Meaningful Conversations Search Results

News: Mimesys Combines Mixed & Virtual Reality Holoportation Capabilities into One Solution

Mimesys, whose core focus has always been about creating holographic representations of humans for virtual and augmented reality, has released a video showing off their holographic communication platform in action. This new communication tool uses a combination of virtual reality, with the HTC Vive and a Kinect, and mixed reality, with the HoloLens, to allow the users to have virtual meetings from anywhere in the world as though they are in the same room.

News: Inputs for the HoloLens Can Be from Any Device... Even a Smartphone

We've highlighted the projects of Wavelength Studios a few times over recent months for their work in the augmented and mixed reality space. Since receiving their HoloLens headsets, they've been hard at work on both development community projects as well as efforts for clients. This brings us to their latest work—a way to control holograms on the HoloLens with our pocket-based modern miracles, also know as smartphones.

How To: Auto-Mute Group Chat Notifications Before They Get Annoying

If you have any group chats going, you're surely familiar with this scenario: One person sends a picture, then, within 30 seconds or so, all other participants chime in with one-word responses like "Cute," or "Awesome." It's a social nicety, so you have to expect this behavior, but that doesn't make it any less annoying when your phone randomly beeps and vibrates ten times in a row because of it.

How To: Android Nougat's Quick Reply Feature Already Looks Dated Next to This App

When Android Nougat is released sometime this fall (or sooner), a new feature called "Quick Reply" will allow users to respond to incoming text messages directly from the notification. It will definitely be nice to carry on a conversation without leaving the screen you're currently viewing, but unfortunately, most of us won't get that Android Nougat update for quite some time.

News: Drop That Kindle—Amazon Removes Encryption Support for Fire Tablets (Update: It's Coming Back)

If you have personal information stored on a Kindle Fire tablet, be warned that Amazon has removed encryption support for Fire OS 5. So if you have stuff on these devices...maybe a risque book, or private notes, or pictures you'd rather not let out to the world, now would be the time to remove them. And unless Amazon changes its mind and re-enables encryption, don't use your device for anything personal, as anyone who gets a hold of it will be able to gain access to everything on it.

How To: Use the Middle Finger Emoji on WhatsApp

Hidden deep in WhatsApp's emoji database is a middle finger emoji, and there's a really easy way to use it. Much like Spock's "live long and proper" Vulcan salute, this one can be used simply by copying and pasting the emoji from our tweet. Note that the emoji, for now, does not display properly on iOS devices, but it can still be sent. So if you're in a conversation with an Android or computer user, they'll see it just fine.

How To: This All-in-One Mods Catalog Makes Customizing the OnePlus One Extremely Convenient

Finding the right mix of custom ROM, kernel, and tweaks for my OnePlus One has left me flashing every new release I come across. This has led to many hours going through thread after thread trying to find the latest and best software out there for my phone. While I do enjoy the hunt, I would rather have a centralized location that covers all my bases, so that's why I have started using OnePlus One, an app by Alex Inthiaano.

How To: Keep Your Smartphone Usage in Check for Android & iPhone

We're living through the technological revolution, and while devices like the iPhone 6 or Galaxy S5 have made life easier and more entertaining, it's possible that sometimes our smartphone usage can become uncomfortably excessive. In your own experience, think about how anxious and off you feel when you leave your phone at home—Cell Phone Separation Anxiety or Phantom Phone Vibrations shouldn't be a real thing that we deal with.

How To: Prevent Snoops from Accessing Private Messages, Photos, Videos, & More on Your Nexus 7

My friends can be pretty shitty sometimes, but they're my friends nonetheless. On various occasions, they've secretly taken my device and made me look foolish by posting crude and embarrassing posts to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. With friends like these, who needs enemies, right? And it's because of these types of friends that we need to substantially upgrade the app security on our devices.

How To: The Trick to Hearing Your Friends Better at Loud Clubs & Concerts (And Having Them Hear You)

You may not notice it when you're intoxicated and banging your head to the music, but when you're at a club or concert, your ears are getting seriously damaged. The noise level is usually above most people's pain threshold for sound, which begins around 120 to 140 decibels. At that level, it only takes a few minutes to damage your hearing. For me, there's something even worse than long-term hearing loss in a loud environment—not being able to hear or talk to your friends.

How To: Install the New S Translator from the GS4 onto Your Samsung Galaxy S3

If you watched Samsung's Unpacked 2013 live last month, where they announced the new Galaxy S4, you probably sat through this awkward skit: This was Samsung's way of introducing their new translation software, dubbed S Translator. In the skit, the backbacking American traveler in Shanghai typed his question in English, and the phone spoke it aloud in Chinese. The other man replied in Chinese, and the app translated the message back into English. Live conversation translation aside, the app ca...

How To: Train a cat

This video series will teach you how to train your cat, emphasizing positive reinforcement obedience techniques. Utilize clickers, water and meaningful alternatives to bad behavior to help your feline friend be a happy and non-destructive member of the family.

How To: Your iPhone's Messages App Has 22 New Must-Try Features — And You Probably Didn't Know About Half of Them

Your iPhone's Messages app has some impressive new features and changes with iOS 17, and you've probably already noticed some of them just by using the updated app. But there are less apparent features, even hidden ones, that have likely eluded you that you're going to want to know about. There are even some new Messages features yet to be officially released.

How To: Make a simple paper hand puppet

Do you perform magic or stand-up comedy routines and often find yourself talking to yourself on stage? Do you envy Jeff Dunham and his elaborate selection of puppets that he can interact with onstage in order to have a conversation with himself without sounds TOO deranged? This video is here to help. It teaches you how to make a simple paper puppet out of only a piece of paper, scissors, and a pen who's face can be manipulated to make it looks like it's talking. Kind of. Talk to the hand!