Medical Aid Search Results

How To: Get the 'Pay Your Respects' Achievement in Batman: Arkham City

This has to be one of the most heartbreaking achievements to get in any game. In Batman: Arkham City, there's an area of the city where you can visit the place where Bruce Wayne's parents died. Not only do you have to go to the alleyway and see the chalk outline, but to get the achievement, you have to watch Batman bend over and mourn for a full minute. During that time, you get a real sense of who this dude is: a lonely guy trying to do the right thing.

Neuro-Fashion: Wiggling Cat Ears with Brainwaves

While most people go to great lengths to conceal their emotions, Japanese company Neurowear is offering a product that would reveal states of tension, excitement and relaxation—all by the up-and-down motion of a pair of cartoony cat ears. Necomimi is a "new communication tool that augments human’s body and ability." The device reads your brain waves and communicates your emotions before you even open your mouth:

How To: Do the Two Needle Cast On Knitting

There are so many different ways to cast on knitting. I have my own favorite. It's the way I learned when I first started knitting. My way is called TWO NEEDLE CAST ON. I like this 2 needle method because you don't have to guess how much you need to measure out a length of yarn at the beginning. I also think it makes a tighter and straighter edge.

News: Jackass Wax Stiffy

Back in November I visited The Hollywood Wax Museum on Hollywood Blvd. After pacing through the entire museum, I was bothered deep down in the guch area that there were no Jackass wax mannequins! So I took the liberty of making my own Johnny Knoxville mannequin. The plan was to make one, fly it down to LA(couch of course) and then try to actually get it into the Hollywood Wax Museum as a joke. Now the joke/prank has evolved!...

How To: Make quick Indian-style chickpea vegan curry

Love curry? Why not try cooking curry at home instead of spending dough at the local Indian restaurant? But forget about the curry powder. It's a total misnomer when dealing with authentic Indian curries, so put it down. In fact, throw it away. You'll never need it again! Curry is not one powdered spice, but a blend of many aromatic herbs and spices.

KONY 2012: Propaganda At It's Finest?

The most recent viral video on YouTube is just that. A viral video. After seeing all the hype and 'support' that the 'movement' is getting, I want to tell you that this is a misleading video and somewhat of a propaganda campaign. These are strong accusations against such a 'humanitarian' cause, but I'm here to show you why.

News: The GOP Race

It seems the Republicans aren't happy about Obama. But then again, they never will be. As the time for re-election draws near, the Republican Party is scrambling to chose their candidate who will beat Obama. So far, Mitt Romney (we'll discuss the candidates soon) has somewhat dominated the scene, with spurts of awesomeness from Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul stays steady, currently holding the second most number of delegates (yes, we'll go over terms also).

How To: Vent a fish

Scientific studies have shown that species with large swimbladders, especially bottom dwelling fish such as grouper and snapper, derive an immediate benefit from venting.

News: The Godfathers of Street Art. (non-letter based)

With the Oscar nomination of "Exit Through the Gift Shop" and Banksys rise to global fame, street art is becoming more and more accepted into the global art establishment and mainstream culture. Shepard Faireys "Hope" poster is now one of the most recognized posters in the world, some experts saying that it will become just as unmistakably american as uncle Sams "i want you!" WWII army recruitment poster. Banksys work sells for thousands of dollars in auctions, and has fans in mainstream holl...

News: 5 Ways You Can Help Japan's Tsunami Victims Right Now, From Your Couch

A devastating tragedy occurred in Japan on Friday when a monstrous 8.9-magnitude quake hit, causing a 10 meter (33 foot) tsunami to engulf the northeastern coast of the country. There are reports of over 1,000 people who have lost their lives, tens of thousands evacuated, and massive damage. Whether you have a lot or a little to give, here are five ways you can aid in the relief effort this very moment, without even leaving your couch.

News: Minecraft World's Weekly Workshop: Building a Redstone Sorting Machine

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Sometimes keeping track of items in Minecraft can get out of hand, and it seems like there's never enough room in chests. With a redstone sorting machine you can easily keep track of your food, armor, potions, and more! No more rifling through chests to find the right item. The redstone sorting machine will help you categorize, find, and retrieve items at the push of a button.

News: Artist to Schlep Mammoth Chunk of Ice from Greenland to NYC

It's an ambitious How-To project to say the least, or more specifically, an over-the-top political art installation by San Francisco artist Brian Goggin. You may have previously heard of Goggin for his "Defenestration" project—an installation of "frozen" furniture, being tossed mid-air from a San Francisco apartment building. But Goggin's latest project sounds significantly more challenging to execute, considering the elaborate game plan involved:

News: Cure Insomnia with the Pzizz Sleep Aid App for Android and iPhone

Dealing with insomnia? Just can't fall asleep at night? Well, there's a few things you can do to escape those restless nights. You can take a hot bath (unless you're a shower person), do some yoga (granted you can do the downward-facing dog), or try a little tapping (if you don't mind smacking yourself in the face). But let's face it—most people who have trouble sleeping use prescription medication or natural remedies like melatonin. If you don't want to be dependent on sleeping pills, then m...

News: World's Smallest 3D Printer Makes Super Tiny Solid Objects

If you liked the idea of cutting duplicate keys from a personal 3D printer, then you might be interested to know that researchers at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria have successfully designed the smallest 3D printer to date. The prototype device is smaller than a shoebox and weighs only 3.3 pounds. It uses stereolithography compared to the RepRap's extruding molten plastic, and it's not a self-replicating machine and costs a bit more, at nearly $1,800 each. But compare that to ...

LeafSnap: Identify Tree Species in Just One Click

Being a Southern Californian, I typically miss out on the incredible springtime bloom of flowering trees in the East. But not this year. By some stroke of luck, I was in Boston early last week, and witnessed the most spectacular trees and foliage at their prime—lilac, magnolias, crabapples, dogwood, and many more.

Printable Tactile Astronomy: How to "See" Outer Space if You're Blind

Have you ever felt the desire to reach out and touch a galaxy? Or "feel" those stunning nebulas and planets you see in Hubble photos? As alluring as it sounds, it's safe to say the odds of your whim coming true are nonexistent. You'd have to travel about 6 earth years and spend millions of dollars building your own personal spacecraft to get close enough to actually wave your hand through one of Saturn's rings. But in an attempt to help the blind "see" what they're missing, some semblance of ...

News: Facebook Photo Album Hacked (You Can Do It, Too)

When the much buzzed Facebook profile page redesign was released back in December, French artist and co-director of ad agency La Bande Originale Alexandre Oudin came up with an innovative way to maximize the visual possibilities of the page. His clever "hack" created a ripple effect of copycats across the web.