Meal Ideas Search Results

News: Paintball Blast

The title of this prank doesn't really tell everything about it. So here it is. Imagine Johnny Knoxville walking down the road among dozens of other pedestrains. Have police sirens blaring in the backround. Have a white van speeding hen come to a screeching halt. Have Bam margera, Steve-o, and Wee-Man jump out with paintball guns and start firing them at Johnny Knoxville. While all this is happening, Preston and Chris Pontius should be on the roof of a building bombing him with balloons fille...

News: !!**LOST ALPINISTS**!!

Get lots of bright snow gear including a survival backpack and the necessary thing u need to survive in a blizzard on your own. Have tins, cans ice pics, whatever hanging from your backpack. Have a separate big bag kinda like a duffel bag attached by a rope to your harness on your waist. Go downtown where there's lots of people and walk like your in a blizzard (maybe have snowshoes on?). Or you can take that idea, erase the part about the duffel bag on the back and put 3 other people dressed ...


WHEEL OF HUMILITY!!!! BY: Chris Turner Each person of the Jackass crew (excluding me) will pick a straw; the person with the shortest straw does not have to do the stunt Each member of the Jackass crew including me (if I win) including the person that does no have to do the stunt to think of what stunt/ prank we will do to the participating victims in a soundproof room with no windows to surprise the crew (but there will be a small camera inside the room so the moviegoer knows that the member...

News: Irving goes fishing and drowns to death.

The idea is to find a popular fishing spot like a pier or riverbank or low bridge and have zisman bring his pole. After a minute conversation with a local talkin bout how people don't fish like they used to hell back in my day we caught em with our bare hands you youngters are a bunch a damn pussies and more comical improv leave that part to knox then fake a heart attack and fall in the water floating face up or down which ever way the old coot lands prolly up cuz we don't want the old fucker...

News: fake bed prank!!

fake bed prank .the fake bed prank is prety much a funny idea of a box filled with pie or puddingng maybe even poop if you desire.and covered with a cmferter or any bed covering and pillows possableythe prank is having a sucker jump or lie down on the bed look-a-like and sloosh into the joke for big dreamers.!!mike d.make a bed frame sized box with out the topmake the bed frame wood or cardboard budget impliedfill fill the box,jello pudding whipped cream babby oil if water proofed box/ cover ...

News: Steve-O Keeps it Down

So, everytime I see Steve-O eat something he always throws it back up. That's how he must be so skinny. I don't know. Any who, I think a good skit for you guys to pull would be for Steve-O to eat all kinds af crazy shh---stuff ;-) and not throw it back up. If he throws up he has to eat more! The other cast members of Jackass should chose what to feed poor Steve-O. Oh I just thought of one thing... I guess it was a better idea to throw up the live gold fish rather than keep it down... otherwis...

News: The Old Pervert

Alright guys, I'm Aaron from Texas. I want to prank my bestfriend James that moved away to California outside of Oakland a few years back. He is now a guitar teacher and I think at work would set him up for the best prank ever. The idea is to set up an appointment with him for guitar lessons as an old man, hence the old person make up you guys have done in the past, which would probably be best done in glasses and one of those "flasher"/pervert coats. I see it probably starting with a name fo...

News: Blood Drive Donor

In a nutshell...go donate blood at a one of those buses that just drives around and parks at shopping malls etc...act confused about the ENTIRE process. I mean, like you have NO idea whats about to happen. All's you know is that you're gonna get some free cookies at the end....when they hook you up and your blood begins flowing into the bag for a while, pull out a real blood bag and tube, except its full of some type of fake edible blood. Put the tube connected to your fake blood bag in your ...

How To: Antique My Mom

The Motivation So, I want the Jackass guys to antique my mom. Plain and simple, she bakes terrible cakes. They're horrible. And the only solution I have dreamed up is to destroy her flour supply.

News: Low End Necklace

The Jackass crew are now jewelers. In this idea, you would have to get 8 jewels or stones or medallions, gumball size, and a very thick gaudy gold chain. The chain would be divided into 8 parts and cut. All at once, the Jackass guys would each swallow the jewel and their segment of the chain. In a day or so, or sooner with the help of laxatives, each guy would poop out the stone and the piece of the chain. As soon as all of the parts and pieces have been recovered from each guys poop, the cha...

News: wrap your brains around this one.

alright so my dumb friends and I were sitting just bullshitting and came up with an idea for a gnar prank. if ya got balls though, this shit might get your ass killed. we want you guys to skydive down and land in a state correctional facilities' outdoor recreational area, and upon landing tell the people that you missed your target and then see what happens.or just make up something crazy to say like. HEY! am I in Mexico did I make it?anyway let me know what you think if ya got time. peace ou...

News: The Bull from Hell across the corner....

Hey wuz up jackass. ok my idea is to be outin the desert while wearing a short dress. then have shopping carts. BE IN CORAL. then pair up wth smebody else. one of u gets in the cart and one of u has to pull te other one. heres the tricky part. then...... REALESE THE BULL!!!!!!!!!!!! whoever lasts the longest in the coral wins .......HOPE U LIKE MY PRANK!!!!

News: Poo Poo Carnival

I don't know what this ride is called, some sort of spinning carnival ride that we have all seen (see picture). So, the idea is to get access to some sort of spinning ride like this . . . only replace the swings with full port-o-potties. Each Jackass guy would get his own shitter, then the ride would be turned on and the doo doo would fly. END SCENE.

News: Super Shot

This idea I have is called the Super Shot. First, you can either do this in a bar type setting, or just build a makeshift bar of your own, whichever suits your needs, cause either shall work.

News: Scaredive

You start a casual conversation about skydiving with someone afraid of heights, you suggest to them a good prank would be to dive from a plane blindfolded and find your friends (who are also falling) so they can put on your parachute guided via a radio headset. While they tell you about how much they think it is a bad idea your buddies pounce from behind, blindfold them, tie them up and make out like your going to try the stunt.

News: Gay Parade

O look i do not have have hate towards gay people ,all respect to them but yo guys should make a public gay parade and make johnny the leader and make wear some white pants and a white shirt with his sailor hat and make it public,go around streets and scream in a megaphone "its okay to be gay" and the dickhouse logo flag,and make sure to have alot of gay people behind you but really its a great prank towards people who hate gays,haha and make johnny ask random people to join XDand make sure j...

News: The Electric race

alright so Johnny and Bam run through this course "the Electric race" which is first: crawling under wires of electricness second: they jump over wires of electricness which are like hurdles about 4 feet high Third: go on monkey bars that send little electric shocks thourgh the monkey bars to your hands and if you fall because of though theres a pit of electricity at the bottom which is a bunch electric wires at the bottom but if you fall you can keep going and forth: you rock climb over a wa...

News: The Drug Deal

hey im jesse...whats up u guys!..listeni know there are alot of panks that have been send to you guysand most of them probably have to do with pranking one of the jackass i rightbut i think we need a new kind of prank that would be involving a real civilian ( not actor) and one of the jackass crew...that way at first one of the jackass crew member wouldnt be suspecting something that he will be we prank the civilian first then one of the jackass crew member, so here is ...


This is a game just like "TRUTH or DARE" just the "JACKASS" way. Get some of the crew (try for AT LEAST 4) ready. Once the players are known, find out who will be going first. That person will pick someone to pick "LOSE OF FAIL". If they pick "LOSE" you must think of 1st dumb idea pops in your head or something already made up. If they pick "FAIL" they are hit in the nuts (as many times as you all have picked). This goes on till one person is left.

How To: Embellish a scrapbook

In this video series, expert Grace Fraga shows you how to embellish a scrapbook. While embellishing a scrapbook is a very personal project, everybody can use some creative ideas when it comes to decorating your photographs. Embellish a scrapbook - Part 1 of 15.

News: ideas for prank

1.dress like mannequin in stor in a loaded street and when people will stare we suddenly be washed right into the window by water hose that will operated by saomone behind!!it will be soooo fffuuunnnyy2place two poles with elastic ropes, on lake or sea shore and compete by throw people. pleeeaaasss you have to choose me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

News: Balls of wax.

I was thinking about how you could get a seat warmer and put hot wax on a toilet seat. Then they go to sit down on it and hopefully there balls will brush against the wax but when they go to get up it rips at all there hair down there. This idea is still in works because one it would be funny as hell to see happen to someone especially if they wake up or half asleep when it happens.

News: Naughty Prank Ideas

If one of your is really messy then you can try this prank on them. It actually happened with me and believe me it works!! If the person concerned just doesn’t clean up his or her mess and from table or bed and you really find it irritating since that is the situation with most of us when we live in school or college hostels or when we share a flat. So to teach a lesson stick a sign on the bed and the wardrobe, which would say that the wardrobe and the bed are meant for piling waste and when ...

News: Set up Jackass autograph signing but it wont be Jackass when people get there

So this one is going to be a prank on hundreds, maybe thousands of people. What you're going to do is advertise a Jackass autograph signing somewhere. Put up flyers or posts on Facebook or something like that to get people to come. Have a long ass table set up with a bunch of chairs so people think its a seat for each member of Jackass. Make people wait a little telling them the Jackass crew are running a little late. Then after a little while you can announce that Jackass has arrived and the...

News: Pallet Potty

I don't have any pictures; however, I did experience the most challenging event ever! My Best friend and I live in a very "bon fire friendly" area (not much to do while under age, so we would frequent the motorcycle park and made many friends! One time, we had 4 wood pallets burning on a hot camp fire, the flames were about two feet above the fire ring, then the urge to visit the little girl's room hit me and I had to tinkle. Since the boys could go anywhere, I interpreted that as a challenge...

How To: Rebuild your car engine

If there's one thing in life you should know, it's how to take care of your car. Getting around town is one of this hardest things to do unless you have a car. Automobiles transport us to work, to school, to shopping centers and they even take us to our impossible in-laws, but they can't and they won't if they aren't maintained properly. So, if you think you need a little help to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape, who better to teach than the team at NASCAR? These NASCAR racing experts will h...

News: I hope this prank isnt going too far, but I have more.

Ok, so my friend Nathan and I play pranks a lot and a lot of them on his cousin Justin and we think Jackass might be able to help us pull the ultimate prank on him. He'll cry, piss, and shit his pants for sure if you help us do this. I hope this idea isnt going too far. This is a must read though. Read it all!Ok, so it will start off by us telling him that we have some movie part in California(he'll fall for that) and that they're flying us out there and they want him to come too. You guys wi...

How To: Program a universal remote control

In this instruction videos for operating your home theater, learn how to program and use a universal remote control. A universal remote is a device that allows you to control several different home electronics appliances at once: the stereo, DVD player, VCD, TV, satellite dish, etc. With the abundance of home entertainment electronics in this day and age, it’s probably a good idea to have one. Our expert will walk you how to program the remote to control most of the devices you’ll find plugge...

News: Crash the Party

Crashing a frat party would be the type of prank that the guys of Jackass could pull off, like no others. My idea would be taking a boring overdone prank and cranking it up a few notches, like a jackass prank on steriods. Fraternities at the University of Alabama are very serious about their parties. If you are not on the list then you have no chance of getting in. I am assuming that all school's greek systems are the same. That reason alone makes it a challenge. I am suggesting that they guy...