Mature Versions Search Results

How To: Create a quick teased up headband hairstyle

We don't think we're overexaggerating when we say that "Gossip Girl" singlehandedly started a massive hairband trend. Or, rather, that Miss Blair Waldorf started this fashion accessory love. For the greater portion of us, though, who haven't worn headbands since we were forced to do so for picture day in 4th grade, slipping one on seems incongruent and childish.

How To: Go from professional to club girl with your clothes

In this video, we learn how to go from professional to club girl with your clothes. To go to work, you can wear a pencil length skirt with a tank top tucked underneath it. Over this, you can wear a cute and professional jacket that is buttoned up. When you are ready to go out, you can lose the jacket and add on a necklace for a sexy look. After this, apply matte makeup to your face and use dark eyeshadows to give your face a mature appearance and smoky eye. Applying a light lip gloss and masc...

How To: Know the best age for the first committed relationship

Dan and Jennifer discuss the best age for your first committed relationship. People in their mid-teens are too young to be in a long distance relationship, a committed relationship or any kind of serious relationship. People aren't ready for serious, committed relationships until they're in their late twenties. At that age, people's bodies are finished growing, their brains are finished developing and they're more emotionally mature. People in their late twenties know what they want and who t...

How To: Understand different immune system responses

This is a presentation of different types of immune responses in human body. There are two types of immune systems i.e., non specific and specific or adaptive immune system. Again, non specific immune system is sub- divided into barriers. It is the first line of defense. The second line of defense is the inflammatory response. They are phagocytes. These are all products of white blood cells. It is also called as leukocytes. Lymphocytes are another type of white blood cells which are carriers ...

How To: Dance the Tango Double Taps embellishments

This video illustrates tapping more than once during the beat. Possible combination are tapping on '2' + '3', on '3' + '4' or '2' + '4' with the step coming on the '1' always - the downbeat. (Using the system of count '1-2-3-4' for each beat, '1' being the downbeat, '3' being the upbeat or exact middle, and '2' and '4' being the places inbetween or the quarter beats).

How To: Make branches-styled friendship bracelets

What better way to say thanks for all you've done, than by making a cool friendship bracelet! For kids, friends can play a key role in how they mature and are able to build relationships with other individuals later on in life. And by making friendship bracelets, not only will they be sending a message that they care, but they'll also be showing them they share a certain bond that no one else has. So check out this tutorial on how to make branches-styled friendship bracelets from scratch. Enjoy!

How To: Diagnose and treat athlete's foot

If you spend a lot of time with your feet crammed into sweaty trainers, then you might be familiar with Athlete’s Foot. In this exclusive guide, Dr Harper discusses the symptoms of this common fungal infection of the skin on the feet, and how it is spread. She also advises on the quick and effective over-the-counter treatments available, and offers practical tips to ensure that your feet don’t mature into something that would feel more at home on a cheese board! Watch this video tutorial and ...

How To: Care for a Serissa Bonsai plant

The Serissa (Serissa foetida syn. Serissa japonica), is a great little plant for Bonsai. It flowers for most of the year with tiny white and sometimes pink flowers. It is extremely easy to propagate through cuttings. Just take a cleanly cut branch and stick it in sphagnum moss and it should grow easily. It takes very well to pruning and can fill out quite nicely when pruned frequently. This particular specimen had a wild and unkempt look to it. Making, raising, and caring for bonsai is easy i...

How To: Downgrade the iPhone 3Gs firmware from 3.1.3 to 3.1.2

This video illustrates the method of Downgrading the iPhone 3Gs firmware from version 3.1.3 to version 3.1.2. The process is composed of the following steps -Step 1Download the iPhone 3Gs firmware version 3.1.2 from the internet. You can find this on apple's official site or you can get this from a customer service center.Step 2Upload the firmware files in the root of your iPhone's internal phone memory. Create a folder named "firmware v312" and add the firmware files in it.Step 3Access this ...

How To: Make steak with stilton & mushroom sauce

Looking to make the perfect steak dinner but not sure about the details yet? Steal this recipe for steak with stilton & mushroom sauce to create a dinner that is sure to make stomach's happy. To make this meal you will need about twenty-five minutes and the following ingredients:

How To: Dance the Tango Beat in Front embellishments

This is a common embellishment for back ochos and takes a little practice to work up the speed to do it but once you do you'll find lots of places to fit it in. During back ochos, beat your free foot in front as it passes the other on the "&" count (halfway through the beat), before stepping behind into the next step. (You should feel the achilles tendon at the back of the free leg hit the lower part of the shin of the standing leg, just above the ankle.) Try not to let your legs turn-out as ...

How To: Use a Surprise Onside Kick while playing Madden NFL 12

This tutorial uses footage from the demo version of Madden NFL 12, but it should work just fine for the retail versions of the full game. It demonstrates how to successfully execute a Surprise Onside Kick. If you're looking to surprise your opponent, try this off from the regular kicking formation and see how many yards you can gain on either the Xbox 360 or the PS3.

How To: Use the Photoshop CS4 patch tool

As each new version of the award winning Adobe Photoshop is released certain functions remain the same from prior versions while other functions are changed. In the latest version of Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop CS4, the patch tool works significantly differently than prior versions. In this video we are shown how the patch tool originally worked in Adobe Photoshop CS2 compared to how it now functions in Photoshop CS4. Finally the author gives us step by step instructions on how to operate the ...