Medical Abortion Search Results

How To: Draw blood with three different phlebotomy techniques

Drawing blood is only responsibility for hospital nurses, but a very important one, so knowing the proper procedure is up to you to master. You can only become efficient at taking blood samples by practicing, but you should also know all of the phlebotomy methods for extracting blood cultures. This interactive video module will help familiarize you with the phlebotomy medical procedures (three different versions), but is not meant to be your sole method of instruction— always ask for supervis...

News: Promises

It's soon going to be time for the elections and everyone is prepping up for it. The Republicans are waiting to elect Romney, who in my and many others view will not keep his promises. The Democrats are trying their best (its working) to make Obama as strong as possible against Mitt, who, in their minds, will be easy to defeat. Obama's acceptance polls have been steadily rising in the past few months.

News: Orgasm Inc. (2009)

Feature documentary about female orgasms. Below is the trailer for the feature Film Orgasm Inc. Orgasm Inc. (2009) is the first feature documentary by award-winning director Liz Canner. It premiered at the Hot Docs Documentary Film Festival. In the shocking and hilarious documentary, filmmaker Liz Canner takes a job editing erotic videos for a drug trial for a pharmaceutical company. Her employer is developing what they hope will be the first Viagra drug for women that wins FDA approval to tr...

How To: Manage nausea and vomiting of pregnancy clinically

This medical presentation discusses the management of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP). Many women who have to cope with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy endure tremendous physical hardship. This suffering may have a profound impact on family, work, and social life. Therefore, it is important for health professionals to realize that pregnant women who complain about nausea or vomiting are coming for help. Follow along with this presentation as it looks into the various aspects of NVP an...

How To: Wrap a bandage correctly

Watch this instructional medical how-to video to learn how to wrap a bandage correctly. A circular wrap is used to wrap a small body region. First, three to four inches of the appropriate sized gauze wrap is unrolled and placed flat. It is held in place with the thumb of one hand as the bandage is rolled around to provide at least two overlapping layers of bandage. The excess bandage roll is trimmed and the gauze is secured in place with a strip of tape. Wrap a bandage correctly.

How To: Stop someone from bleeding

This video demonstrates first aid for serious bleeding. Lay the injured person down with head slightly lower than the trunk or elevate wound above the level of the heart. Apply pressure, after bleeding stops, wrap tight with sterile gauze bandage. Get medical help for the victim. Good video for camping or just good knowledge for home. Stop someone from bleeding.

How To: Treat poison ivy

Poison ivy and its nasty cousins, poison sumac and poison oak strike year round. Poison ivy is found as a vine, it has 3 leaves and can have berries. The poison is called urushiol. If exposed, wash with hot soapy water immediately. Mild reactions can be treated with antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream for itching. Serious reactions need medical attention immediately. Treat poison ivy.

How To: Obtain blood cultures from cubital and cephalic veins

One of the key tasks of a nurse is being able to take blood samples, and the only way to get good at the procedure is by practice. Knowing the steps to drawing blood (to go to the lab) is key to both yours and your patient's safety. This interactive video module will help familiarize you with the phlebotomy medical procedure, but is not meant to be your sole method of instruction— always ask for supervision in performing a procedure if you've never done one before, or have little experience.

How To: Insert a peripheral IV catheter to administer fluids

IV's are used on patients to either administer fluids or medicines, and for a nurse, it's the number one task performed on the job in a hospital. Knowing the proper procedure for peripheral intravenous catheter insertion is a must. This interactive video module will help familiarize you with the medical procedure, but is not meant to be your sole method of instruction— always ask for supervision in performing a procedure if you've never done one before, or have little experience.

Vaccine bombshell: Baby monkeys develop autism after routine CDC vaccinations

If vaccines play absolutely no role in the development of childhood autism, a claim made by many medical authorities today, then why are some of the most popular vaccines commonly administered to children demonstrably causing autism in animal primates? This is the question many people are now asking after a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh (UP) in Pennsylvania revealed that many of the infant monkeys given standard doses of childhood vaccines as part of the...

How To: Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

What should you do in case of a major zombie outbreak? Many of the best survival techniques follow the same logic as to how you should prepare for major natural disasters; stock up on food and medical supplies, have an escape route, and form a community of people you can work with. When you're dealing with the flesh-eating undead, it also helps to invest beforehand in full body armor, weapons, and basic parkour lessons so that you know how to scale walls and jump across buildings when a horde...

How To: Relieve a Jellyfish Sting

What should you do if you ever get stung by a jellyfish? First things first—do not urinate on your jellyfish sting. Contrary to popular belief, human urine can aggravate any stingers stuck onto your skin, causing more venom to release. Your best bet for relieving your jellyfish sting is to get yourself some vinegar, shaving cream and a razor.

How To: Get the 'Pay Your Respects' Achievement in Batman: Arkham City

This has to be one of the most heartbreaking achievements to get in any game. In Batman: Arkham City, there's an area of the city where you can visit the place where Bruce Wayne's parents died. Not only do you have to go to the alleyway and see the chalk outline, but to get the achievement, you have to watch Batman bend over and mourn for a full minute. During that time, you get a real sense of who this dude is: a lonely guy trying to do the right thing.

Neuro-Fashion: Wiggling Cat Ears with Brainwaves

While most people go to great lengths to conceal their emotions, Japanese company Neurowear is offering a product that would reveal states of tension, excitement and relaxation—all by the up-and-down motion of a pair of cartoony cat ears. Necomimi is a "new communication tool that augments human’s body and ability." The device reads your brain waves and communicates your emotions before you even open your mouth:

News: MIT Student Invents $3 Blood Sucking Plunger That Could Speed Up Healing for Millions

The medical field has known for some time now that negative pressure (re: suction) can drastically speed up wound recovery time. However, the machines that are currently available are quite expensive, and not an option for third world countries. Enter MIT student Danielle Zurovcik. The doctoral student has created a hand-powered suction-healing system that could completely revolutionize first aid in developing nations. Her device goes for only 3 bucks a pop.

News: The GOP Race

It seems the Republicans aren't happy about Obama. But then again, they never will be. As the time for re-election draws near, the Republican Party is scrambling to chose their candidate who will beat Obama. So far, Mitt Romney (we'll discuss the candidates soon) has somewhat dominated the scene, with spurts of awesomeness from Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul stays steady, currently holding the second most number of delegates (yes, we'll go over terms also).

Whoa, Dude, I’m Bleeding: A Simple First Aid Experience

This weekend, I was on a trip to Binghamton. In the midst of unpacking my toiletries at the hotel, I found that my brand new razor blade had lost its cap. How did I find that out? Well, when I pulled my hand out of the bag, I found that my right pointer finger was missing a bit of its tip and dripping blood on everything. Thankfully, Nathan G. H. Shlivovitz was with me and knew what to do, but the experience helped me to realize that everyone needs a little first aid knowledge in life. Here a...