances.

How To: Dance a nineteenth-century Washington post two step

The Library of Congress video archives brings this late nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a Washington post two step dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a late nineteenth century Washington post two step dance.

How To: Dance a nineteenth-century Waltz&Loomis' Glide Mazurka

The Library of Congress video archives brings this late nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a Waltz and Loomis' Glide Mazurka dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a late nineteenth century Waltz and Loomis' Glide Mazurka dance.

How To: Do a late nineteenth century Waltz cotillon dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this late nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a Eugenie and Waltz cotillon dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a late nineteenth century "The Eugenie" and Waltz Cotillion, also known as Waltz Quadrille.

How To: Do a late nineteenth-century butterfly dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this late nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a butterfly dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a late nineteenth century butterfly dance.

How To: Do a late nineteenth-century dance bow and curtsy

The Library of Congress video archives brings this late nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, doing a bow and curtsy for dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a late nineteenth century dance salutation or bow and curtsy.

How To: Do a mid-nineteenth-century polka dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this mid-nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a polka dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a mid-nineteenth century polka dance.

How To: Do a mid-nineteenth-century Schottisch dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this mid-nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a Schottisch dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a mid-nineteenth century Schottisch dance, also known as a schotisch or schottische.

How To: Dance a mid-nineteenth-century Varsovienne/varsoviana

The Library of Congress video archives brings this mid-nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a Varsovienne or varsoviana dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a mid-nineteenth century Vasovienne or varsoviana dance.

How To: Do a late nineteenth-century Cross Step Polka dance

The Library of Congress video archives brings this late nineteenth century dance lesson demonstration. Follow along with the performers as they show off their traditional moves, dancing a cross step polka dance. It might take a bit of dance practice, but grab your partner, put on some music, and follow the steps. Watch this video traditional dance tutorial and learn how to do a late nineteenth century cross step polka dance.