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How To: Stretch deltoid muscles with sports massage

The deltoids are the muscles near and above your shoulders. It goes on the front of the arm and it goes on the back of the arm to the shoulder. It gets really tight sometimes. One thing you want to find out from your person before you are doing a stretch on them on any part of the body is to make sure that they don't have any range of motion issues or any dislocations of the joint. Get expert tips and advice on massage and other treatments in this how-to video.

How To: Shuck fresh Long Island Bay scallops

This shellfish how-to video demonstrates a simple technique for shucking Long Island Bay scallops. Although the entire scallop is edible most people only eat the muscle that holds the shell closed. To remove as much of that muscle as possible try to get the knife to scrape the top of the shell as you open the scallop. The typical Long Island bay scallop yields a meat about the height and diameter of a stack of 8 nickels. Some larger, some smaller, but that's about average. Follow along with t...

How To: Become more flexible with yoga

Flexibility is generally defined as the range of motion of the joints. It is the ability to bend and stretch easily without too much effort. Flexibility depends upon various factors like the state of the joints, muscles, length and looseness of muscles, shape of bones, age etc. Some medical conditions like arthritis can affect flexibility.

How To: Do the double leg kick pilates exercise

The Double Leg Kick is an original pilates exercise that strengthens the muscles of the back and increases flexibility of the spine. As this exercise involves a lot of spinal extension, it is important to keep your abdominal muscles engaged and progress through this exercise according to your own ability. Your posture will improve and you'll walk taller with the exercise in this pilates how to video. Watch this fitness tutorial and you will be toning your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Target your obliques with pilates

The obliques exercise is a classical pilates exercise which targets the abdominal muscles to flatten the stomach and strengthen the core. Keeping the elbows wide helps keep the shoulders down and increases the rotation in the trunk, which helps shrink your waist. Be sure to stretch your legs fully each time and stop the knee at 90 degrees of hip flexion to encourage greater strengthening of the abdominal muscles. Watch this how to video and you will be strengthening your obliques with pilates...

How To: Use the zoom feature in Mac OS X Leopard

In this tutorial, we learn how to use the zoom feature in Mac OS X Leopard. First, go to system preferences, then universal access. Find the zoom category, then turn it on of off. You will also see the keys that you can press which will make it appear. If you go to the options menu, you will be able to maximize or minimize the zoom. Test this out by zooming in on a page and holding the control key along with the tracking ball on your mouse. When you do this, everything will become far more zo...

How To: Resize and alter your window on a Mac

The window on a Mac computer can be confusing if you are used to using a Windows computer. You will learn how to resize your window by clicking and dragging the lower right side corner. Clicking on the green button will not completely maximize the window it will only make it as wide and tall as you need so there are no scroll bars. You will learn many more basics on a standard window so that you can navigate like a pro.

How To: Use the Finder buttons in Mac OS X

This video instructs you how to use the "Finder" Button if you own a Mac on OS X. The "Finder" window shows the Mac user the contents of the hard drive. It describes functions of the Finder folder: i.e., adding an untitled new folder in the Finder file. It also discusses how you can view the "Finder" in a variety of layouts: grids, lists, etc. The video shows you how to use the buttons on the upper left hand corner of the "Finder" screen to maximize, minimize, or close the window. It also dis...

How To: Change color of specific objects in Photoshop

Adjusting the color of specific objects within your images in Photoshop is crucial. Sometimes fine tuning the color of just one component in an image is required. While an image may be adjusted globally at once, this approach lacks flexibility. This tutorial will show you the proper steps from the creation of an adjustment layer to the appropriate and functional calibration of the hue and saturation options. Get the most out of these tools and maximize your productivity in Photoshop.

How To: Train with PT paddles to improve swim technique&stroke

Most swimmers love paddle-training for the power they provide and the way they feel. Anything that makes the swimmer focus on what their arms are doing is a good thing. PT paddles, as demonstrated in this how-to video, take away power from the hands though, and force the swimmer to train to maximize efficiency of the rest of the arm and legs. PT paddles take away from pull power, and train arm technique. Watch this video swimming tutorial and learn how to train your pull and arm technique wit...

How To: Give a trigger point massage

A trigger point is a group of knots in your muscles. When using a trigger point release you use firm pressure and have the person inhale and then slowly exhale. That allows the muscles to contract when they inhale and then relax as they exhale through their mouths. As they relax you can go deeper into the tissue. If it's a true trigger point the muscle will twitch when it begins to release. Use your thumbs and start at the base of the neck on both sides of the spine pressing outward about two...

How To: Do a killer upper chest workout

First of all you have to understand that this exercise is very versatile and you can actually target different areas of your chest just by twisting your wrists. First of all lie down on the bench and hold the dumbbells in your hands. You can do this upper chest exercise to build your upper chest muscles using dumbbells. Now bring your dumbbells down and then again take them up. While bringing your dumbbells you have to twist your wrists towards inside such that your palms are facing away from...

How To: Fire up your metabolism

This video focuses on strategies you can use to boost your metabolism--one-step needed in order to lose belly fat. Obtaining a faster metabolism will train your body to burn more calories throughout the day. The first step to boost your metabolism is through strength training, which means developing leaner muscle mass. This will result in long-term investment for caloric burning. The second step involves exercising in the morning; this will help you burn calories more easily throughout the da...

How To: Prevent injury with a kneeling quad stretch exercise

Learn how to perform a kneeling quad stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-ste...

How To: Do a simple hip flexor stretch exercise

Learn how to perform a hip flexor stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-step i...