Medical Aid Search Results

How To: Treat burns and scalds (British Red Cross)

No one can escape the wrath of fire. Eery living person will experience some sort of burn during their lifespan, from scalds to third degree burns. Burns and scalds are among the most common injuries requiring emergency treatment in hospitals, but would you know what to do if a friend or family member, maybe even a stranger, burned themselves badly? Could you help?

How To: Perform CPR on an adult (British Red Cross)

CPR. It's stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which is the emergency medical procedure for restoring a person's normal heartbeat and breathing when experiencing heart failure or breathing impairment. It's the number one way to save a life, and everyone should know it, whether you're certified or not.

How To: Form a makeshift, provisional first aid kit

First aid is important, and not everyone is prepared or even knows what to do in an emergency situation. You could save the day, or at least mend your paper cut. THe key to first aid is the first aid kit. If your's is not up to date, or if you can't afford a real one, then watch this video to see how to form a makeshift, provisional first aid kit.

How To: Treat a child's cut, scrape, or bruise

Kids will be kids, which means they'll always be getting into trouble and they'll always be getting hurt. But that's just a part of growing up. Don't worry about preventing these mishaps, just be prepared for when they happen. Children are so active that there’s always a chance they will get cuts, scrapes and bruises. Stay calm and follow these tips to get your child back on their feet.

How To: Use the BD Genie Safety Lancet blood sampler device

Check out this video tutorial to see how to use the BD Genie Safety Lancet blood sampler device. BD Genie Lancets are high quality, safety-engineered, single-use capillary blood sampling devices. They offer a permanently retractable blade or needle feature that minimizes the possibility of injury or reuse. BD offers a full range of blade depth and needle gauges for sufficient blood volume in multiple sample requirements. All Genie's can be used in conjunction with BD Microtainer Tubes.

How To: Apply a bandage and dressing to a minor wound

Dressings and bandages are the basic tools of first aid. The type of dressing and bandages as well as the techniques for applying them will vary. But with the help of this first aid how to video, you will be able to choose and apply the right one to an injured victim. These first aid tips for work are sure to keep your employees healthy and happy.

How To: Take an arterial blood gas sample

This medical how to video demonstrates how to take an arterial blood gas sample. The purpose or arterial gas sampling is to assess the patient's respiratory status as well as the acid/base balance in their blood. To perform this medical procedure you will need the following instruments: protective eye wear, gloves, alcohol, iodine, arterial blood gas sampling kit, gauze and a bag of ice. Please not that this video is intended for medical professionals only.

How To: Treat cauliflower ear

Check out this instructional first aid video with Kurt Osiander as he demonstrates how to fix cauliflower ear with some alcohol, a swab and a needle. Watch as Tom gets his ear deflated in just a minute or two. This video is perfect for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu performers. Learn how to fix cauliflower ear with this first aid tutorial video!

How To: Perform an examination of a traumatized hand

This medical how-to video demonstrates how to perform an examination of a traumatized hand. Doing such procedure can be a daunting task, as there may be several structures that may have been injured. Follow along as this resident surgeon shows you what guidelines to follow when examining a hand and wrist. Please note that this medical video is intended for medical professionals only.

How To: Stop severe bleeding (British Red Cross)

Everyone gets cut every once in a while, but sometimes those cuts can be more serious than expected. It could turn into severe bleeding, and there's a certain way to deal with this type of bleeding in a victim. How would you treat someone who was bleeding severely?

How To: Perform CPR on a person

If you came upon an emergency situation would you know what to do? First aid CPR techniques can come in handy at any time. Watch this first-aid how to video to learn how to perform CPR on an adult when you don't have any help.

How To: Treat a responsive casualty with first aid

As with any emergency situation it is important to follow the proper guidelines for emergency scene management. This first aid how-to video will show you what you need to know to be ready for an emergency, where ever it occurs. Learn to treat a responsive casualty and hopefully save their lives.

How To: Stop severe bleeding with first aid techniques

An emergency situation at work is about to occur, are you prepared? This first aid how-to video demonstrates what to do in case someone is severely bleeding. Begin by assessing hazards and making the area safe. Wear latex glove and assess the bleeding injury itself. Ask for additional help if need. The first aid tips in this video are sure to keep your workers healthy and happy.

How To: Treat work related burns

Burns are an injury to the body that can range from a sunburn to severe tissue damage. Burns are classified by the tissue and surface area affected. This first aid how-to video will show you how to treat a person who has been injured at work. Watch to learn great first aid tips that will keep your workers happy and healthy.

How To: Treat and access a work related sprain

Sometimes the difference between a sprain and a fracture can only be identified with an x-ray. However with the help of this first aid how-to video you will learn to properly treat a sprain. Complete a modified primary survey of the work related accident, access the limb that was injured, and apply ice. These first aid tips will help your workers stay healthy.

How To: Use and take off vinyl gloves

Protect yourself while doing first aid procedures on an injured person by using gloves. Vinyl gloves are usually preferred over latex gloves because many people are allergic to latex. Watch this first aid video tutorial to learn how to properly use and take off vinyl gloves to prevent contaminating yourself and other individuals.

How To: Recognize the symptoms of food poisoning

Food poisoning, also referred to as food-borne illness, is a gastrointestinal disorder that results from eating contaminated food. . Who is at risk? Anyone can get food poisoning, especially travellers and those who live in tropical climates. Infants, elderly people, and those with serious medical conditions have the greatest risk if they get food poisoning. Pregnant and breastfeeding women also need to be especially careful. Learn about the different causes, symptoms, and treatments of food ...

How To: Diagnose septic shock symptoms

Septic shock is a serious and often life threatening emergency medical condition in which the blood pressure is extremely low. Insufficient blood therefore reaches the body tissues and this means that not enough oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the body. Medical shock is a serious circulatory condition not to be confused with emotional shock or surprise. Learn more about shock and the symptoms in this medical how-to video.